J&H Spleef Tournament Suggestion

Discussion in 'Spleef' started by SlimShady, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. SlimShady

    SlimShady Spleefer

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    I think the server definitely has the spleef player base to host an official tournament. it would be a fun little competition and would probably bring people on for it. It wouldn't be too hard to organize and there doesn't even have to be a prize just for fun.
    aveliss and markisdarky like this.
  2. aveliss

    aveliss Staff Member Moderator

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    We're definitely interested in hosting something like this in the forthcoming future. I want to throw it back to you guys though for some suggestions, cause we can always run a stock standard spleef tourney but how about we try change it up a bit to make it more interesting. Since school is coming up or has currently started for a lot of us, what would be the best time to run this sort of tournament as well?

    What would you guys think if we changed the rules in the tourney to reflect it being more enjoyable/interesting to play?. Something where the community votes on suggestions to potentially add to the style of the tourney, you could say a 'community create your own tourney' type of thing. It would be great to see the ideas you guys and gals come up with down below. :smile:
    Viccup, noah, joshp05 and 1 other person like this.
  3. Lucyy

    Lucyy Builder Donator

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    Hell yeah!!
    aveliss likes this.
  4. markisdarky

    markisdarky Spleefer

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    Very much could be two types 1 vs 1 ladder tourney or a multi spleef, I would say certain tactics (camping) should for sure be grounds for disqualifications as this delays games very. The way I would describe the multi spleef tourney in my image is a roster of players whom have to all compete for most wins, there would be multi rounds for players to have a chance to pass each other and the player with most accrued wins, win. 1 vs 1 tourneys would be straight forward and rules can be implemented for them as well. Also another idea is team spleef where you can partner up with someone and fight another pair for victory.
    noah, joshp05, Lucyy and 1 other person like this.
  5. joshp05

    joshp05 _Jsoh

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    I think this is the way to do it, glad spleef is finally getting attention :)
    Joeley020202020 and aveliss like this.
  6. aveliss

    aveliss Staff Member Moderator

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    My concern with the 1v1 spleef is which arena would we use? The main arena or the 1v1 arenas? I think the 1v1 arenas are too small and wont be much of a challenge since its very easy to win and over in about 2 seconds flat.
  7. noah

    noah Moderator Plus Staff Member Mod+

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    I'm happy to see that the community would indeed like to see some official events, I'm sure we can work something up at some point when availability isn't as much of an issue. But yes, leave preferred tournament methods and ideas and we'll see what we can do. Might even do a little prize pool :wink:
  8. markisdarky

    markisdarky Spleefer

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    they'd be a fair size, as you said and I agree the sizes of the 1v1 arenas are too small it'd probably say it should at least be 30-35 long and 45-50 wide or a bit more wider to make sure players are evenly spaced out. (edit) an inclusion of no outside baring walls meaning you can accidently fall off the platform and discourage players from sticking to the edges of the platform.
    Lucyy, aveliss and noah like this.
  9. SlimShady

    SlimShady Spleefer

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    I would say the best time for a tournament would probably be any weekend or even Christmas break? How I would do it is probably the traditional way with tournament brackets and such. I agree the 1v1 arenas are too small so i'd say just either use the big arena for 1v1s or have a custom made one specifically for this and preferably best of 3 rounds.
    aveliss likes this.
  10. aveliss

    aveliss Staff Member Moderator

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    We're *potentially* looking into make a custom setting for this, if we can't do that then we will defs be using the main one. I agree with using the bracket system to set this up and doing best of rounds but what about the actual rules to set in place.

    I know a lot of spleef players get fed up with people running/islanding/sticking in a corner/snowballs, so I want to hear what you guys have to say in terms of setting the rules for this tourney. Ultimately, we want to make this a higher impact tourney that will make it a lot more challenging and make the competitiveness a lot higher than previous tourneys.

    I'm unfamiliar with the US and similar school systems timetabling for holidays and what not so some specific dates would certainly help out, so we can all come to an agreement which would bring in the most players. I'll just throw this out there now but how about we throw a tourney soon and one at xmas break? Anyway let me know what you guys and gals think of this.
    Lucyy likes this.