Separate names with a comma.
Do you think you could make one of my skin? :D
I see some definite hacks... He has never been able to do anything legit. Btw... Is that Ariana Grande?
I stuffed two gapples in my mouth, but it was too much to swallow, so I choked and died. :D
Thanks @Stockable
Thanks ! <3
Thank you ! :D
Banner, Youtube logo, cartoon (my forum pic), or forum picture: Cartoon. Very detailed description: Could you make it say Swaswin. I'd also like...
Nice video! Good editing also. 10/10 fo sho. :P
IGN: Frightening Text: ChandlerUHC Color: Red ( Like iLillards ) Could you make me holding a fishing rod :) Thank you for doing this! They look...
Owner of Exodus
LOL! Alright. You really believe Raslink could beat me like that if I had warmed up/had music...? I didn't think so. Vader. You're good and all,...
What a fight! I can't believe u beat this Chandler scrub. He didn't warm up, didn't have any music, and wasn't trying! What a VID!
You're not bad looking. You look pretty swaggy. I might. *Starts to do hair* Lel.
Ya. I was AFK
He edited it like Gecko said.
@GeckoDrummer20 because we're tight.
Lol. You left out Cake_Squid for two people that weren't in Genesis. xD. Swag pic tho. <3 @Chaos2014
To be honest... I do think you're a random faction. You have a lot of staff ( Which I don't like ) and no one in your faction is active. It's just...
Thijs... U did not "beated" me... U hack. So that may be why? Just sayin'.