Comments on Profile Post by Phoenix

  1. John_0696
    Oh yeah I saw it, Probably the most emotional episode I've ever seen, The Fight Animation with Aaron and Ein was fantastic to watch, Aphmaus Song cover was really good, But wow this Episode managed to get me teary eyed, that doesn't happen very often for me. I Think Aaron went out like a true Hero, He fought hard for the ones he loved. But overall this was a very well made episode.
    May 7, 2017
    Phoenix likes this.
  2. John_0696
    Honestly if I could give out an award to Aphmau for her hard work I would.
    May 7, 2017
  3. Phoenix
    Aran is probably pretty dead tho, even tho I really don't want him to die.
    May 7, 2017
  4. John_0696
    Me neither, Even though I dont really participate in the whole shipping thing, I think Aphmau and Aaron belong together.
    May 7, 2017