"Wake up.''Hearing that in my dreams scared me.''Wake up,Pluto,you do't want to miss your 15th Birthday.''As hearing that I shot up and saw my sister Sun,standing there with an irritated look on her face."That's what I thought lazy pants,''she said.I got up from bed and looked in the mirror.Same ole' blue hair and pajamas I had from the day before.I ran and started looking around the house yelling ,"DAD." No Answer.I went into the kitchen to see my sisters sitting at the table with startled looks on all of their faces."Dad's...missing,"Venus said,"stolen from our small,warm house. After Venus said that I knew what I had to do.I ran into my room,got dressed,and ran to the spot where I hid my bow and quiver. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* "Here",Mom said,"Take this."My Mom handed me a silver bow and a leather quiver.Her hand reached out to grab my long,blue hair."I love you",she said. "I love you too",I replied.The heart monitor attatched to her wrist went to a strait line and her clutch pulled on my blue hair *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Follow Me to see Part 2 and Others of Blue Ole' Pluto!