I myself don't have it, but I have a few tips: - Don't die - Be smart - Stalk everyone - Steal classy cars - Be batman - Don't die again you idiot (JK) That's all you need to win.
Hmm. I just wanna hack things. ATMs, doors, traffic lights :). Stalking.. very helpful. Don't die. Nu Be batman. Dun a nunnannananananana batman!
I have it for 360. I also heard that you can get a suppressed 416. Want tips? Here is some that I use that helps me a lot. If you want to get away from the cops, have a fast car such as the Papavero Stealth Edition (40 Uplay points), also, have the skill to disable helicopters and to overload Steam Pipes. Have powerful guns, AK-47, ACR, Grenade Launchers, Snipers, Shotguns, D50, Etc. Before committing crimes, have Jam Coms to disable the caller's phone. Have your battery slots maxed out. When in restricted areas, use a suppressed gun (Spec ops 1911), until they open fire. If they open fire, use a better gun. Make sure to have skill to interrupt comms and disable reinforcement calls. The personal weapons I use. AK-47 U100 AA-12 (or whatever the name is in the game) Spec ops 1911 D50 Goblin SMV (Correct me if I got the name wrong) AC-12 Any grenade launcher. I will get the ACR.
If someone is invading you. Be tactical, meaning don't run out to the middle and look everywhere. (I do that lol) Use hacking to your advantage. This includes when you are hacking someone. Use cameras If they are driving away, Use steam pipes or traffic lights to disrupt their driving Be discreet about it. If you know that their hacking you and it doesn't tell you that the person is hacking you. Then equip a machine gun or something rapid fire then look for the suspicious person. --WHEN HACKING SOMEONE-- Try to blend with a group of NPCs. And act like your a NPC. Have a car ready for when the opposing player spots you. (Because the game doesn't let you kill them for some reason.) Use Cameras to constantly know where they are. And if they are headed your way, get out of the camera and move to a corner that they wont see you. And remember that you aren't the only one using cameras, They could be using some cameras as well. Wherever you are hiding, make sure that there are no cameras near you so that you can be undetectable. --CAMPAIGN-- When in a restricted area, use any silenced weapon you have. When you get spotted, Switch to a gun that is better than a pistol. When you need more time do headshot someone, Use focus. (Right stick or whatever PlayStation calls it) Use lures when you are in a restricted area so you can get past someone without killing them If you have a level that you are the "Villian" then try to only walk in alleys because if you are on the news, people will attempt to call the police Have fun with watch dogs. As I did. I beat the campaign and enjoyed it! If you have it on XB1 then lets play together sometime!
To add on when you are being invaded, I don't recommend hiding in cars. You can be on low or high surfaces (meaning you can go on top of buildings or underground).
When shooting and having a hard time, use your focus. It really helps. Try to complete a lot of crimes so you could get xp and upgrade your skills. When you need to find a person in a restricted area, first use cameras to identify them. B e sure to have enough parts to make grenades, etc. Some good guns/pistols: Any sniper Chrome AK47 Goblin Spec ops
Try to invest you skill points into the 'Hacking Money' bit of the tree. Once you get that fully upgraded, you will be stealing up to $8000 from the people that walk around on the street. This leaves you to buy BIG GUNS for later mission, buy fast cars etc. Also try to use your 'Slow-Mo' ability a lot. Also if you are getting yourself into a car chase (the people are chasing you). Go into an ally way and pull out a grenade launcher and just blow the shit out of everyone.
I have it but it's laggy as heck. Anyways just remember how to hack very well because it's a one-time tutorial. I used to hack police stations,and I have every single DLC.Especially Season Pass,it's too fun!
I have the game on Xbox 360 and i finished it xD At the end i killed Mariuce , that bastard with no soul , killed damian . But the end was bad , i mean , what happened with Nicky and James (if that's he's name) . They just dissapeared with the car ... Oh i made all fixer contracts , 10 crimes sloved , 10 cars unlocked (yeah , not so many) and i want to know what happens when you play the digital trip "alone" what happens when you hack all the dark generators ?
The best tip I can give you is... NEVER EVER EVER Piss the cops off! The minute you're in their target zone, they'll make your gameplay a living hell. Even in certain missions, they'll chase after you. They will chase you down and kill you! Even when fixers shoots/throws a grenade/assaults/stabs/ka-boom you, they'll still chase after you! Because the Po-Po is dumb. But if you want revenge, just open your smartphone and head to the Digital Trips. Choose the Spider Tank and enjoy killing every single god damn cop you see >:3 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Cops in watch dogs are easy. One shot headshot the normal ones, Then spray the veterans with machine guns. Kills juggernauts with rocket launchers or shotguns. No idea. I have all guns, almost all cars, almost finished campaign. And 3 million bucks.
I've got it for the ps4. One major tip: Don't shoot/throw a grenade/or anything of that nature around innocent NPCs. The cops are so annoying when that happens.