How's Life

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Netherr, May 2, 2021.

  1. Netherr

    Netherr Administrator Staff Member Administrator

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    Pretty sure I've created a thread like this before, you can correct me if I'm wrong.

    It's been a while since I've talked to I guess pretty much anybody who isn't staff or ex-staff lol. So I guess I'll reply to a couple of people whose comments intrigue me.

    Life's been pretty mundane and boring for me. I've been stuck at home for the past year due to my country's irresponsible and negligent government and hard-headed countryfolk.

    For education, I've been doing online learning and I have mixed feelings about it. While I enjoy the fact that going to class isn't a requirement, the workload being provided is double what I had when I had physical classes.

    Over the quarantine, I've started buying and selling shoes and clothing. I'd either sell from my own collection or purchase a good from someone then resell it for a higher price. I've made a good amount of money although admittedly, I ended up spending most of it on purchasing new pairs of shoes or pieces of clothing for myself. Oh well, at least I'm not negative in terms of my spendings.

    I miss being able to go out in general. I miss being able to eat at restaurants, go malling, hanging out with friends, etc. I also miss being able to dress up since all I've been wearing are t-shirts alongside with either jogging pants or shorts since I'm just at home. Unfortunately for me, this will probably continue for at least another couple of months. My biggest fear is that I'll have to spend the remainder of my college years at home and have online graduation.

    That's about it from me. I'm interested to hear about how you guys are doing so feel free to leave a comment or reply.
  2. Miklo

    Miklo Donator

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    Life’s been intersting, been working hard to try and achieve my goals of being in the Air Force as well as being a pilot which is extremely stressful. As well as my anxiety and a bunch of other shit. So genuinely just been super busy with a. Lot
    Yupac and Netherr like this.
  3. Davey

    Davey Staff Member Moderator

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    Dadvey | Dohe
    i'm not doing horrible, but i'm not necessarily doing great.

    currently finishing up the school year, got one more after this until college so i'm nervous. essentially secured a job for the summer already and have some side goals in mind for the summer as well. depression/ anxiety have been flaring up horribly lately so i'm hoping that the summer can change that.

    otherwise all i've been doing is playing minecraft, cs, and r6. mostly minecraft, and i'm trying to get better at pvp than i've been before.

    much like you've been collecting clothing and shoes, i've began collecting video games. it's a pretty fulfilling hobby, as it's something i'm genuinely passionate about and i love playing damn near anything.

    currently also learning how to play guitar, working on getting my license, and i'm trying to improve/ better myself overall as a person.
    Miklo, Yupac and Netherr like this.
  4. Miklo

    Miklo Donator

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    Sending my best wishes to you Davey, lmk if I can help u in any way bro
    Davey likes this.
  5. Davey

    Davey Staff Member Moderator

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    Dadvey | Dohe
    you as well bro. i know your anxiety kicks your ass sometime, reach out to me anytime u need <3
    Miklo likes this.
  6. Miklo

    Miklo Donator

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    Davey likes this.
  7. samm

    samm saint Donator

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    I did this for about a year a few years back

    Started when I wanted to sell my old bape shirts that no longer fit me, and I saw some listing in my area for dirt cheap

    I'd get my dad to drive my around and I'd buy all the stuff I could get from kijiji, Facebook, Instagram etc.

    There is a streetwear/hypebeast/shoe store downtown in my city, and the owner paid a fair price for stuff, so I'd mostly go to him and sell all my pickups

    He was a really nice guy, he let me meet Smokepurp and he gave me tickets to see Yung Tory and Pressa (no clue if you've ever even heard of them)

    But anyways, reselling can be a lot of fun, especially if you get deep into the community, make a lot of new connections etc., and it's always nice to be able to pay for new stuff using money from reselling

    (ik I didn't answer your thread but whatever)
    Miklo, Yupac, Nvlan and 2 others like this.
  8. Netherr

    Netherr Administrator Staff Member Administrator

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    Sounds like you've got a lot going on in your life right now. I don't know much about the air force since I've never been interested but it does sound like an interesting job. Where I come from, some people go through regular college first before attending flight school. My friend's cousin is currently taking up a management course and was planning to go to flight school after. Not sure if he's still going to pursue his dreams of becoming a pilot though because he ended up impregnating his girlfriend and they're pushing through with the baby.

    Regarding your anxiety, I know words don't exactly help a lot but do try and level with yourself. Ever since this lockdown started, I ended up getting some form of anxiety. I'd overthink constantly about unrealistic scenarios which would stress me out (eg. If I could save only one parent, who would I save). Not exactly too sure what caused it but I've eventually gotten used to it and whenever these random thoughts come to mind, I can shut them down before I spiral. Normally, talking to someone helps me out if I really can't get it out of my head. At least this way I'm distracted. Hope you get to manage well and good luck with your goals.

    Man, I miss high school. Just a while ago I was reminiscing about my high school days and I told myself I wouldn't mind reliving my high school life for a day. Despite all the stress and unnecessary stuff schools tend to give, in my opinion, the people around you make up for all of that. Don't waste your last year in high school and make the most out of it. I'm about to finish my 2nd year of college, which was, unfortunately, all done online. They say college years are some of the best years of my life but it looks like I won't be able to say same due to the pandemic, welp.

    It's good that you have stuff queued up for the summer, it should give you some room to not think about things that get you anxious. Should also prevent you from dwelling or potentially having unwanted thoughts. Although I'm sure you know this by now, try and do stuff you enjoy. Generally speaking, doing things you like should put you in a better mood and overall can affect your outlook on life. If possible, try and stay around people too. Being alone isn't the healthiest for people with conditions since they need the support of others to boost their morale.

    In my opinion, collecting is an underrated hobby. I know a lot of people who feel like it's a waste of money but to people like us, there's a certain level of satisfaction achieved whenever we add something new to our collection. I feel like people also have this idea that items that are collected aren't used. While of course there are some items that are really only meant to be displayed, the majority of the items being collected, such as your games for example, end up being used. I support you on your collection of video games and I'm hoping you continue to enjoy that hobby for years to come.

    For the longest time, I was shy to buy and sell. I'd only conduct trades with those I knew personally. Not entirely sure as to why I was shy now that I look back on it but boy am I glad that I eventually outgrew it. I actually got to sell two shoes today, and I'm getting a new pair tomorrow which I'll most probably try to flip.

    I'll share a few of my pickups down below.

    Davey, Nvlan, samm and 2 others like this.
  9. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    I'm doing great thanks for asking.

    So... What have I been doing? A lot really.

    First off I have been enrolled in a different school (is it even a school?), which is new. I get to work with animals and it's basically just for life skills, from 9:30am until 2:30pm it'll be a lot of hard work and I will probably be exhausted by the end of the week taking care of them all. I hope it's great there haha.

    Second of all, I haven't played Minecraft much, but I hop on every now and then when I feel up to it (which is every few days). I don't play other games much because my CPU is absolute garbage and I can't run any other game except Minecraft (best version I can play on is 1.8.9 laby or vanilla) so I get bored pretty much often. I tried playing Elder Scrolls the other day and it just crashed my entire computer so I uninstalled it after an overnight of downloading, pretty much a waste.

    Thirdly, I haven't really done much songwriting, but when I do it's not really for my music career. Most of the songs I write are for ranting/venting because I don't really like sharing my problems/feelings with other people so it's a bummer (for people who are concerned, I'm fine! Don't worry!) but if I feel inspiration to write a song, I go to start writing it. In addition to this, I changed my brand (profile picture, name etc) to something that fits me a LOT better, I felt trapped as being "Aimee Hansen" and I thought about changing it for a while. I started writing poems recently to rant/vant, the same reason as writing songs really.

    I'm going on vacation soon, just past the border to Wales which should be pretty fun! Though, I won't have WI-FI past midnight (because it shuts off then?) so I'll have to use data haha. The scary thing about vacations is the bugs, or maybe it's just me.

    Other than all of that, I have been just browsing forums and listening to music. To be honest, it's getting boring since I literally got nothing else to do, can't really play other games because of a bad CPU. So mainly, just chatting, browsing, listening to music and TikTok I suppose.
    Netherr, Miklo, Yupac and 1 other person like this.
  10. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    Life's been mostly routine. Finishing up my 2nd semester of college in the coming days with a few last assignments I need to get wrapped up. I've been schooling online for both semesters (Fall + Spring) but am scheduled to go back in person for this coming Fall. I'm slightly nervous about it but am not much worried since it's still so far away. I've also still been working regularly on the weekends, looking to maybe pick up a few hours in the summer after May. I feel so burnt out mentally that I'm hoping I'm able to stick with the current schedule I have for this month to be used as a winding down period for me. Aside from a month long winter break, I've been grinding school practically every day minus weekends since the end of August 2020. Aside from that, I've actually lost a crap ton of weight in the past few months. I began my weight loss journey in the middle of february and am still going - in total, I've lost about 23 pounds, which feels fantastic. I'm hoping to keep this going to eventually get down to my target weight, which is still a long way's away but I'm confident in myself.
    Netherr, Miklo and Yupac like this.
  11. Netherr

    Netherr Administrator Staff Member Administrator

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    My brother did something similar during his younger days. He would go to a "school" wherein they would foster and nurture one's life skills. Although, I think it's somewhat different in your case. Will you still be taking up and learning academics? Does the school you go to provide a diploma that colleges acknowledge? Although I am in no position to make such comments, I would be concerned if the school isn't recognized by colleges.

    I've never been a music person. I'm not good at singing, nor am I good at any instrument. As a kid, I learned to play the piano although by now I've forgotten pretty much everything I've learned. I would like to relearn if given the chance though. I think songwriting is a great way to express feelings/emotions. I think it's similar to poetry in the sense that nobody can tell you that your work is wrong for its original. Therefore, only you can truly understand the meaning behind it.

    I'm jealous that you get to go on a vacation. Although it's still within your country, at least you're going out and about. I'm stuck in my house, and haven't been anywhere else in quite a while except for a short trip to a bus stop, yes a bus stop to get checked for COVID. Why they established a testing center there, I'm not entirely sure but I guess it works. Regarding the bugs, some people really are afraid of them.

    Glad to hear that you're doing well in general though. Enjoy your trip :)

    It's great that you get to back to have physical classes. The environment when learning at home is truly different from onsite classes. I personally have a lack of motivation and tend to not even attend classes from time to time. The lack of social interaction also makes school a lot less interesting.

    Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate and need a break. Do you get to take breaks? While it's good that you're grinding your academics, and planning to earn some cash through taking a job, don't forget to set aside time to relax. A lot of people I know are workaholics and feel bad whenever they're not productive. This ends up with them being extra stressed and not enjoying life. My girlfriend is like this, she has periods of time wherein she'd breakdown because of overloading herself with work. I constantly tell her to relax and remind her that college work isn't everything. Recently, she's been able to relax more often and I'm glad she's able to do so. If you aren't giving yourself a break, go do so. You won't regret it.

    Also, congrats on losing weight. Although I've never experienced issues with being overweight, nor do I think I will be any time soon, I can almost imagine the struggle it takes. Having to change your diet - whether it be the food you eat, or your eating habits, combined with routine exercise is a big change in your life. This drastic change normally prohibits most people from succeeding with their goals because they give up. Props to you on staying strong. I wish you the best.
    Smg, Miklo and thesaber903 like this.
  12. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    Just got told that I only go every Friday, and I don't really have plans for college nor University so I'm unsure if I want to even continue, I'd be fine just working in a store or something even with a horrible wage. I guess it's not really a school? I have no clue what it's called at this point, but all I know is that it's for life skills and working with animals.
    Netherr likes this.
  13. Miklo

    Miklo Donator

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    yuh, hopefully everything goes well with your friends cousin. Being a pilot is hard, expensive and a shit ton of work
    Netherr likes this.
  14. Netherr

    Netherr Administrator Staff Member Administrator

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    If you don't mind me asking, how come you don't want to go to college or university? While there is nothing wrong with this, I'm just curious about your choice of plans.
    thesaber903 likes this.
  15. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    I don't really have a certain dream job I want to do, I used to have a dream when I was in y7 of working in an office, then an anime artist, then an actress or singer, now just nothing.

    I don't have a good history of schools anyway and I'm not wanting to risk it again.
    Netherr likes this.
  16. samm

    samm saint Donator

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    @Netherr nice pick ups man, vapormax's are cleaning

    I was the same way, I'm only 16 right now, and I pretty much started reselling at 13 I think, so I was very nervous about all sorts of things.

    Most of the guys I was dealing with were between 18 and like 25.

    Meetups were scary, making offers were scary, I was pretty much just afraid of being looked down upon because of my age.

    But after making a name for myself within the instagram community for resale, meeting lots of people via engagement groupchats etc., I found that there was literally nothing to be afraid of, and it got a lot more fun
    Miklo, Nvlan and Netherr like this.
  17. Yupac

    Yupac Moderator Staff Member Moderator

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    Yupac, 7upac and RIPDMX
    Recently I've been feeling really great. I've been releasing a lot of stress, negative energy and I have been working on my anger issues by relaxing, taking more care of myself mentally and physically and reading books. I have also earned more confidence the past two months somehow, I used to do wrong decisions a lot, but now I don't really do it, I have been more responsible in my family (taking care of siblings, dishes, making food etc.)

    Due to some corona stuff (idrk what) my work is only open for like 2-3 days a week and I don't really work that much so in my spare time I have been working a lot on producing beats, writing lyrics to improve my producing/writing skills to take one more step to achieve my dreams. I have never been so proud of myself in a long time. I made new friends both in real life and in-game, so I barely get bored unlike a couple months ago.

    I have been flirting with my crush lately too, I am thinking about asking her out in a couple days/weeks when I feel for it, hopefully she will say yes. Life is currently perfect, I haven't been pissed/mad in a long time, and if coronavirus fucks off, it will most likely be MUCH better, thanks for asking! :D
    Miklo and Netherr like this.
  18. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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    sums it up
  19. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    Life for us....

    We move into our new house next Monday. So we're doing a ton packing, cleaning, repairing things. It is so exhausting because there is no time to do much else.
  20. momand

    momand God Donator

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    same old same old, work and school

    i switched majors twice since last year. started college as an actuarial science major (which is great if you love statistics and don't have a soul), then accounting, and now i'm a cs student.

    i got engaged and now i'm living in apartment with my fiancee so that's cool