So in school my two electives are art and choir, although soon I'm going to have to chose to get rid of one because of this Office Aide thing I signed up for. I'm in deep thought about this because I really love to sing and want to learn how to sing better, but I also want to look back on my art projects one day. Which one should I stay in? Leave your opinion! :p:)
Singing my friend. From personal experience, I like singing, but I don't like doing it in front of people :P It's what I would find more fun :) , so I recommend you would do it also! Regardless of what I suggest though, choose what your consciousness tells you to, I just think singing would be a bit moe fun!
Honestly in my own eyes, I'll say music as I love both hearing it and singing it, though remember it's your opinion that matters, not ours, though I'll say music as I said above enjoy it, but you can surely have a different opinion about it as we're not the same person or people.
Well when you think about it you can make art at home and if you think you like choir more then do what makes you happier :)
if i had to choose (which i did, lol.) i would choose choir. i love being in choir, and i love singing. art, you can really do anywhere. there's always art clubs that you can join as well, but there's no choir clubs (except acapella, but that's an actual class at my school.) follow what your heart desires. if art is something you really enjoy, then join art. hope i could help : )