ItsJerryAndHarry Survival Games Clan Rules/Info

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by iCursedHD, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. iCursedHD

    iCursedHD ☆ Lacrosse <3 ☆

    Likes Received:
    iCursedHD , Min3craft_L3g3nd
    ItsJerryAndHarry Clans Started On 11/23/2014 , By iCursedHD , and iCharmanderYT

    Clans are big teams that battle other teams to hopefully get on the leader boards to get into the Annual Clan Battle championships (Hosted by iCursedHD , iCharmanderYT)

    Correct Clan Recruitment Thread Format
    THREAD NAME MUST BE [#(clan name)] [(open or closed)]
    *Clan info stated here*

    *Clan Requirements stated here*
    Clan Application Format
    *Clan Application stated here*
    Clan Roster
    *Clan Roster Stated Here*
    Clan Battles
    *Clan Battles stated here*
    "I, ______, leader of the clan ____________, agree to the iCursedHD and iCharmanderYT OFFICIAL itsjerryandharry Clan Rules. We will act appropriately and uphold the standards of the itsjerryandharry. Should the clan or its members break any of the rules, we agree to accept whatever punishments may be delivered."
    CLAN Recruitment Thread Example
    Thread Name - [#Swag] [OPEN]
    clan founded by swagman123 11/23/14

    Wins - 100+
    Ratio -1/10
    Matureness - out of 10 9/10
    Age - 12+
    Skype - Must have skype
    Mic - must have working mic

    Wins -
    Ratio -
    Matureness -
    Skype -
    Strengths -
    Weakness -
    Why do you want to join Swag -

    Swag VS Lolz [Win] [4-3]
    Swag VS Clan [Win/Lose][SCORE]
    "I, Swagman123, leader of the clan #swag, agree to iCursedHD and iCharmanderYT OFFICIAL itsjerryandharry Clan Rules . We will act appropriately and uphold the standards of the ItsJerryandHarry community. Should the clan or its members break any of the rules, we agree to accept whatever punishments may be delivered."

    In order for a clan to operate on our system, clans are expected to follow all the rules stated below. Failure to do so may result in your clan being blacklisted or even force disbanded. The Administration reserves the right to change these rules at any given time and reserves the right of final decision in case of any disputes or disagreements. Please note that even if you do not accept the rules, in order for a can to operate on our system, you are expected to follow the rules regardless.

    *Harass other clans

    *Fake wins

    *Steal other clans names, info, art, or their thread text

    *Create troll clans with no purpose other than to cause trouble

    *Rage after you lose or feel that the other team played unfairly, instead, have a polite conversation and state what you feel went wrong

    *Spam post applications for clans, if you have been denied more than once, chances are you will not make it in the clan

    *Being in a clan does not give you power over any players, you do not get to break any of the itsjerryandharry server rules

    *Rather than yelling "cheater, you broke the rules", ask politely for a rematch, since the opposing clan may have forgotten one of the rules

    *Do not tell players not in your clan or opposing clan to leave the game because it is a clan battle, they have just as much as a right to play as your team

    *Do not respond to applications saying something like: "You are the worst player I have ever seen." That just makes people feel bad.

    OFFICIAL Clan Battle Rules


      • Clan members may only interact with other clan members, with the exception being fighting random players or those on the opposing team.
      • If any rules are broken to the point of a player being banned, the battle is rendered moot, and a rematch may take place at the clan leaders' discretion.
      • Use of any of the illegal weapons or items found in a map will cause an instant disqualification. If a player kills a player and obtains the items in question, they must burn the items immediately.
      • Battles may be postponed for a legitimate reason, but postponing a battle just because one player is not there is not a legitimate reason.
      • A minimum of two backup players must be prepared to play, should any clan members not be able to participate in the battle.
      • You must use members from your roster. Players that are not a part of the clan roster are not allowed to play in-game.
      • Members need to be in the clan for at least 24 hours before being able to battle.
      • No alternative accounts are not allowed to be used in a clan match. The user accounts listed on the clan’s roster thread must match the ones participating in the clan battle.
      • If a player drops connection (client-side) or crashes during the game, it will be as if someone has died. A redo will not be done because of this.
      • There will be random, non-clan players without a doubt. These randoms we cannot control. Therefore, they will be a double sided blade to both teams. Meaning, if a clan member were to die from a random, then it will count as if the opposing team has killed that specific person.
      • If a player of any clan dies to a hacker who is not participating in the clan battle, it will not be a redo. UNLESS, they have proof of them dying to a hacker, however, it is recommended to get in contact with staff to get rid of the hacker.
      • If a clan member is banned during a clan battle, the banned user’s clan forfeits the match. If the user posts a ban dispute and they are successfully unbanned, the forfeit is revoked and the match is rendered moot; the clans can rematch or not at their own discretion.
      • No using OP items. Example: Potions, items from dispensers, etc.
      • Postponements are allowed for only valid reasons. You are not allowed to falsify reasons to postpone a match.
        1. Valid reasons include: not enough members online to participate, personal issue that can't be handled at another time, server-based technical faults, etc.
        2. Invalid reasons include: postponing in order to prevent a loss, etc.
      • If both clans agree pre-game, spectating will be disallowed. Otherwise, it will be allowed.
      • You can only team with members of your clan, and with no one else. You cannot ally with random players or a player on the opposite team.
      • There will be no use of accounts that are shared between members in separate clans.
      • No flames whatsoever. This is includes clan threads and in-game. If you have a problem, please contact the Senior Staff
      • All other itsjerryandharry rules apply.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  2. iCursedHD

    iCursedHD ☆ Lacrosse <3 ☆

    Likes Received:
    iCursedHD , Min3craft_L3g3nd
    @ItsJerry @ItsHarry can you make a seperate server chat Called Clans ? if so please do im hoping to get this a BIG thing! :D
  3. maymay

    maymay Donator

    Likes Received:
    They don't get notifications.
  4. iCursedHD

    iCursedHD ☆ Lacrosse <3 ☆

    Likes Received:
    iCursedHD , Min3craft_L3g3nd
  5. Durske

    Durske The Dolphinator

    Likes Received:
    Was this supposed to be in Suggestions..? I'm a bit confused here since you're creating a whole new thing already without having the people say ''Agree'' or ''Disagree.''
    It just seems weird how you created all this for teams in Survival Games. It's everyone versus everyone and there, and sure people team, but I don't think they'll add for example, clan war rooms. You could just have a clanwar in Factions where, in my opinion, it's supposed to be.
    (Also, I think this should be in Survival Games and not suggestions.)
  6. NickerPan

    NickerPan Donator

    Likes Received:
    This should be elsewhere.....
  7. KrxTheRektor

    KrxTheRektor Fabulicious

    Likes Received:
    I love how the title screams 'official' everywhere when this is completely non-official and is not endorsed by J&H.
  8. _MadisonBarks

    _MadisonBarks THAT furry Donator

    Likes Received:
    1) Please do not tag staff members without proper intent (the way you tagged them was without proper intent)
    2) Please do not utilize the keyword "official" unless you have endorsement from staff to use that word. In which case, you don't.
    3) Please do not use large text except for headers and titles. This is actually stated in the rules.
    4) Please do not utilize so many useless characters in your title just to get attention. This isn't the creative server - this is the forums

    And finally...
    5) Please do not post non-suggestions in the suggestions thread. This thread is being moved to off-topic.

    Your title has been changed to reflect the above items.
  9. iCursedHD

    iCursedHD ☆ Lacrosse <3 ☆

    Likes Received:
    iCursedHD , Min3craft_L3g3nd
    well im new and im from mcsg and i thought maybe this could be a thing ya know..
  10. Ninjaman

    Ninjaman Goodbye letter in info page

    Likes Received:
    SHOTS FIRED sorry couldn't help it lol