"Club Cake" on creative 2.

Discussion in 'Creative' started by tothemoon, Nov 29, 2014.

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  1. tothemoon

    tothemoon Donator

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    Hello Everyone, My name is Jordan. I have recently been working hard to make the community for the server a lot better and make it fun for people to enjoy. As most of you that go on creative2 may know that there are tons of clubs. My plot is located on the left side of club kick. I have decided to use the plot in helpful server way. I am trying to make a successful club but right now I have a early club release on my plot for people to check out and see what the club will most likely be like. This is NOT the actual club, Just a preview/Early Release. I will have a suggestion box where you can leave what you would like and the club and build ideas. I am going to do some sketching and try to figure up what the new club design will look like! Since it is club CAKE, there will be tons of cake! I want to make it fun and enjoyable for the community. I do have a preview open now. It is very small but Its not the actual club so don't complain. I will be taking some time to do this even though I am busy with school. Expect construction of the club sometime in December. I want to get it up soon, but I don't want to rush the club. I hope you all will check it out and help the club grow like the others have and give the club a chance to fit in even if its not the best or biggest, This is not a competition, It is something I am doing for the creative 2 community.

    +Where Is It?
    On The Left Side Of Club Kick.

    Thanks for reading. Hope to see you around!
  2. Deleted

    Deleted Donator

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    The name made me hungry.

    The club made me even more hungry because I couldnt think of anything else than cake
  3. ShaunPoppy830

    ShaunPoppy830 Used To Be Poppy830 Donator

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    The weird part is that it's named Club Blast.
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