really confused on what's going on here... also this is on the mineplex server? isnt this whole forums supposed to be about the IJAH server??
I don't understand. The sub-forums "Random Spam" or "Minecraft" are allowed to be for any server, to my knowledge.
Along with what Chase said. Staff usually go upon if the user seems to be purposely advertising or not.(Obviously telling users to join a server or to like a YouTube video that has nothing to do with Minecraft for their own benefit is of course on purpose) If they do seem to be purposely advertising than action will be taken. However if they posted the "other server" or whatever to start a real discussion/conversation.(and not just to get people to join the server) then no action will be taken to my current knowledge. :)
whats the purpose of this thread? i dont get it. kid, just go back to mineplex where everyone else will know what you're saying.