It should go without saying its against the rules, but it seems that this needs to be brought out into the spotlight. Obviously, bullying is not allowed. But the thing is, trolling that gets to the point it causes others grief is also not allowed. Particularly when its obvious its causing people grief. Lets take @Shadow_Riolu for example. He's being trolled about the soul thing he started and people are even targetting him with it. Its borderline trolling/bullying. Stop it. There's other cases I've noticed lately. People taking things too far. Harassing others to the point they snap. JULTAR got bullied a bit; but he also did a fair bit of bullying himself. Leanna has also done her fair share of provoking others and instigating issues, but on the same token, she's been attacked without provocation quite a fair amount of time as well. These things on a whole need to stop. We will be cracking down on this hard and you can be expecting action to be taken on harassment and in cases of trolling where it goes too far and they still refuse to stop. Rule of thumb. If its causing others grief. Back off.
Splendid work, Dao! Call me a hypocrite if you must, but this is probably one of the biggest problems here. The community is looking cleaner than ever!
Thanks and yeah this stuff needs to stop happening. Its always been a rule. I even said that. I'm just making it clear that I'm bringing down the crack-down.
I know, but people seem to completely disregard that. I'm just making a statement of the ignorance of some people toward rules.
Adding on: There is a massive diffrence bewtwwen giving someone a hard time in a playful manor, and fla out draging it on. My rule of thumb: I always tag the person in the joke i make. Why? Cause if they think its funny they usealy like my post wih sends the message that there okay with the joke and it does not bother them. For example ive made a @MappyTurtle joke on my q&a thread. I had a good feeling that she would enjoy that and i was by evidence she liked my post. By that sam token if you do make that joke and s/he (no longer talking about mappy) does not give a like if u taged them its wise to play safe, not sorry. However sometimes its a good idea to just flat out tell people to stop, and not have to report it. Im sure im not the only person who if someone said they dont like a joke im making, i stop imeadtly.
Good advice. Some people however were not stopping when asked. So I hope they read this and think twice.
I don't think I need to worry about this. :) Hopefully.. Just treat everyone like ya want to be treated and you should be okay. There's always a reason why you get bullied. You can't always blame it on the person that bullied you. You must have gotten there attention somehow, but not always.
Thank you for this Dao, I hope this helps stop some of the more severe cases of bullying and trolling on the server/forums.