Bullying on the server will destroy it.

Discussion in 'Server Discussion' started by RadeonX, Nov 7, 2015.

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    YFIOTR Donator

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    Stating true facts is not bullying? If someone calls another person skinny or fat, is that not bullying because the person is merely stating the facts?

    I'm not trying to twist your words or start an argument, but there is clearly some misunderstanding going on with what you said.
  2. RadeonX

    RadeonX 闇はどこにでもあります。 Donator

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    If you find my original post you will see I wasn't talking about her or her appearance, I was talking about curved solid objects which were somehow changing shape and location.
    But, you know, whatever.
    Katy_ likes this.

    YFIOTR Donator

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    Alright, I understand
  4. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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  5. CalebTheKidRS


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    Honestly, I think bullying is a big problem but sometimes you just have to learn to ignore it. If not possible, get support from a friend.
  6. LittleGoose

    LittleGoose Believe in Yourself

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    Yes this topic has not been shared for awhile although it is important. For those out there struggling with being bullied it'll get better and it'll be easier. Both in real life situations and on here situations I have experienced I'll share 2 of my stories...... The real life situation. This person I will not have give the name out. Sent me death notes. She slapped and punched me. It was so bad I tried suicide. Yes, I know something stupid? Well you see I didn't mention. I went to a catholic SCHOOL. 18,000 dollars that my parents could barely afford to send me to it. Yet they were doing the best for me. The "nun" kicked me out because of the things I did. Yet the damn bully stayed. It was because of the money. Something religious huh? Out of that situation with suicide I slowly learned. No one is safe and no one is trust worthy. The in game experience actually was why I left. One of you staff...I won't mention the name because I don't want any hate. Back in April.... Said some things to me. I will not forget the hateful words In fact you had my kik and skype. We skyped and we talked. Then out of the blue. You insulted me. I confronted you and you know what you did? You declined EVER saying those words. It hurt so badly to hear those words from you, but for you to decline ever saying those were even more hurtful. I left because of him. That and I had no choice. I was in trouble with my parents. Which helped my decision to leave. Bullying affects everyone's mood and behavior. It isn't a funny topic, it's a serious one. People need to start realizing the difficulties of it.
    Denisvenom9 likes this.
  7. Strikyn

    Strikyn Donator

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    I'm bringing this shit back up to the top of the page because why not?

    I have been bullied a heck of a lot before, and I'm pretty sure most of the community here has been too (probably the owners as well), one of the reasons I have been bullied a LOT is because of my gender dysphoria (not fully diagnosed), my autism (fully diagnosed), and my obsession with anime (not a huge obsession though, so don't worry) I can't think of any other reason but those are the only ones I can think of.

    Before cyber-bullying in New Zealand became illegal, I also similarily had the same bullying problem online, when people are using autistic and gay as an insult, and that feels like it's insulting me, other people think it's funny, but for me it's just a go-sit-in-a-corner-and-cry situation. A few months ago, people added me on kik and skype telling me to go and "fuck myself over" or "die, you slut" even if I'm a virgin. Now, they stop, because if I show this to the police, they're done for life.

    Anyone out there, including your bestest friend, is ready to betray you at any moment possible, sometimes it might be accidental (rage from a game, them getting bullied and start to bully you etc.) or it might be on purpose, again, they might possibly use gay and autistic insults in a sentence.

    Aaaand people can also get bullied just because they speak another language. ANY language, ANY. This is worldwide. And it's also a problem that isn't getting better, just like any other. This is silimar to racism.

    People DO bully for certain reasons: Mainly because they get tired from doing something, they get upset, then they take their anger out on anyone innocent, true, it is cruel, but as a teen, I cannot do anything about it.

    To all of the bullies: This is hurting other people's feelings, if they're depressed, you're just making it worse, so I advise you to just stop and realize what you have done to them. No, it isn't funny.

    To the people getting bullied: The more you get bullied, the more you are able to take the bullying as a compliment and step away from it, this is what happened to me, but after that, it's just a case of out of the frying pan and straight into the fire.

    Sorry to be rude, but I had to get this out of my chest, it's annoying and it's the worst topic to talk about, again, sorry.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2015
    Odi, stanateez, ForeverDoomed and 4 others like this.
  8. Raythegamer

    Raythegamer TheLegend69 Donator

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    I remember when my friend back stabbed me..

    I didn't want to lend him my book(cause he always messes it up).He got angry and said we would never be friends.I just shrugged

    Next year,we were in the same class and my life took a nosedive.He started insulted me,kicked me,dirtied my homework.Once he kicked my ass 10 times.I told the teachers but he would still do it,with much more force.

    So how did I survive?I learnt to stick with my friends.My real friends.Friends that we occasionally(playfully)bully each other but always have each others back.Friends who play the same game.And friends who always stick with each other.They help me up and told the principal.That day,the bully learned his lesson.

    Now,by the principal,he tries to make up.I,being more mature instantly forgave him.

    Since I'm a Christian,one of the rules have to be done:Love your enemies.

    Now we are neutral,and that bully has my back.

    PS:There is always one thing I wanted.Its worth more than a mansion.

    It's the removal of bullying and cyber-bullying
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  9. Kenzz


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    idk what to say, but like honestly wtf is up with bullies? personally, i don't understand how people can't get it into their head that we are all human, all the same. say just because i have brown hair and I'm white i wouldn't just go discriminate someone who is black and red haired. and words do hurt no matter what, even if they're just behind a screen, it has the same impact, sure some people aren't affected by it, like myself, but it hurts most people and can really bring them down. bullying really sucks. (ik the staff are doing their best and so are we all)

    jh is a wonderful place, I've met so many great friends. but as you are all aware, i read your stories, people can be fake and hurt you, perhaps betray you may put it, or not even be fake and hurt you straight up, often for no reason.

    we're all human, we all have imperfections or whatever soppy stuff I'm gonna write, but it's true.

    ugh bullies, think before you say.

    stay strong everyone.
  10. Blossom

    Blossom Donator

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    I don't like bullies. Cyberbullying hurts. Cyberbullying is not funny. Bullies think that just because they are behind a screen, they can hurt anyone. I've dealt with this before. I know how it feels. You just have to ignore them and do what you want to do. I did read your stories, friends can be fake. Some friends are backstabbers. Some friends are really sweet and nice. Some are just.. mysterious. The internet is a mysterious place. You never know what's going to happen at any second.

    IJAH is a wonderful place, so many great friends, but people can be fake and they can use you and hurt you, betray, and for no reason. Well, one reason; they're only jealous of you. They can use you to be popular. Or use you for their own fun.

    We are all live, and all people, we are not perfect, nor imperfect. This is all true.

    Bullies, like Kenzz said, think before you say. We know how to stay strong. We can stay strong

    Best wishes, thank you for making this thread.

  11. xXNeonStarsXx


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    im only 7...

    and i do get bullied alot:(
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2015
  12. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

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    They may have their reasons to do so... Maybe they are bullied themselves by someone they know or parents etc. And they simply don't know how to deal with it otherwise... So, hold on the Pieces of trash part for a sec and ask what's wrong. Will work 1000000 times better than report.
    Odi likes this.
  13. ItsHarry

    ItsHarry Owner Staff Member Owner

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    Closing thread, the message is clear
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