Yes, yes, another one of these dumb threads. I was going to wait until I actually hit 2k, but I'm impatient so I'm doing it now. So, if you would like a TBH, ask away. I'm probably not going to get a lot of replies, but that's okay (; EDIT: Thanks for the like spam, Jit c:
I don't know much about you other than the fact that you play factions. People seem to say that you're rude towards others, however I can't touch on the matter considering I have never talked to you before. I don't have anything against you. Smg, I knew of you for a while but never talked to you. For years you and I played on Creative 1, but never spoke a word to each other. Only until recently in a TeamSpeak channel did we communicate. What I've gathered is that you're a huge wrestling fanatic, you're hilarious, and you speak your mind no matter what others think. I have nothing but respect for you and I hope we talk again soon (:
Jit, I used to see you a lot on OITC and we used to be great friends. I don't know why but all of a sudden I got a disliking towards you. But now, you're back and now that we're talking again it makes me really happy. You're funny, adorable, and overall a great person. Thank you for not disliking me even though I disliked you for no reason. It makes you, as I said, a wonderful human.
Kaylyn I love you so freaking much. You're literally one of my favorite people ever. You're so gorgeous it physically pains me, shit, man. Your stories make me laugh and you're a funny person overall. I have no idea how long we've been friends but I feel like I've known you for a long time. You're amazing at, as well. If we ever met I literally think we'd just go shopping all day and gossip. I love you so much AHHH <3 no but seriously give me your fucking face mom, like, shit Dude I don't even know where to start. You mean so fucking much to me. You actually have no idea, Joseph. You've impacted my time on here so drastically and I've only known you for a year. Like you said to me, if there was a higher "best friend" then you'd be it. I don't know, a best best friend. Okay I'm rambling and that's stupid. You're so attractive. I love your new hair, by the way. You know when I'm upset and you know exactly how to cheer me up. Literally when I'm down you get in a call with me or message me anything to make me smile. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. I can come to you whenever I need to talk about something and the same goes the other way around. You have such a big heart. You're nice to basically everyone. We've never gotten in a fight before because we have literally nothing to fight about (except cheesecake (; ). When we meet next year, I have no idea what we're going to do, but the second I see you I'm going to bawl my eyes out. And in the cheesiest way possible, I love you so much. Keep being you, Joseph. <3
Jennifer Mochida you are not only my best friend but the most stereotypical Asian I have ever seen. You listen to every Chinese song ever, you play Osu!, and you suck at grammar. But that's okay, cause I love you and you love me. You put up with a lot of my bullshit and I love you for it. A month without you was literally the worst and I'm so glad that you're back. You're my night time buddy forever and ever <333 You're the corniest person I know and I love you for it. Never change, babe cx
If I am going to be completely honest, I had no idea who you were until you got staff. I had seen you around the forums and possibly the server before. But I'm pretty sure you're my doppleganger from 2015 me personality wise. If I ever got the chance I would LOVE to get a chance to talk to you. c: I have no idea how to really tbh you considering I have never talked to you before and considering you don't have an info page I can't gather anything from there. All I know is that you're a really old member (correct me if I'm wrong but I think I used to see you around a lot in 2014? Maybe I'm just imagining things) and I'm surprised you've stuck around for so long.