/title This is from fallout =3 My favourites are Charisma and Luck. S is for strength, basically, the higher your strength is, the more kickass you are. P is for perception, the higher this is, the more magical skills of Sherlock Holmes you have and you have a higher chance of actually hitting something. E is for endurance, the higher, the more things you can survive. C is for charisma. The reason everyone loves you. I is for intelligence, the higher this is, the more you resemble Einstein. A is for agility. Be faster, tougher etc. L is for a thing none of you have. Luck.
The skill I'd say I have most of is endurance, which is why I voted for it. But if could have more of any on there, I'd choose luck lol. Then I'd be off to the casino instantly.:p
The skill I most love is C (Charisma). In the game I've always seem to level that one up the most out of all of them.