Hey guys it's Scarce here and this is INSANE. So it turns out that Apple has a fork and knife emoji, but no spoon. This is just insane.. #SpoonLivesMatter
That's like saying mirrors are just windows that show your reflection. No! They are two totally different things. Same thing with forks and spoons. They are two totally different pieces of silverware with two completely different functions. Everyone values forks more because they can puncture food. But what are you going to do when you have to eat rice? Or spoon some soup? The spaces will be the forks downfall. This is why spoons need to be recognized more in society today. They are incredibly underrated and under appreciated. So under appreciated that Apple doesn't feel the need to give them an emoji. Spoons need more value, more recognition, more justice! #SpoonLivesMatter #JusticeForSpoons