[Story Time] Entries For Characters

Discussion in 'Creation Showcase' started by Contemptible, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. Contemptible

    Contemptible | Former Mοd | Donator

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    I plan to write a story themed off of some variation of a mysterious story. I do not have the details, yet.

    That being said, I will definitely need characters for this story and I am asking the community to come forth and create characters to be featured in this story.

    -0- Format -0-
    Forums Name:
    Character Name:
    Character Background:
    Character features (Looks/age/attitude/etc):
    Is your character flat or round? (See Spoiler):
    If your character entry lacks information/detail about them I will create something that'll surprise the reader (round).
    If your character has information/detail throughout I will not change anything about them (flat).

    Any questions you may have I will gladly answer.

    (Move this thread if it is in the wrong section, staff).
    meemo and capsa like this.
  2. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    Forums name: Smg
    Character name: Daniel
    Character background: Grew up on a farm but his mother died when he was young, leaving him to live with his father. No siblings, but very close to his dad.
    Character features: 18 years old, stubble beard, spiked hair, jeans with a black short-sleeved shirt. Adidas shoes.
    Flat or Round: Flat I suppose
    Costellon likes this.
  3. Costellon

    Costellon professional Boy Donator

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    Forums Name: @Paint (duh)
    Character Name: Jack
    Character Background: Born in another country, moved to wherever the story is based, parents got a divorce 2 years ago, depressed ever since.
    Character features (Looks/age/attitude/etc): Red coat, jeans, country work boots, curly blonde hair, blue eyes,
    Is your character flat or round? (See Spoiler): Flat, i think.
    Gender: Male
  4. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    Forums Name: thesabeer903

    Character Name: Saber

    Character Background: Infused with a cat and has to keep it a secret from everyone.

    Character features (Looks/age/attitude/etc): Galaxy Hair, White Dress, brown belt, High heel boots. EDIT: 23 Years of Age, Married to Markiplier.

    Is your character flat or round? (See Spoiler): round
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
  5. rosellavio

    rosellavio Donator

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    Forums Name: Rosa/Rosanna/FrozenRoses (currently rosa)
    Character Name: Rose
    Character Background: Got bullied a lot, moved to where the story takes place
    Character features (Looks/age/attitude/etc): Looks: Blonde curly hair, white t-shirt and jeans - Attitude: meH - Age: 17
    Is your character flat or round? (See Spoiler): flat
  6. meemo

    meemo the forgetful Donator

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    -0- Format -0-
    Forums Name: @Meemo

    Character Name: Meem or Deemo or even Bob

    Character Background: Just a guy trying to fit in with society. He is just the "Normal" guy..

    Character features (Looks/age/attitude/etc): Looks: Very Plain and boring. Like this: IMG_0954.jpg (yes he is bald)
    His normal attire would be Hoodies,Overalls, or just the plain Shirt and Jeans.

    Age: 17

    Attitude: This guy is a bit stupid. He has a hard time fitting in.. He can't seem to solve any Problems without any help.. He is very Kind.. (a bit too kind) He will trust anyone. Hurting this guy even if it's just the tiny little thing can make him extremely sad.. or even depressed. The reason why He joined this mystery thing or got involved in it is unknown.

    Is your character flat or round? (See Spoiler): He can be both. (You can decide on the two)
    Round: (He could develop into a more strong and smart character.)
    or Flat: (This guy can just be comedic)

    (I'm not really good at the Character Making thing eh?)
  7. kiraa

    kiraa ugh Donator

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    Forums Name: @kirq
    Character Name: kira
    Character Background: sociable and kinda of a clown at times can adapt to anything easily
    Character features (Looks/age/attitude/etc): 17, gets angered easily basically sensitive, loves wearing girly dresses and tomboy outfits and bows black hair please light skin tone
    Is your character flat or round? (See Spoiler): round
  8. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    Forums Name: @Bloke
    Character Name: Joey
    Character Backround: Dual-Nationality, with a thick Irish accent, A star pupil in his classes, insecure and frustrated easily on the inside, tries to make the comic relief of the situation the majority of the time.
    Character Features: 19, VERY-DARK brown hair, grey eyes, Enthusisastic and tries to help, hates being told he's wrong, usually wears a sports jersey under a jacket, with trousers and Adidas shoes.
    Is Your character Flat or round: Flat, but could develop in the story.
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix Donator

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    Forums Name: Phoenix
    Character Name: Scarlett
    Character Background: Nobody really knows about her background. (see attitude)
    Character features (Looks/age/attitude/etc): Bright blue eyes and brown mid-long hair. 15, and a really happy and bubbly person. This is why nobody really knows anything about her. She just smiles the problems away, or does she?
    Is your character flat or round? (See Spoiler): Probably round.
  10. jenn

    jenn Donator

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    Forums Name: Zucchini
    Character Name: jenn
    Character Background: speaks multiple languages. Comes from an okay family, with nothing exciting in life happened yet. Moved away from home to learn living independently.
    Character features (Looks/age/attitude/etc): 14, silver haired. Wears a blue scarf with dark colored coat. Brown eyes and pale skin tone. Speaks with monotone voice and is always munching on snacks. Has a positive viewpoint and a lot of opinions but doesn't speak up most of the times, leading to unnecessary trouble often. Has a bright personality that never shows up
    Is your character flat or round? (See Spoiler): flat