This is a duel that no one can escape if it's started so ima start it! I'm more of a Samsung person because like Macs don't really work the same way. HP, Samsung, Android, etc is my preference, what's your opinion? (Please keep fighting to a minimum lmao)
So, are we fighting PC vs Mac or Android vs Apple (vs Windows) If PC vs Mac - Uhhh, my main gaming rig is running Windows, my laptop runs Linux 99% of the time, my router and NAS run FreeBSD, and my two servers run Linux (technically one runs VMware ESXi, but that's still Linux :3). I prefer to build my own PCs, but servers will probably always be off-lease Dells, and my laptop will probably always be a Lenovo ThinkPad (I hope to get the ThinkPad with the Xeon in it one day) If Android vs. Apple, then Android all the way, and personal preference on manufacturer currently is Motorola - really nice phones, for a really nice price.
I like PC. However I dislike Samsung (and to an extent all android phone makers) for a few reasons: - The bloatware, that the disguise as features that come with the device. - The fact that Android is extremely fragmented, and I might not get an update :/.
If you're careful about your device shopping, you can actually get a phone without all that bloatware on there Mainly you're looking at either the OnePlus series, the Moto X Pure edition, and the Nexus series. Plus, as a great addition, the Nexus series gets updates almost as soon as they come out officially from Google : D
Yes, I was considering getting myself one of those phones, since they seem relatively pure experiences and because iPhones are so damn expensive xd.
I can speak for the Moto X Pure, it's a wonderful device, with only enough vendor programs to take advantage of hardware features of the phone, and nothing else - Google launcher, no carrier bloatware, just a nice, pure Android experience.
Apple has a pretty good OS, which is simple and easy to work around, however, the direction Apple has been going recently isn't good. They can literally take out features one by one (like the headphone jack), and still earn more profits, because their consumers will still buy their products, "just because it's Apple." The new Google Pixel looks cool, I'll decide if it's good or not when it's out, but it does seem to have a lot of potential, and not to mention, Google indirectly made fun of Apple in their advertisement.