Thank You -PolarLightx :)

Discussion in 'Server Discussion' started by Polarlightx, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Polarlightx


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    I remember hoping on this server 8 years ago and man what a journey it’s been. Even though I know most of you won’t see this, I just wanna say thank you to everyone, the players and staff. hopefully, I wasn’t that big of an ass to people and I'm grateful for everyone here.

    To everyone in kitpvp and factions, it was really fun playing with or against everyone. iLaborious, I remember when we first met and I'm so thankful to have met you early on. you’re an amazing guy and I wish you the best. vaping, nos, iron, jqcking, itslarsa, tiger, stalenail, tence3000, sandlock, smtt, alqris, yeltic, combine/benny, voltwave, 32x4, husomc, eggman, (turk squad), mistakiingv2, venom, avi, introuble, zyraki,xlone,franky, glowside, siere, wolfstuff, robin, (polar gang), xulon, theredfin, zapay, timyus, xstarqnight, chosenZ, rmp500, frostms, octaviene, triece, mr.faborious, t3, ezzerland, skychopper,censoredanime, masey, yairdy, SIR_KINGDH glaive, literul, shinra, epicmine, emptys, dior, gyptian, imhappy, chillz, daisy,fearzz, ighostify, creeper1561 (best leader), fuseh (the goat), jovan, stroof you were all incredibly cool people and i hope you’re all doing well. I know I'm probably missing a lot of people, but still know it was really nice to play with everyone. Ik for factions and kitpvp we were all pretty toxic LOL, but if I did say anything mean to anyone, I apologize. Looking back I was so immature LOL. I hope you guys are doing well and best of luck with future endeavors. Though I swear if we all were in the same faction, we would have been unstoppable. Either way, I had a lot of fun and I hope everyone else did too.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024