[My 10th And Final Story] Darkness Never Dies

Discussion in 'Creation Showcase' started by IAMINACTIVEBYE, May 2, 2016.



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    Yes, this will be my final story I will type on this website.
    It was a fun journey, but like what they say, all legends must have an ending.
    So I'm going to make this story about the past. I know what your thinking. "But Louise! Making this story about the past would make it identical to the 6th story!". Here's the thing: In the 6th story, the past came into the present. But in this story, the present goes into the PAST.

    If you've never read any of my previous stories, no need to worry. You don't need to read previous stories to have a better understanding of this one, since this story explains what happened in the past.
    Players may request to be in the story, but sometimes it may take a bit of time to add you in.
    Now please enjoy the 1st chapter to 'Darkness Never Dies'.

    @LouiseXminerX (Louise)
    @BlabDaFish (Blab)
    @Kryokin (Kry)
    @Sven007 (Agent S)
    @TwageTomato (Twage)
    @TheUndeadBrave (Undead)
    @SandyTheDog (Sandy)
    And... @CaptainJackValdy (Captain Jack)
    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 1 - The Resurrection
    1 Week After The Darkness's End...

    The entrance to the domain opened.
    I walked in while Blab, my assistant, held her torch high.
    "Louise, may I ask why are we here again?" Blab asked, looking bemused.
    "To uncover who I am..." I explained.
    I turned around when I realised I couldn't hear her footsteps. She stood there, looking depressed.
    "I know you don't remember what happened in the past, like when you were the enemy until you were turned to good, but this is Captain Jack's grave, the one who MADE you go evil." She said, looking pitch.
    "Blab. I know Captain Jack was the enemy and he was the one who created this war, but his assistance maybe the answer to mine." I explained, as I resumed walking forward.
    I heard her sigh and continue walking behind me.
    We finally reached where Captain Jack laid.
    Golden writing glowed brightly as the torch's brightness touched it.
    What the writing said seemed impossible to read due to the strange symbols and lines it showed.
    "Dang it. If only if Twage followed us..." I cursed.
    "Why would we need Twage?" Blab asked.
    "Because due to his magic spells and magical mind, he'd probably be able to translate what this says." I explained.
    "You know Twage isn't the smartest... he probably won't be able to translate this." She sighed.
    It was true that Twage wasn't the brightest in our group. In fact, our group isn't very bright, too.

    We have the leader of this team known as Kry. However, ever since the war he's been extra cranky and grumpy. He kept his past a secret towards us, so his identity maybe unknown.
    We have the scared, afraid and awkward one known as Agent S. He's been in the group for quite sometime, but his skills hasn't improved. Pretty sure he's only in our group because he knows the past of me like yesterday, and usually does have important information about the past that maybe a solution to the future.
    Of course, we have Twage, and like Blab said, he isn't very smart... he has a craving for tomato's and can be quite stupid. But he is quite useful due to his magical spells he's had for years and his magical mind.
    And then we have Undead, the one who's been here since the war has begun. He told me that he's been training me since my journey started, which lead to me being the 'light', also known as the hero. So he's like the glue who keeps us together.
    You've met Blab. She's my assistant, but she can be quite... clumsy and also curious, so she can be quite annoying at times. But she's probably the only one I can trust, so I stick with her.
    And of course, me. I've... had a rough past. The past of me is unknown, and I was once the 'darkness', also known as the enemy. Turns out that I tried to destroy this planet last week, probably why Kry is so grumpy with me lately.
    So that's the group that's supposed to 'save' the world. Quite unbelievable, really.

    Anyway, I leaned closer to the grave. I examined it closely.
    "Why are you here?"
    I let out a tiny scream and froze still. A deep, scalding voice echoed through the zone.
    I thought it was Kry. He'd probably kill me if he knew what I was going to do.
    I heard the footsteps. I slowly turned around to see the consequences he was going to give me.
    But no one was there. I looked down, and I realised it was just my dog, Sandy.
    I forgot to mention Sandy. He's my dog, and I've heard he's been with me for the longest. But I don't really know him at all. I've heard he used to be a demon dog, but Twage turned him back to a normal dog. Yes, he can also speak due to some science experiments he was forced to have a month ago.
    He looked at me seriously, then scratched his ear using his back leg.
    "Kry and the others are looking for you. What are you doing here in Captain Jack's domain?" Sandy asked.
    "She said she's here to 'uncover' her past." Blab explained.
    "Oh no no no. This cannot uncover your past. WE can. Now hurry up and grab all your stuff and follow me. Kry wouldn't be so happy if he saw you were in here." He commanded.
    Sandy stood at the entrance, waiting for me to leave.
    I knew I couldn't leave yet.

    I held the item in my pocket tightly. It was time.
    I held it out. The purple orb of resurrection sat in my hand.
    Sandy and Blab noticed what I was holding.
    I kept this orb a secret towards them all, because they'd probably use it towards something that will be useless. This orb has been on this planet for million of years, and this is the only one in the entire galaxy, so I couldn't waste it.
    "Where did you GET that?" Blab gasped.
    "Wait a second... I know why your HERE!" Sandy gasped.
    "Your here to resurrect Captain Jack! You think that resurrecting him will uncover your past?! This would just resume the war!" Sandy argued.
    I ignored their arguments and held the orb above the grave. The orb could sense the dead body under my feet.
    "Louise! Stop this nonsense!" Sandy shouted.
    But it was too late. The orb started to spin rapidly. Then a flash of light blinded our view for a couple of seconds.
    "AAAAH! Louise!!! What did you-"
    Blab's comment froze mid sentence. I opened my eyes and noticed Blab and Sandy looking shocked like they've seen a ghost.
    I turned my head towards where they were looking, and Captain Jack stood there, showing his golden, rotten teeth.
    "Well well well, it's been a while, Louise." He giggled.

    "Captain Jack... I've come to you to see if you can show my past." I said, staring at him deeply.
    "You were a very naughty girl, ha ha. Santa won't give you any presents this year." He laughed.
    "What do you mean?" I gasped.
    "You almost turned this planet into an eternal hell! It was quite a scene. So I shall resurrect your wish and turn this universe into DARKNESS, to really show how great of a scientist I really am! HA HA!" He laughed on top of his lungs.
    I took a step back, realising what I have done...
    I've just resurrected the one who almost destroyed the universe numerous times... and now he shall continue trying to destroy this planet... and universe...
    Someone grabbed my arm. I turned around.
    "Why did you DO this!" Blab sobbed.
    "I'm... I'm sorry..." I said.
    "We must let Kry and the others know, otherwise-"
    "Do NOT let them know! Don't you dare!" I shouted.
    I knew the consequences if Kry knew Captain Jack was alive...
    So I just rushed out of the entrance.

    Blab and Sandy also rushed out and turned around. The clouds started to grow and cover the sky.
    Captain Jack ascended into the air and raised his hands. The ground started to shake.
    The domain with his grave then crumbled to the ground, crushing everything that was inside.
    All the plants immediately died and turned into ashes. The colour green on this planet is now extinct.
    All the animals that roamed on this planet then dropped dead. Captain Jack just laughed.
    "It's SO good to be ALIVE again! I can now control EVERYTHING!!!" He laughed.
    And then, Kry and the others arrived.

    "H...Hes... ALIVE?!" I heard Kry scream.
    I slowly turned around, showing a wonky smile.
    "You... I know what you did... you... resurrected HIM!" He screamed.
    "Why did you do that Louise? Now I won't be able to sleep tonight..." Agent S sobbed.
    "I knew there would be a day where you'd look up to Captain Jack, thinking he can solve something..."
    I saw Undead lean against a rock. He didn't seem too impressed.
    "Right when I first trained you, I knew that a tiny piece of you wanted to see Captain Jack, and see what he knows..." He explained.
    I looked down, and noticed the ground starting to crack open.
    I quickly jumped out of the way, and the crack started to expand and pool of lava.
    "The planet... it's dying..." Twage gasped.
    "Thanks for the comment, Captain Obvious! And also, thanks Louise for ending the universe!" Kry hissed.
    Twage put his hands together and spawned a spear blazing with fire.
    He threw it with all his force. The spear was aimed perfectly, but Captain Jack just grabbed the spear with his bare hands and threw it back.
    Everyone jumped out of the way as the spear fell into the crack filled with lava.
    The lava started to jump as the blaze around it danced.
    "This... this really is the end... isn't it..." Agent S said.
    "We can't save the planet... and we cannot escape it..." Twage said.
    Sandy started to whimper.
    Kry grabbed my neck and started to hold it tight.
    "You... we're all going to die because of you... I thought I could TRUST you after all these years!"
    He started to hold it tighter. I began to choke. My vision went blurry.
    Agent S pushed Kry out of the way. I took some slow, deep breaths after that experience.

    The planet has met it's doom, and so did we. Captain Jack continued to laugh and he grew the cracks on the ground.
    He then held his hands out and a blinding light started to form in his hands.
    "He's spawning a super nova, which can wipe out anything! We're going to DIE!" Agent S screamed.
    Everyone was now running in circles. There was no solution to the future.
    Then, the super nova was ready.
    In less then a second, a blindly light was shot at us, and my view was just bright white.
    Minutes past, and the light started to fade. I opened my eyes and noticed Undead in front of me, with a purple shield blocking the giant beam.
    "Go! Go in the portal! I will return! Just GO!" Undead shouted.
    I turned around, and a purple portal stood there, ready to be used.
    Everyone else got up and noticed the portal too. But they didn't notice Undead.
    They hopped right into the portal, not caring about their surroundings.
    I turned back to Undead.
    "What about YOU? I can't leave you here with Captain Jack who's about to burn you to ashes." I said.
    "I will return, but I must do what I can to help this planet. Just go in the portal, NOW!" He shouted.
    The planet shook once more. Boulders collapsing and falling shook my ears. More cracks started to grow on the ground, and I noticed a crank started to form in front of the portal.
    It was now or never.
    I ran towards it, hopping over the small cracks.
    I stood right in front of the portal. Inside was pitch black. I turned around one more time. Undead remained there, still holding the shield as the blinding laser continued to blaze at it.

    Finally, I hopped into the infinite vortex.
    To Be Continued...
    So there you have it folks, the first chapter to my 10th story.
    I really want this story to grow as high as the rest of my stories, so please comment your opinions and suggestions below, and maybe a little like as well c:
    Also, character requests are open! If you've like to be in the story, then please let me know!
    And an exclusive character that's only been stared in my 1st story will be returning next chapter. :)
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
  2. Elfon


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    awesome chapter Louise, I'm glad to see you writing again! cant wait for the next chap
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  3. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

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    Luv it
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  4. mochi

    mochi t̶̀h̶e̵ ̷̧͝c̵̨á̢t͘ Donator

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    Love it! I can't wait to read more.
    Yes, I know I said I was leaving for a week, but I came back to check my alerts again and I couldn't NOT reply to this. :3
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  5. Snakehammer19

    Snakehammer19 An Adult with Mediocre Talents Donator

    Likes Received:
    Undead is a true hero like undyne Cool story :D

    If possible I would very like to be part of it (you can ask me what my character would be like in the PM)
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  6. LadyGaga

    LadyGaga The cake isn't a lie Donator

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    Story needs more attention, currently underrated. Here, now it's on top of the thread list.


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    Thanks for the support guys :)
    A new character was supposed to be added in this chapter, but I've just been told that she is now gone. Ehm... :\ But anyway, in a couple of chapters there will be a new character appearing. And it's already been confirmed who's going to appear.

    @LouiseXminerX (Louise)
    @BlabDaFish (Blab)
    @Kryokin (Kry)
    @Sven007 (Agent S)
    @TwageTomato (Twage)
    @TheUndeadBrave (Undead)
    @SandyTheDog (Sandy)
    @CaptainJackValdy (Captain Jack)
    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 2 - Deja vu
    The vortex ended, and I fell to the ground.
    My muscles felt stiff and my bones felt paralyzed. Perhaps the portal gave some side effects.
    Only the one colour of black froze in my view.
    But I felt someone pull me up. My vision started to escape the darkness.
    My limbs were active, and I saw someone stand in front of me.
    It was Blab.
    "What... What happened... where are we?" I questioned.
    "I don't know. I think we're separated with the others." She said, nervously.
    I took a moment to examine the view, and it wasn't pretty.
    In the distance was a burnt down palace with a fire still blazing on the roofs.
    "Maybe the rest are there?" Blab pointed at the palace.
    "If they were, then they might not be alive. Come on." I commanded.
    When I took a step forward, I noticed the ground feeling soft and fluffy.
    I looked down and noticed how the whole ground was made of puffs of clouds.
    Which meant we're in heaven.
    "Umm Blab, if we're in heaven, does that mean we're dead?" I questioned, feeling worried.
    "Who knows..." She shrugged.
    I started to feel stressed, but I focused on the palace that continued to burn.

    We arrived at the palace, and I noticed some people, dead and burned on the ground.
    I noticed some of them having angel wings of their backs, but most of them had burnt mark on them.
    That's when I realised that these were angels.
    Their faces were shocked but still. What have they seen that caused this destruction?
    Blab didn't seem to be in my view, so I turned around and noticed her a couple of metres away.
    "Blab, hurry up," I commanded.
    "But I'm scared! So many dead bodies! It's so creepy!" She cried while frowning.
    I should've known that she was very sensitive to dead bodies and blood. Perhaps taking her with me wasn't a good idea.
    "Okay, you stay there. I'll continue to look for the others. If any danger comes, scream as loud as you can, even though it'll make you look like an idoit." I said.
    She nodded as she shivered, clasping her hands together.

    I walked around some huts there were cracked open. More bodies laid inside that were crushed by golden planks.
    The roofs were made of rich gold, but most of it had fallen inside the hut, collapsing onto the angels inside.
    Everything was frozen and dead. The only thing alive was the blaze dancing on the roof of the palace that was in front of me.
    So I decided to head there.
    I walked up the steps leading to the entrance.
    Angels with iron helmets laid on the steps with blood dripping down and spears out of their grip.
    I touched the blood and noticed it was wet and warm.
    That means they have died recently.
    I suddenly heard echoes of giggling and laughing.
    Multiple people seemed to be laughing and chatting inside.
    I slowly walked in, looking at every corner of the room.
    The lobby of the palace was huge, but there was a broken, golden chandelier on the ground with millions of pieces of glass scattered around it.
    On the walls were stained glass, creating a picture of something. But they were all smashed open, so it was impossible to see what the glass had drawn.
    The ceiling had giant cracks, and soon they were going to grow larger.
    Every time I looked up, my heart would jump as I looked at the cracks from above. It was only a matter of time before it would collapse on top of me.
    Only one pillar in the lobby remained. The rest were sliced in half or had cracks growing all over it.
    I examined the surviving pillar. Strange symbols were scattered on the bottom of the pillar. Perhaps some ancient language was written here. Squares, circles, spirals; the list could go on. So many symbols that could explain what this says, but it may take years to learn this language.
    While continuing to examine the symbols, I suddenly heard some kind of explosion.
    Then a sudden scream echoed through the lobby.

    I slowly ventured forth. Multiple voices started to scream and grunt. Then seconds later laughter filled the zone.
    Then I heard a dog yelp.
    That's when I slammed the giant gate open that was 2 metres high.
    When the golden gate swung to the side, I saw them.
    8 people surrounded a cage. They all looked at me.
    Kry, Agent S, Twage and Sandy were in the cage.
    They all looked hurt and injured. Their breaths were shaky and rapid.
    And then I noticed Kry's leg looking slightly twisted... it seemed broken.
    The cage they were in was like a giant bird cage. The cage was hanging by a chain connected to the roof.
    Some blood was also on the ground under the cage. These 8 strangers must've been injuring them.
    "Heh heh... looks like we have another survivor." One of them said.
    I examined them all carefully.

    The first one was a woman wearing a long, light blue dress with pieces of snowflakes scattered across her robe.
    The second one seemed to be someone with a green robe. The hood covered their face while they held a giant harp that was dark and had a couple of spikes at the top.
    The third one wore a red jacket and black shirt. He had sunglasses on his head and held a red, bright bow on his hand.
    The fourth one wore a blue robe with a pattern of waves on it. It seemed to be holding a rod with a little dolphin on top.
    The fifth one wore a normal button shirt and a short, brown skirt. Her hair was short and purple.
    The sixth one had a blue jacket and shorts with a white T-shirt. He also had a tiny squid on his head as a hat. It didn't seem alive though.
    The seventh one had, white tunic. He had blonde hair and also a pet, yellow mouse with red cheeks next to him.
    The last one seemed to be some kind of armoured robot with a mask covering it's face. It was hard to tell if this was a real robot or just a Halloween costume.
    "What have you done to them!" I shouted.
    "Hah! Do you want a taste of our powers, little girl?" The woman with the blue dress crackled.
    "Louise, they are more powerful than you think. Run and never-"
    "All 8 Gods... will now attack you... little child." The girl with purple hair said. Her voice seemed shy and quiet, but strong.
    Then I saw them get ready to attack; that's when I saw how powerful they really seemed.
    To Be Continued...
    Sorry if this chapter was slightly shorter than usual. I will promise that later chapter will most likely be longer than this.
    Remember to leave as much support as you can by posting your comments, likes and suggestions below.
    This will be the last story I will post on this website for a long time, so please share this thread with your friends :)
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    Elfon, Sakujo, LadyGaga and 3 others like this.
  8. mochi

    mochi t̶̀h̶e̵ ̷̧͝c̵̨á̢t͘ Donator

    Likes Received:
    Amazing chapter! I can't wait to read more, I'm really interested. :3
  9. BlakeSenpai

    BlakeSenpai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    Good story so far :)


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    Sorry about the small delays between chapters...
    Starting to get bullied in school, making me too depressed, angry and afraid to do anything I love.
    But I'll do this for you guys since I know you all support me through anything. But just keep in mind that I may not be in the best mood lately.

    Characters With Major Roles:
    @LouiseXminerX (Louise)
    @TheUndeadBrave (Undead)
    Characters With Minor Roles:
    @Kryokin (Kry)
    @Sven007 (Agent S)
    @TwageTomato (Twage)
    @SandyTheDog (Sandy)
    Characters Mentioned:
    @CaptainJackValdy (Captain Jack)
    And A New Character Awakens...
    Caution: Violence and blood has been mentioned in this chapter. Younger readers may not be recommended to read this chapter.
    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 3 - The 8 Gods Of Hell
    And their powers unleashed.
    First, an ice shard hit me right in the hip. It dug deep into my flesh, but not close enough to my organs. I could feel the ice freezing my blood inside. I grabbed the shard out, and blood immediately flowed out.
    Before I could realise what was going on, an arrow stabbed me right in the shoulder.
    The arrow felt like a giant needle.
    It was deep into my shoulder, which meant my limb was now useless.
    Before I could hear what Agent S had to say, a squid splatted right on my face.
    Ink shoved down my throat. The taste was foul and sour while it crushed my lungs.
    I punched the squid off my face and I was about to vomit.
    But then a giant floating hand grabbed my throat and threw me against the wall.
    I heard the palace shake. It was about to collapse any minute now.
    All my bones felt like they had snapped. I flopped to the ground and laid there, trying to breathe.
    But they didn't dare to give me a break.

    Seconds later, I felt 100s of needles get stabbed onto my leg.
    A wild, raging dolphin was hooked onto my leg.
    It started to chew, but luckily a fireball hit the dolphin and burned it to ashes.
    I looked at the cage my friends were in, and Twage gave me a thumbs up. Thank god...
    But that wasn't the end.
    I saw the robot knight then charge at me. It seemed impossible to survive this attack.
    "Robo! Stop!"
    It froze and put it's sword down. I thought maybe Kry said that, but it was one of the strangers who did.
    It was the one with the yellow mouse.
    "I always told you guys that I wanted to finish off the enemy, right?" He said.
    One of them sighed, looking annoyed.
    "Pikachu, you ready?" He smiled.
    "Pika!" The yellow mouse squeaked.
    He raised his hand in the air. I heard thunder from below.
    I closed my eyes are hard as I could, waiting for the greatest pain of all.
    I heard the thunder below me get greater, and I could feel the ground start to slowly shake.
    Then I heard a giant electrical zap.
    But I felt no pain.
    I opened my eyes, and a purple orb surrounded me, like a shield.
    And I noticed Undead standing in front of me.

    "Undead, how did you get h-"
    "No time to explain. Hold still." He said.
    He held his hand out towards me and inserted a pink smoke inside of me.
    All my wounds were healed.
    The thunder below was spreading across the shield, covering a part of the view.
    Then the thunder calmed down and returned to the cloud below my feet.
    The shield faded and I stood up.
    "Undead!" One of the strangers said.
    The yellow mouse growled.
    All of the strangers stood behind the stranger that tried to zap us with lightning.
    "It's been too long, traitor." He growled.
    "I knew I'd meet you again, SnakeHammer." Undead said.
    "SnakeHammer?" I questioned.
    "That's him." He pointed.
    "But how do you know each other?" I asked.
    "Because I used to be with them..." Undead sighed.
    "With THEM? Wait, you mean you used to be with these strangers?" Kry shouted across the room.
    Undead nodded.
    "That's how I got these powers."
    Kry seemed blank.
    "You were so powerful with us... until you turned your back on us!" One of them shouted.
    "All of you are just puppets! Captain Jack is just using you!" Undead argued.
    "Captain Jack created us! So we must obey what he says." They said.
    "It doesn't matter what this chump says. All that matters is we end him... and his friends." SnakeHammer giggled.
    I heard Sandy let out a small whimper.

    Undead zapped pink smoke at Kry and the others in the cage. Their wounds healed.
    He then threw a blade at the chain. The chain snapped and the cage crashed to the floor, opening the locked door.
    "We don't have time for this." Undead hissed.
    Undead aimed his hand out the ground. I saw his legs start to evaporate.
    Then when he disappeared, the rest of us vanished.
    It was black for a couple of seconds until the view came into place.
    We spawned at the destroyed town behind a couple of angels who were laying on the ground in front of us.
    Then Blab came running towards us.
    "Louise! Where have you been? I heard explosions and lightning and stuff in the palace! What was happening in there?" Blab questioned while sobbing, looking stressed out.
    "The 8 Gods of Hell were in there..." Undead answered.
    "The 8 Gods of who?" Agent S said, looking bemused.
    "Made by Captain Jack to destroy the angels, who were the ancesters of the light... which meant your ancester has been killed by those Gods." Undead told me.
    "I'll tell you about them...
    The first on created is known as Crystal. She's the God of ice. Next is Melody, the God of music. Thirdly is Arrow, God of shooting. Then there's Finn, God of Dolphins. Then we have Mystery, God of Psychic. Then there's Squidling, God of squids. Next there's Robo, God of Space. Finally there's SpaceHammer. I heard he was the last one created and the most powerful. He's the God of lightning. He also has an electrical mouse, known as Pikachu." Undead explained.
    "What about you?" Blab asked.
    "I used to be the God of Power. I was supposed to be the most powerful. But after discovering that Captain Jack is just using us, I quickly left." Undead continued.

    My head started to feel heavy, like a whole bunch of confusion was stuffed in my head.
    "Louise, you alright?" Twage asked.
    "I don't know... it's just... I feel like I know this place... like I've been here before." I explained.
    "That's because you HAVE been here." Undead said.
    Everyone stared at Undead, looking shocked.
    "I... I have?" I gasped.
    "Indeed... you see, the portal you went through has made all of us travel back in time, right to the beginning where you first adventure took place." Undead said.
    "Why'd you make us go back in time? Wouldn't this just repeat the process of Captain Jack destroying the planet in the end?" Kry asked.
    "This will uncover Louise's memory, and then she'll know exactly how to defeat Captain Jack in the end. Yes, that does mean we'll have to go through all 9 adventures..." Undead finally said.
    Nine adventures did seem like an awful lot.
    "So we'll have to defeat 9 different enemies and go through 9 different areas?" Kry asked.
    "Indeed." Undead sighed.
    To Be Continued...
    Please help support this story and I by leaving your comments, likes and of course any suggestions below.
    Character requests are still open. I'll be adding a new character next chapter and possibly another one in a couple of chapters.
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
  11. Snakehammer19

    Snakehammer19 An Adult with Mediocre Talents Donator

    Likes Received:
    Good thing I didn't have a thunderstone to give mai Pikachu. Great Story happy face. Can't wait to see the next part.

    also I see SpaceHammer is OP and Zues :3
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  12. mochi

    mochi t̶̀h̶e̵ ̷̧͝c̵̨á̢t͘ Donator

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    Great chapter, as usual! Keep up the good work!
    Also, remember that the people beginning to bully you at school are likely far less intelligent than you. And if I could, I'd murder them with an axe. :3
    "Pikachu." Pokémon and Darkness Never Dies crossover? lmao this is interesting
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  13. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

    Likes Received:
    I'm pretty much dead on this server now, Louise. You can kill me off if you like.


    Likes Received:
    What? Just because your inactive doesn't mean I'll have to kick you off.
    You're one of the most important characters in all stories that you've been in. In future chapters' you'll have a very important role that'll affect the story. If you don't read any of my chapters, then that's fine. But that doesn't mean I have to make you leave.
    However, if you want me to make you die, then just make a private conversation with me.
  15. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Former Mod Donator

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    I mean, seeing as this is your final story, I guess finish out the series with me still in it.


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    Heyo! Sorry that the delay between chapters are super long. I'll try and return to the usual schedule of two chapters each week instead of one.

    Characters With Major Roles:
    @LouiseXminerX (Louise)
    @TwageTomato (Twage)
    Characters With Minor Roles:
    @TheUndeadBrave (Undead)
    @Snakehammer19 (SnakeHammer)
    @Kryokin (Kry)
    @Sven007 (Agent S)
    @SandyTheDog (Sandy)
    @BlabDaFish (Blab)
    Characters Mentioned:
    @CaptainJackValdy (Captain Jack)
    And A New Character Awakens...
    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 4 - The Past And Present
    The door slowly creaked open.
    Twage raised his hand higher with the fireball, floating in his palm.
    The light shone across the place. I heard the cries get louder.
    "What if this person is an enemy. Should we just leave them?" Twage suggested.
    The cries grew louder after Twage's comment.
    Then those cries spoke English.
    "P-Please! Get me out! Whoever you are!" It sobbed.
    "What about the others? They'll soon know we're here." Twage said.
    "Let's just quickly rescue this person before they come."I responded.
    He nodded and walked forward.
    Burnt wings made of feathers laid on the ground with many feathers in the corner of the room.
    The walls were slightly burnt and all the furniture and smashed and on the ground.
    We entered here due to some calls of cries. No one heard it except for Twage and I. So we came in here to answer the cries.
    I took a step forward, but something stabbed my foot.
    Immediately, my foot swung back. The carpet below me had a small bump on it.
    I pulled the carpet away and noticed a trap door with a knob on it.
    "Hey Twage, check this out," I called.
    Twage came beside me, and held the handle.
    He lifted it up, and a cage was placed below us.

    It was pitch at the bottom, so we couldn't see the prisoner.
    But the prisoner could see us.
    "He-Hey! Get me out of here right this instant!" It shouted.
    "Yeah, yeah... just hang on a second..." I whispered as I looked around.
    I noticed a small hole under the knob.
    "Hey Twage, go and look for a key around here." I commanded.
    I heard him get on his feet and roam around.
    I looked closer in the cage, but it was too dark to see.
    I got startled when I heard the door get slammed shut. I also heard it get locked.
    I quickly stood up and noticed Twage, leaning against the door looking shocked.
    "What's going on?" I asked.
    "He's here, Kry and the others. And Kry has a gun and a not very happy face..." He shrieked.
    I quickly looked through the window.
    I saw Kry, looking like he could explode with rage. The others were behind him, looking bored.
    Worst of all, Kry had a GUN.
    I quickly closed the curtain and looked at Twage.
    "Why does Kry look like he's going to murder me?" I cried.
    "Remember when Undead said we have to go through 9 locations and defeat 9 enemies? Yeah, Kry had a massive freak out and is probably blaming you for this. If he finds you in here, he'll probably mudrer you, and me TOO!"
    Twage then started to sob. I sighed and quickly gave him a tomato, which made him calm down.

    I heard the prisoner let out a small sob, which gave me an idea.
    "Twage, lean against the door. I'll quickly find the key." I commanded.
    He jumped at the door and pushed his body next to it. I quickly opened the drawers of some desks.
    All they contained was pieces of papers and pencils.
    THen I heard them knock on the door.
    This made me bolt for the key. I slammed open all drawers, but they didn't have any key.
    "Hello? HEY! Who's in here?"
    I could hear Kry's demanding voice. I could smell the sweat of Twage.
    I looked through every drawer twice, but they all didn't have a single key.
    Then I noticed at the back of the room a chest that has fallen over.
    I slammed it open, and there it was.
    I grabbed the key and rushed to the cage.
    I was starting to fumble with the key, struggling to push it into the hole.
    "Undead, break this door down, will ya?" I heard Kry say.
    Twage then screamed and collasped on the ground.
    I finally plcuked the key inside and turned. I grabbed one of the iron bars and pulled it.
    The door opened.

    Without hesitation, I jumped in, accidentally landing on the prisoner.
    "Sorry pal..." I aplogised.
    Twage then jumped into the cage too.
    He pulled the carpet over us and slammed the door shut.
    As soon as the door shut, I heard them come inside.
    I heard the footsteps above us. Twage lit a fireball in his hand to see.
    Then I saw the prisoner right in front of me.
    It appeared to be a woman with short, dark hair.
    She eamined me too, and raised her eyebrows.
    "Jeez, it took you long enough..." She whispered.
    She then chuckled and leaned aginst the wall.
    She sighed and opened her eyes.
    "Where were you? You vanished and the Gods then took me and locked me inside of here for a day... heh." She whispered.
    I gave her a bemused look. She chuckled again.
    "Come on Louise, what's with the long face." She smiled.
    "Wait... how do you know my name?" I asked.
    "Don't you remember? We were fighting the Gods but then you just... vanished. They then took me and burned this place to ashes... don't you... remember anything?" She questioned.
    I gave her the same bemused look.
    "Oh no..." She gasped.
    She placed one of her hands on her head.
    "You've... you've must've got amnesia... The Gods, they must've gave you amnesia... I..."
    She started to blink rapidly as she stared at the ground.
    "I have to tell you everything! Listen..." She started to stand up as she placed her ahnd on the ceiling.
    "Before we saw the Gods, we-"
    "WAIT, STOP!" Twage shouted.
    But she already lifted the door open.
    The carpet was lifted out of the way too, and Kry's face urned to us immdietately.

    He pointed his gun at us. My stomach turned as my heart sped up.
    I thought he was fooling around, but he pulled the trigger and actually shot us.
    But the bullets didn't seem to hit us.
    I looked down, and noticed a snake, laying there in front of me as blood oozed out of it's wounds.
    "Hoof, thanks mate. Had to deal with that snake heaps of times" She chuckled.
    He then pointed the gun at her.
    "Wait, wait! Don't shoot, she know's me!" I pleaded.
    Kry didn't seem convinced by my comment.
    "She knows needed information about the Gods. Perhaps a way to defeat them." Twage also commented.
    Kry then dropped the ground and sighed. Agent S and Blab came to help us get out.
    "What were you guys doing here? We're getting seperated way too muh!" Agent S gasped.
    Blab brushed off the dust and webs off my back.
    "So uhh Louise, who's the new girl?" Blab asked while smiling.

    I looked at her as Undead gave her some food.
    She noticed my staring and immdiately stood up straight.
    "Oh, I forgot. I'm Katy, Louise's friend from the past and present! I'm guessing your all assistants of her, right?" Katy smiled as she waved.
    Kry let out a sarcastic chuckle. I frowned.
    "Indeed. We're actually from the future, but due to her amnesia, I had to bring her back in time in order for her to see her past and find out how to defeat Captain Jack." Undead explained.
    "Captain Jack? But... I thought he was a good man..." She gasped.
    "Never! Not a single second of his life has he shown a good deed!"
    I realised that Sandy was here too. Katy almost had a heart attack when he spoke.
    "What the heck? He can talk? That's... that's marvelous! In fact, Captain Jack is looking for a dog that can speak..." She said.
    Sandy whimpered and sat on the ground.
    "Captain Jack is... well was a good man... he tried to cure many diseases and tried to prove him a great scientist! But people never believed him ad then he created unknown things that are belived to be used to kill people and destroy planets..." Katy explained.
    "...But I don't believe what they say! I think hes just trying to help the world!" She continued.
    Agent S facepalmed hard. This woman was nuts!
    "Don't you understand how much crap we've been through? He's tried to destroy the world 9 times! Actually, make that 10! He's tried to kill me heaps of times! He is bloody nuts, I tell you!" Kry shouted at Katy.
    "Sorry if I'm rude, Mr... but he is NOT! He is a great scientist I tell you!"
    That's when Kry popped. They started to argue as Blab yawned and Sandy slept.

    I walked towards the chest where the key was in. I opened it and noticed a diary covered in dust at the bottom.
    I grabbed it and opened it. An angel who lived here wrote this.
    I placed it on the desk. Everyone surrounded me.
    "That poor man... It's obvioius that the Gods killed him and destroyed the whole zone..." Blab sighed.
    "I also realised that this guy is not so good at spelling..." Twage laughed.
    Agent S then slapped Twage's face.
    "Wait a second... all these Gods are created by Captain Jack! Oh gosh!" Katy gasped.
    "Heh, would've thought." Sandy giggled.
    Suddenly, an explosion spawned right outside the hut, startling us all.
    The hut started to shake, and the cracks in the ceiling grew and stretched to the edges of the walls.
    I rushed straight to the door.
    I jumped and landed on my stomach as I heard the hut collaspe.
    I turned on my back and noticed the entire roof of the hut on the floor.
    The only other ones who got out was Katy and Sandy.
    They seemed to be staring straight pass me, so I got up and turned around.
    "Wow, you really know how to survive, huh?" SnakeHammer giggled as the other Gods stood next to him.
    "I'm sure Captain Jack would be happy when I bring him your chopped off head!" SnakeHammer continued as the rest of the Gods prepared their weapons and spells.
    To Be Continued...
    Character requests are still open! If you'd like to be in the story, then let me know below and you'll probably show up in the next few chapters.
    Please leave your support with many comments and likes. :)
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
    LadyGaga, Elfon, Smg and 1 other person like this.
  17. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

    Likes Received:
    I like chopped off heads :P

    Nice chapter, Louise!
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.
  18. Elfon


    Likes Received:
    awesome chap Louise! nothing is better than the blast of the past
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.


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    Hey guys! Just to let you know that I won't be able to come online a lot because our internet has not been working for a week now and we don't know when it will get fixed due to the company messing up something. However, my school does have internet so I'll be able to post a chapter maybe once a week. Once the internet is back up then I'll get back to my normal schedule of 2 chapters a week. :)

    Characters With Major Roles:
    @LouiseXminerX (Louise)
    @Katy_ (Katy)
    @CaptainJackValdy (Captain Jack)
    @SandyTheDog (Sandy)
    @Snakehammer19 (SnakeHammer)
    Characters With Minor Roles:
    @TheUndeadBrave (Undead)
    @Kryokin (Kry)
    @Sven007 (Agent S)
    @BlabDaFish (Blab)
    Enjoy ^-^

    Chapter 5 - Captain Jack's Slaves

    I could smell the smoke from their spells in the palms of their hands.
    Sandy shivered behind me as I stood tall to build up my courage.
    The Gods smiled and grinned their teeth.
    And in a blink of an eye, Katy was on the ground.
    I was immediately bemused and looked around. I felt Sandy shiver more.
    Then I saw Mystery with a purple flame in her hand.
    "What did you DO to her?" I shouted.
    "I put her to an eternal sleep." She whispered as she continued to keep her head down.
    I looked back at Katy then back at them.
    Suddenly, Sandy rushed forward and jumped on Squidling.
    Squids then surrounded him and they all jumped on Sandy and chewed on him using their sharp teeth behind their tenticles.
    I rushed towards him, but the Gods then stood in front of him.
    Crystal tapped her golden heel on the ground. The tip of her toe then spread to the clouds below my feet.
    The puffs of cloud then froze in piece and looked light blue and shiny.
    I took a step forward, but I slipped and fell right on my head.
    Then my ears felt like it was getting stabbed, like a drill digging into it.
    The sound was high pitched and loud. It stabbed my ear like knives.
    I slowly looked up, and saw Melody pulling the strings of the harp.
    Blood dribbled down onto the ice.
    I placed my hands on my ears tight, but the sound was so high pitched that it went through my hand, into my ears.
    I thought my brain was going to explode. I wanted it to stop.
    I heard Melody giggle as he continued to play.

    Suddenly it stopped. I looked at my hands and saw blood all over it. The blood seemed cold and smelt weird.
    I turned around, and to my luck, Undead stood there.
    "Undead... you're a dead man." SnakeHammer hissed.
    SnakeHammer's Pikachu then growled as lightning spazzed around it.
    "Enough of this nonsense! You cannot continue being slaves and being controlled by Captain Jack! This is your only chance to be free!" Undead argued.
    "SnakeHammer created us. So we must obey him no matter what he commands us to do." Finn said.
    "Come, brother. Join us." Melody said as he held his hand out.
    "Never in my life will join you and obey Captain Jack." Undead sneered.
    "Suit yourself." Squidling giggled.
    Squidling sprayed more squids on Sandy, who was still trying to defend himself.
    I could hear him yelp and cry.
    "Now, shall we; brother?" Finn smiled.
    Squidly and Finn then joined hands.
    And right behind them was a giant wave, roaring and crawling towards us.

    As it crawled closer, I could smell the salt from the sprinkles of water, tapping onto my skin.
    "Um... Undead?" I murmured.
    He stood there with a blank expression.
    Seconds later, the wave sat right above us.
    I couldn't remember how to swim, so once this wave hits me, I'll be stuck in it forever.
    But thankfully, Undead turned around and began to spawn something.
    A purple clock spawned in the palm of his hand. He turned the handle to the left and a portal opened.
    "Get in, NOW!" He shouted.
    "What about you? A-And the others!" I gasped.
    "Don't worry about us! Just go-"
    Suddenly, an arrow shot right into the portal. And then an explosion burst out of the portal.
    The portal then shattered like glass, and pieces of purple glass shards scattered across the ground.
    "Heh heh! Explosive arrows always do the trick!" I heard Arrow laugh.
    I growled and picked up a purple shard. It had no use.
    "This is what happens when you keep hesitating to do as I say..." Undead growled.
    The wave still stood in front of us and didn't seem to move.
    "Ya'll ready to drown in the pits of the sea?" Finn laughed.
    Then the wave resumed crawling towards us.
    But suddenly, Sandy jumped out of the crowd of squids and jumped right into the wave.

    I rushed forward, desperate to see if he has survived, but Undead grabbed me.
    "Sandy knows what he is doing!" Undead said as he kept trying to grab me back.
    But I kept struggling to get released.
    I leaped out of his arms towards the waves.
    I called for Sandy, but no response.
    I leaped forward, heading straight into the wave.
    But before my nose could even touch a single drop of water, the wave collapsed onto the ground and disappeared.
    I looked around, looking bemused to why the wave collapsed.
    Then I saw Sandy, running towards with me a rod in his mouth.
    "Kill that dog and get my wand back!" Finn cried.
    Sandy held the rod tightly in his mouth, which caused it to spawn something.
    Dolphins leaped out of the ground and leaped towards the Gods.
    "Now these dolphins can fight for us." Sandy explained.
    The dolphins tried to bite the Gods, \but then SnakeHammer commanded Pikachu to electricute them.
    Out of the red cheeks of Pikachu was sparks of lightning that then shot the dolphins who were in the air.
    Electric danced around their bodies as the eerie sound rung my ears.
    The dolphins then vanished into ashes.
    Finn pushed SnakeHammer angrily.
    "Quit making your mouse hurt me dolphins! They are precious to me! How'd you like it if I commanded my dolphins to hurt your dumb hamster!" Finn shouted.
    Pikachu growled as electricity danced around his body.
    "Hey, those dolphins could've killed us! So be thankful, dammit!" SnakeHammer argued.
    They then started to argue. We slowly backed away.
    But Robo didn't take his eyes off us, and he charged towards us with his giant steel sword.
    But in a heart beat, I saw Blab stand in front of me.
    And she got slashed by the sword.

    She fell on her back, looking dead.
    I gasped and kneeled down and pressed my ear on her chest.
    There was still a heart beat but she was not breathing.
    Then I noticed the others that seemed to have bruises and cuts all over them.
    "Twage hlped us get out. Also, is Blab okay?" Agent S said.
    Agent S came and picked Blab up.
    "She'll be fine." Agent S said. I sighed with relief.
    But then heavy stomps shivered the ground. Robo stomped towards Agent S.
    "Alright, alright. Robo, you've done enough. Great going lads."
    I looked up, and Captain Jack stood there.
    "Well, well, well. If it isn't Captain Jack." Kry hissed.
    "Well, well, well. If it isn't the failures of life." Captain Jack laughed as he took a quick sip of his cigar.
    He threw his cigar away and licked his lips.
    "I know you tried to escape me before... right before I tried to destroy the universe. But then Mr Dead teleported you back in time. But time won't save you this time." He said.
    Sandy growled and chomped his teeth.
    "SnakeHammer, you can kill them all, except for the one with long brown hair and the one sleeping with short hair." He commanded.
    "But master, they are the main trouble makers! Why would you want them alive?" SnakeHammer shouted.
    "Because I've got something far more worst then death for them." He giggled.

    He then walked forward. I was going to quickly run, but Robo was right behind us, and he was twice the size of me and I didn't want to deal with him.
    So my only choice was to follow Captain Jack.
    He then paused and looked at Mystery, who's hair was covering her face.
    "Mystery." Captain Jack called.
    She then clicked his fingers, and I heard Katy gasp.
    Robo grabbed her and placed her beside me.
    "Follow." Robo said as he pointed at Captain Jack.
    His voice was fizzy but strong and bulky.
    Katy shivered and walked forward, following Captain Jack.
    "Wh-What's happening?" Katy whispered.
    I didn't answer.
    Captain Jack bent down and picked up a purple shard that was once a part of the portal that Undead tried to create.
    He placed it in between his two fingers then flicked it forward, and created a portal, just like Undeads.
    "Ladies first." He giggled as he stood to the side.
    Katy rushed forward and entered the portal without hesitation.
    I remained still. Where the portal led to was a mystery.
    Something shoved me hard behind me, making me jump forward.
    I turned around and gave a look at Robo.
    I slowly walked forward as I heard Sandy bark.
    I didn't want to go in the portal and see where it will take me. I didn't want to see what Captain Jack would do with me once I enter the portal.

    But I entered.
    To Be Continued...
    Please lave as much support as possible below with your comments, likes and any suggestions, too!
    Character requests are still open btw. :)
    Also if there are any quick mistakes in this chapter, please let me know! A mistake or two always sneaks into my chapters... :\
    Thanks For Reading!!! :D
  20. Strikyn

    Strikyn Donator

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    Hm, In this case, may I please be in one of the next chapters?
    IAMINACTIVEBYE likes this.