So did you hear The Legend of Korra is being continued as a Comic book series? I bought the first issue today and it's really good
I noticed that in one of your videos, one if you said "Nobody makes sprint maps anymore". If you want I can make a sprint map for you to play on.
I just read the about page of you and you have to be one of the most interesting people in the world Jerry. Who's the comedic genius of this! Oh wait, its Jerry! I think I fell in love with you. Your 682 too? I am the same age, OMG, YOUR ATTACK HELICOPTER TOO! We have so much in common Jerry. Hit me you goddess of the Netherlands. SC: biggiejuicysmallsie.
Jerry it's a joke between Teddie, sleeping and I. Whenever we see Teddie we say "voice 1 pls" and Teddie refuses and makes up some excuse lol.