Okay so my friends @HungryHiccups and @Snowh think "funner" and "gooder" is a word and my soul literally died xD. I get annoyed when I dont even use proper English. Is anyone the same way or is it just me? ;-;
I admit I get annoyed when people don't use proper English but I don't really care when I'm on the Internet. If it's something that has so many grammatical errors, I want to blow myself up, then it's annoying. I don't mind if it's like one or two but know that I think about it, if someone used "funner" or "gooder" when talking to me in a real conversation, I'd literally yell at them for a good five seconds about all these grammar rules like a true grammar Nazi.
Dear Sara, I can speak proper English very well. I stated that I used to say funner and it is in my personal dictionary.
Don't come to Australia then. We have the worst proper English usage of an English speaking country ever xd
Alongside with proper English, we also need proper grammar. You're missing apostrophes in your contractions.
Uh... I don't mean to be a party pooper but.. "funner" and "gooder" are words* So then how are you alive if it literally died? I get annoyed when I don't* I am not a grammar Nazi, so please don't kill me.. this is a joke ok?
My soul died xD Omfg I wanted to slap someone. Dun do that to me please ;-; SHHH I MADE THIS AT THREE IN THE MORNING, I WAS BRAIN-DEAD But it seems as if you have a good usage of proper English, so props to you. :)
Also, this sentence is wrong. GRAMMATICAL ERRORS WITHIN THIS CERTAIN COMMENT: - No period (Stated in above comment) - "F" in fluent and "P" in professional are not supposed to be capitalized. - This is a sentence fragment. THINGS WRONG WITH THIS SENTENCE: - You can't have 'Professional' English as this is not a thing. - You're not using the word "Fluent" correctly, please see this definition: flu·ent ˈflo͞oənt/ adjective (of a person) able to express oneself easily and articulately. "a fluent speaker and writer on technical subjects" (Credits: Google) Therefore, your sentence does not have "Fluent Professional English" ______________________________________________________ sry im bored
This sentence disgusts me. Let me fix this for you. First, I must start by pointing out grammatical errors. - "lelelelele" is not a valid word in the English Dictionary (According to Webster Dictionary) - "correktion" is also not a valid word in the English Dictionary (Did you mean "Correction"?) Let's fix the grammatical errors. Ha-ha, your comment corrected mine. Now, lets give it a different font. Ha-ha, your comment corrected mine. That was the Times New Roman font. It is very professional. Let's give it some color. Ha-ha, your comment corrected mine. This dark red seems professional enough. Now, I will add just a few minor adjustments to make the sentence complete. FINISHING RESULT: Wow, thanks @139 you really helped. I think you're very awesome and everybody should follow you. Here, take all my money, you're too MLG for me anyway. There, that's better.
Spoiler: rant on grammer Its one thing to pratice good grammer, and keep it to your self. Its another to shove it down someones throat. To me, if you can read it and it makes sense, its fine. (then again some of my posts dont even cross that line) This is a minecraft forum, not an accadimic discussion bord, grammer does not need to be enforced. If you want to use spot on grammar, thats fine more power to you. But it gets old when the same person corrects you over nit picky stuff. Actually red is not allowed, According to MLA, APA, AP, and Chicago. All of these are well known, and well respected writing foramts for formal academic papers, essays, and publications. These formats set the tone for "professional communication" in high school. The go to color is Black, plain and simple. The other acceptable color is blue, not sky blue, not light blue, blue. The reason for this is a.) there dark colors, and easy to read. b.) most instructors will grade papers in a red pen, so the red will stand out from the blue/black. -- And as a tip: google is not an acceptable source, the box at the top is from a website (usealy wikipedia) that supplies that info. All google did was pin it to the top, because we are to lazy to find a website. I ssy this now because as you move on with english, teachers flip when you put google as a work cited. Its a bad habit to get into.