Forgot. Don't forget the Scypozoa :D Pleased to say that from now on, a lot of former stories will come into play. I might think of continuing using this thread for the rest of the entire story. Returning characters: @SerenadeOfStorms, @LouiseXminerX, @TwageTomato, @Kungfu241, @nala, @RealTDITyler,@PavlovaPrince, @Sven007 Chapter 18: Solutions“Kono! Wake up! Oh this isn’t good!” I felt someone shaking me with sharp hands. It was Serenade, who elevated himself to my level. “You were shaking in bed! What happened? And plus something else just happened.” “Oh it’s nothing; now what happened?” I asked. “Louise went missing! I was jolted awake and saw Louise in that bed, but then I fell asleep again. When I woke up again, she was gone!” he explained. “What? Are the others safe?” “Yes. Nala and Pavlo are sleeping and Sven and Kungom are in the bathrooms,” he said, “I checked everywhere! She’s nowhere to be seen.” “This is a pretty small room Serenade. I’m pretty sure she just walked out for a bit. Maybe she’s with Twage.” “Maybe she was brainwashed!” Serenade yelled. From Serenade’s shriek, nala jumped out of bed and kicked Serenade to the wall in the back. “Oh jeez! You scared me Serenade!” nala said. “Ugggh, why’d you do that nala?” Serenade said. He explained Louise’s situation to nala, then Sven when he walked into the room, then Kungom, who woke up Pavlo, who Serenade had to repeat the story for for the fifth time. “Well then. I’ll go check security footage,” nala said while rushing out the door. After she left, a woman who was dressed in nala’s secretary clothing knocked on the wall of the doorframe. “Uhh are you Kono Hito?” she asked, “Twage awaits for you all in the dining hall. It looks like my advisor isn’t here, so you five should get down there. I’ll accompany you down.” She led us to the end of the corridor, but on the way there, Tyler stepped out of a room. “Oh hello master Tyler,” the assistant said. “Hello Glinda. Are you taking these ruffians to the exhibition hall for the exhibition of their execution?” he asked. “Uhh no. I’m taking them to the dining hall. Your father wants you there as well. Now, come along,” she said. Tyler sighed heavily. “Alright.” Glinda led us down a flight of stairs and past the throne room to a gilded room with a large table in the center. It had about twenty chairs around it, and Twage was already seated at the chair on the end. “Ah friends! You came!” Twage said happily, “Please sit down and my personnel will serve dinner. I’ll talk about what I want to talk about right now. Wait, why are there only five of you?” “I really don’t know. We thought she was with you.” I replied. “Haha did your loser friend run off or something?” Tyler said. “Tyler Elizabeth Tomato, I don’t know what’s gotten into you young man, but I have had enough of this behaviour! Go to your room this instant!” Tyler scoffed at Twage and said, “You don’t understand me at all dad!” He stormed out the room. Twage shook his head and said, “Enough with that kid. Anyway sit down. We have a lot to discuss.” We all sat down and Twage clapped his hands. The lights dimmed and Twage donned a pair of gloves. He did a few motions with his hands and lights appeared, making a map of places that seemed familiar to me. The light warped and played a little 3-D cinematic of certain events. “Alright, so there are three places here: Denpe, Alem, and Bashon. I remember everything now, and I want to talk about this today. So, Kono, you woke up after falling out of the sky in Denpe. After that, Xeno woke up the dragon and killed everyone. All I remember is Ace. I don’t know what happened to him. Anyway, from there, I remember Xeno acted really strange at some points. At night, I would make sure he’s okay, but he slept on the ceiling. He would chant some weird incantation up there too. After that, Alem was there with the wicked witch of the mountain. We were all hunted because the humans placed us in the same group as the evil witches. Anyway, Kono here absorbed the evil witch’s power and something happened, but now, of course, I remember what happened!” “Wait a second,” Louise said, “All of this sounds familiar now. Anyway, carry on.” “Well, when Kono was possessed by Radii’s essence, I grabbed him and tried holding him in place with a magnetic field, but it didn’t work. When I saw his eyes, I saw something wei- hey Kono, you okay?” “Y- yes. I’m fine. I think I’m feeling a little nauseous.” I said, “I’ll be fine.” “Go away.” I heard. “Who said that?” I yelled. “Go far away from here. This is too dangerous” “But I don’t want to!” “Kono!” Twage yelled, “Do you need a doctor?” The voice disappeared. “Yes. I’m perfectly fine. I’m sorry about that.” I replied. “Alright, so,” Twage made a few motions and a symbol appeared, the same one that was in Twage’s eyes, “this is what I saw in your eyes. I also heard you say some weird things after that and when Radii temporarily possessed you. Anyway, what I theorize is that this whole thing about the journals and how we meet is all fated. That journal you have is the key to unlocking and giving us the memory we need to understand you, Kono. I understand now that you actually remember all of this. Anyway, I don’t know when this loop will end, but when it does, I don’t know what will happen.” “What loop?” I asked. “Well, in every place we were at, there was a villain, which was me in this place, and you just had a team who all had special powers. We all were able to defeat the villain but there was always a loophole, and that loophole lead to our downfall.” Twage said, “Well, let’s get going. I’ll lead you personally to your room.” At the moment, Glinda ran into the room. “Uhh sir!” “Yes?” Twage replied. “I can’t find my boss!” “What? First Louise, now her? What’s going on?” Thanks for reading! Please leave something down below (like a comment or a request or a suggestion) because I'm dying to hear what you readers want to say. Remember, character requests for the fourth story, Depression, is active, so please don't hesitate to ask for a position. Also, if you're in this story, you won't reappear unless you ask to reprise. Your personalities will change throughout the course of the whole story as always.
Kono, I left out a lot of the Code Lyoko monsters. The scyphozoa, the Tarantulas, the Sharks and Kalamari in the digital sea, the Guardians (those orbs from season 1 that make fake alternate realities), the Creepers in sector 5, and, of course, the Colossus.
Great story! Great thing you took a shower twage. You don't smell anymore. I don't remember if I asked, may I please be in the next story?
Wooo Chapter 19. A lot of people hate chapter 19 at my school :/ Returning characters: @SerenadeOfStorms, @LouiseXminerX, @TwageTomato, @Kungfu241, @nala, @RealTDITyler, @PavlovaPrince, @Sven007 Chapter 19: Giants“Oh lords,” Twage said, “this is all my fault.” Twage paced the room as Glinda was sent to check the security footage. We were eating while he contemplated the situation. “It can’t be your fault. You didn’t do anything.” I said to Twage. “No, I fear something greater is in play,” he said, “Oh hey Glinda.” She walked through the door while carrying a notebook. “Alright. I checked the footage and nala was indeed kidnapped. A shadowy figure of sorts caught her by surprise and took her. The same shadowy figure was the one who took your friend with the dice bracelet too,” she said. “Alright.” Twage said, “That’ll be all for now.” Glinda exited the room as Kungom said, “So, what do we do now?” “I- I’m gonna go take a nap.” I said, “I don’t feel so good.” “Alright. Should I escor-“ I interrupted Twage, “No, I’m fine.” “Ok then. Please be careful,” Twage said. I walked up the dark steps thinking about what just happened. I couldn’t believe that they were both gone. I could still hear both of their voices, but Louise’s came out more than any of them. It was like she was saying “kelp,” but then it sounded like she said “hell.” It did make sense for her to say the latter, though. As I walked up the steps and past a few rooms to the bunker, Louise’s voice sounded louder. When I got to Tyler’s room, I snapped out of confusion. I realized that the voice wasn’t just a figment of my imagination. “Louise?!” I yelled. “W- who’s there? Kono? Get me out of here!” “Where are you?” “I don’t know. It’s dark and scary in here.” I could hear her voice coming from the room next to Tyler’s. I used an emblem Twage gave me in order to unlock the door and it was a storage closet. Louise was tied up with a thick rope around her neck. “Are you okay Louise?” I ask while quickly untying the rope. “It was Tyler. He still has nala but I don’t know where they are. He forced me to do something but I just can’t remember what he made me do. All I remember was something about giants and how he was going to transform into one. When I heard him talk though, he just swore at me for changing the story. I don’t know what story he’s talking about and I’m so confused,” she said while burying her face in her palms. “Hey Kono?” I heard, “Someone just broke into the alchemy lab.” I forgot that nala gave me a walkie-talkie in case of emergency. Serenade was talking into it. “Alright,” I spoke into the device, “I found Louise but she seems sort of unstable. I’m gonna take her to the bunker and I’m gonna need someone to look after her.” I helped Louise to a bed in the bunker while Twage came running to the room. “I’ll look after her. Your friends are still looking for nala. You should go look for her too.” He said. I agreed with him and ran out, but as soon as I ran out, Tyler came out of his room. “What’d you do with nala?!” I demanded. “What ever are you talking about, plebian?” he said, “I have no business talking to the likes of you, now where is my father?” I was completely skeptical of his actions, but I just decided to tell him of Twage’s whereabouts in the bunker room. “Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day,” he said. He walked down to the bunker room and shut the door. “W- wait a second!” I yelled. I ran over to the door and it was locked. I tried the emblem and it was locked with an administrative coding. “Tyler’s in the bunker room with Twage and Louise! Get in here!” I yelled into the walkie-talkie. I decided to take down the door by force and when I knocked it down, Tyler was giving a speech to his father. “You don’t come for me at all! Oh Kono, you’re here just in time to witness my ascension above my da- no, even the gods will tremble before my power!” “What are you rambling on about son?” Twage asked, “I’ve always been there for you!” “No you haven’t!” he yelled, “You’re always busy with work to notice me! This time, though, you’ll be forced to notice me.” Right then, we heard brisk footsteps coming this way. “Oh goody! More guests!” Tyler said, “You see, Louise had a special file tucked away in her laptop which held the key to a tragic event that happened many, many years ago. I used her to unlock it and I had nala inject it into me. I am now going Sayonara, suckers!” He ran towards the window at full speed and busted his way through it. We were all shocked and Twage froze in horror, but suddenly, a strike of lightning hit where Tyler would’ve landed. A veil of smoke surrounded the castle and filled the area as Twage put his hand on my shoulder. “We need to get out of here!” he yelled, “You, Serenade, Kungom, nala, Pavlo, and Sven, get out of here. Take Louise with you and don’t look back. This is all my fault.” “You couldn’t expect any of this, now come on let’s go!” I said. “No, I have to face Tyler myself. I know what he did to himself and I intend to appeal to whatever humanity he has left.” Twage said. “Let’s respect his wishes. It’s the end of the world anyway,” nala said between breaths, “He brainwashed me to inject the TitanX formula into him. We better get out of here before Tyler wakes up.” Louise shot up at the mention of the formula’s name. “What?! Who made that? What’s happening?” “No time to explain.” Pavlo said. “What happens when he wakes up?” Sven asked. “He’s gonna kill me.” Twage said, “Go! Now!” Thanks for reading! Yah I didn't plan out the late story here. I guess I really did change the story :D If you wanna leave something down below like a suggestion for the story, please do not hesitate to do so. I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I was busy with finals week. If you want to be in the next story, I'm taking requests for that. I'll put the people who want to be in it here (I forgot who wanted to so this list may be a little askew) : Louise, nala, and Xeno. For now, I bid adieu :)
Yes. Of course :P Here we go. Final chapter. Sorry it took so long. AP courses weighed me down as soon as I got back to school. Haha. Returning characters: @SerenadeOfStorms, @LouiseXminerX, @TwageTomato, @Kungfu241, @nala, @RealTDITyler, @PavlovaPrince, @@Sven007 Chapter 20: ManInBlack“We don’t have any time to lose. Hurry up!” nala yelled. “Where are we going?” Pavlo asked. “Somewhere safe, hopefully,” Sven replied. Sven, Serenade, and nala lead the way as we ran to some unknown location. We were currently descending stairs that looked as if they went on forever. We’ve been descending for quite a while. “Yah of course my house is safe.” Serenade said. “Well it’s not so secret anymore,” Pavlo said. “Uggh, move it!” Louise yelled, “We don’t have much time!” “Wait what’s going on? What’s that TitanX thing?” I asked. “It’s a vial of cerebral fluid,” Louise said, “I stole it from a wealthy businessman on the sixth layer. I didn’t know what it was so I hid it by putting it in my laptop.” “So that’s where you got it from,” nala said, “that cerebral fluid was taken from a Titan, a humanoid giant that targeted humans for food and nothing else. When Tyler brainwashed me, he forced me to inject it into him.” “What does that do?” I asked. “Well,” nala said. At that moment, a triumphant roar echoed throughout the area, making the mountain vibrate as if an earthquake happened. “Where are you, you disgrace to dads everywhere?!” we heard. We stopped running we heard sirens blare and people screaming through the walls of the underground bunker we were in. “Attention all Bashon residents,” we heard Twage say on the P/A system, “we’re experiencing an attack from an unidentified source. Please stay calm and use the escape pod methods. Please find any residents in lower sectors and welcome them into your pod so that I know you all are safe. As for me, I don’t know how or if I will live, so just gtfo. I’m not gonna even try to escape the inevitable doom I’ve brought upon myself. And friends, if you’re listening, don’t even try to stop what I caused.” “If we don’t stop it, won’t Tyler be able to kill the entire human race?” I asked. We all stared at nala, who was looking at her feet and tapping her heels. “Uhh, I’m sorry what? Wait, I’m sorry. Yes, he’ll be able to kill all humans,” nala said with a devilish grin, “however, after careful analysis, that vial of cerebral fluid was toxic. That’s why I ultimately decided to inject it. Hypnosis is just suggestibility at core anyway.” After a long bit of silence and the sounds of earth rattling, Louise asked, “So what do we do now?” “Well, I think we should get back up to Twage. The poison will take care of Tyler, but besides that, we need to get Twage. He has the answers we need,” nala said. “What do you mean?” Sven asked. “I mean exactly what I mean. Kono, when I read your journal, I had a vision. A man in a tuxedo approached me, and he told me that your journal is fated to turn Twage to our side and Twage is fated to give us the answers as to why we’re here and why we’re stuck in this loop,” nala said. “Wait, what loop? What man? Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” I asked. “The man didn’t want me to ruin the story even more than it already was. He already told me not to tell his name or what the loop is. He told me you were smart enough to figure it out,” she said. “Whatever you’re talking about, nala, it just doesn’t make sense!” I yelled. “It’ll all make sense! Let’s just save Twage no matter what the cost. He’ll explain it all. We need as many people to hear his story,” she said. “I’d like to interrupt this to say one thing,” Sven said, “do you mind? Let’s get out of here. I wouldn’t want to be under solid things when Armageddon comes.” “It already came, my friend,” Louise said. She tossed each of us a watch. “I just preprogrammed it. Just press the button. Meet’cha at the top!” she said while an orb of light enveloped her. We all followed her lead and almost threw up when we got to the other side. The castle was in ruins like that song by Miley Cyrus hit it. Wait, who’s that? “Oh no, the last thing I needed was you people to be here,” we heard a familiar voice, “I don’t know why you’re here, but he’s missed me so many times.” Twage approached us and slapped nala for letting us be here. “Well then, it feels good to be loved,” nala said, “Hurry Twage, did a man approach you when you read Kono’s journal?” “No. I felt a hundred years younger though, if that’s even possible. Anyway, look out!” he yelled. From a few miles away, we saw a huge rock flying towards the mountain. Instinctively, we took cover among the ruins, but luckily the rock flew into the side of the mountain. “I guess I’ll have to do this myself,” a roaring voice sounded from the distance. All of us except Twage stayed hidden from Tyler's view as the giant Tyler approached the mountain. “Isn’t he supposed to be poisoned and weak?” I asked nala. “It takes time for the potency to kick in through the whole body,” she said. “Tyler, son, I don’t want to hurt you. I love you.” Twage said. “Oh don’t ‘oh son, I wuv you’ all over me right now! I waited for you to come for me, but I had to learn on my own. That’s not right nor fair that your own son has to wait for his father to take care of other people first! I’m sick and tired of this game already. You are not my father.” Tyler said. “Alright then. I’ll respect your decision son,” Twage said, “Hit me with your best shot.” “Oh ho ho, I’ve been waiting for this my entire life! The chance to finally show my father, King of Bashon, who’s boss!” Tyler said. Tyler winded up a punch and Serenade and I jumped out in time to be there to block his punch. Serenade morphed into a sturdy spiky wall while I aimed him to block the onslaught. “Ow that was mean! Hey, what’re you-“ Serenade, like a jelly, encased Tyler in an ooze-like substance. With me behind him, he morphed his back into a catapult. He said, “Get on! Maybe we can use that journal to get a giant on our team!” I hopped on Serenade but as soon as he launched me, nala yelled, “Kono! Don’t!” I pressed the journal to Tyler’s eyes but forgot an important flaw: he’s only been in here once. That’s when Tyler took his other hand and slapped his face, killing me in a heartbeat. “Hello. You’ve met a terrible fate, haven’t you? Your friends have died and so have you. Now, let's talk about that change, shall we?” I heard. As always, thank you for reading this last chapter. The next story will be up soon and will include Louise, nala, Xeno, and Twage in some order like that or something. If you wanna make a suggestion about the next story, please don't hesitate to shoot me something. The next one's gonna be big :)