Your username: TheIncendium In which minigame/server does the bug occur: OITC Detailed description of bug: I do not know how but this player somehow got their pet chicken into a OITC match: The pet still followed the player around and behaved normally, I have no further information
Very strange mabye he spamed /pet before and when the match was starting. Try contacting @MrDeathWilliam and, this is minor until people are gaining advantages of a 'bug' as allways thank you for reporting this! Have a great day!
I posted this thread in "Report Bugs" for a reason. If I told William about this he would probably tell me to make a thread here lol, and William can't even fix bugs, it's J&H who have control over fixing plugins etc. It doesn't matter if it's minor or not, a bug is a bug and it should be fixed.