"A new beginning" My first story

Discussion in 'Creation Showcase' started by Contemptible, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. Contemptible

    Contemptible | Former Mοd | Donator

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    Hey guys, this is my first written chapter for a story and I'd like feedback on it if I should continue or not. I hope you enjoy.

    Chapter 1. How it all began.

    There he stood, in a struggling fighting stance, Corporal Lance was drained of all vitality he had. His life had now depended on his adrenaline to get him through the fight. Across the large room, a large silhouette figure stood with a smirk carving it's way across the figure's devilish face. "Face it, you've lost..." sneered the animal-like form as he approached Lance. With hesitation, Lance began to speak. "You might be stronger than me, but you're no damn hero -" the figure slammed his large palm and finely curved talons against Lance's shoulder, knocking him against the wall. The moonlight slowly filled the room, slowly revealing the identity of the extremely hostile enemy. As the light struck his face, he winced. His snake-like eyes adjusted and his pupils closed up. In horror, Lance stuttered and backed up further. His limp body pressed against the corner of the room, he muttered "No, this can't be! You're -" *BANG*. All that was heard within Lance's sentence was a gunshot and a heavy thud as the deceased man fell to the floor. Standing in the door frame was Lance's older brother, Andrew, the Sergeant. "Yeah, that's him all right.." Andrew said as he began to sift toward his injured brother and the now lifeless body and pool of gooey, bright red blood.

    Five years later...
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