So guys lately i got a lot of lagg for no reason my fps is 200 so thats alright but still i lagg like hell anyway this video is for @ConstipateMango and @LilaRok and @chupytastic to show i lagg really badly and that i dont hack (you can see it are laggspikes) this is also a hackreport between the laggspikes i can play normal and you can see that other player hacks there (but that doesnt matter :p) Proof of my insane lagg:
this happends to me quite alot, but i suggest clearing the cookies and history of all your browsers, and doing a boot-time scan, there might be some hidden viruses
Clearly gewoon_jessie wasn't hacking... You were lagging, and you didn't see them move. You hit them, and they went to the other side. You were lagging, and you couldn't see the movement in real time.
To be honest, it did look like hacks. Look at how he/she turned back and looked up while hitting King. She/he also got hit a few times, and you could see that he/she didn't take knockback.
It's just intense lag. Look what happened when he hit Taahir15, he had to hit him multiple times before he moved. It's just player lag, I don't think anyone here was hacking.
Go to 0:35 and use slow motion. The blue player hit gewoon_jessie one time, and he/she stayed in the place. Then when king came close, gewoon_jessie just turned back WHILE the blue player was attacking him and he still stood still. That was obviously force field and anti-knockback, not player lag.
Bruh you don't hack. Ur just very very very very very very bad at NOT lagging. :) have a good day sir!
King, I was one of the people defending you, telling others who were accusing you of hacks that their accusations were false... I didn't say you hacked. :/
Plenty of staff members have OBVIOUSLY seen this. If it was "drama" and "Bull", then we would have closed it and have handled it properly. You, on the other hand...