What annoys you the most about your job

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Saul1337, Feb 7, 2021.

  1. Saul1337


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    Currently getting some headaches from time to time at my job from some things that annoy me a ton.

    Such as,
    Your opinion or suggestion is often regarded as a Junior ''We will look into it'' whilst a Senior employee saying the same thing results in immediate action. Of course ''We will look into it'' being office lingo for, hey fuck you guy we will not do anything with it.

    Initiative is appreciated, but not really.
    Several occasions now where I am the first to show initiative to a request or project instead of the manager having to assign random people, only for random people to be assigned who don't even want to help.

    Safety first, but don't point out unsafe things.
    Pointing out unsafe things will lead to ''hey fuck you guy'' but then the company will boast with how safe we work. For example, I am not really in the position to tell others to put gas containers into the burn resistant locker so I ask a higher up who says ''Yes I will address this'' but then ''hey fu..'' you get the point.

    I can go on, more than I thought I could but anyone having this too with their job? Or is it just me.
    samm, Magical, xKofteliEkmek and 5 others like this.
  2. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    I work for a large international cruise line. Our motto pre-covid was:
    "Everything is fluid, so what you learn today may be different before you leave. It is what it is."

    I don't think I need to explain what that's managed to evolve to xD
    retirednow, Yupac and thesaber903 like this.
  3. Yupac

    Yupac Moderator Staff Member Moderator

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    Yupac, 7upac and RIPDMX
    i work on a restaurant and what i hate is that i gotta wake up 1 hour before to take the train over everytime and i fucking hate that i got to use a mask in a hot ass room lmfao
  4. xKofteliEkmek

    xKofteliEkmek Moderator Staff Member Moderator

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    I m not working rn, but I was working as a lifeguard before.
  5. Pugnata

    Pugnata Pug the Pug Donator

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    I used to work at the flower section in a supermarket. Since we wrap the flowers/plants if it is a gift, we have to ask. Almost always, people say it's a gift for themselves. Yeah fun you think that way, but I had to hear it multiple times a day and just do a fake chuckle so the person wouldn't feel bad. I understand that they think it is super original, but I always just screamed inside every time I heard it.
    keremalguul likes this.
  6. ItsPacers

    ItsPacers Well-Known-Member Donator

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    What annoys me the most is knowing I close every single night and we get large orders after midnight and people come at 2am. Like go home and make your own food.
  7. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    i currently balance this stupid fucking packer job at a supermarket with school and i hate it with all my soul. i pack like a dumbass fuckin idiot, always breaking the paper bags that our supermarket gives to the people who dont have their own bags (they break under the weight of approximately one apple) and i keep getting yelled at by ANNOYING ass 86-year old customers who aren't happy because i put more than 100 GRAMS of food in each of their bags instead of packing in 5093 individual bags, because, oh poor them, their backs hurt and they live at the 580th floor, which they LOVE TO TELL ME AFTER IM DONE PACKING THEIR SHIT. we also have to do deliveries, which is the WORST fucking shit EVER cause customers also LOVE to tell me its a delivery AFTER IM DONE PACKING so i have to redo everything (theres a special protocol for deliveries and shit) and its long and it just sucks. we also have to empty the bottle and can return machines (idk what theyre called) and its even worse than all ive said above, i always try to fucking hide from my boss when theyre full, its fucking disgusting and i once cut myself with the thing on my wrist (thankfully i didnt start PISSING blood!!!!) and it was so bad that people thought i was literally self-harming, BUT NO, IT WAS A CUT FROM THE FUCKING BOTTLE RETURN MACHINE. at least when u do the bottle return you have to bring the bottles and cans downstairs at the back of the supermarket so you get a little break from working. the other thing we have to do is enter the shopping carts into the grocery store from the parking lot (people bring them outside next to their card and you have to bring them in again), and its actually the least bad thing you have to do. i always try to stay the longest time possible from my shift outside doing this because it's like the most ok thing to do. its kinda hard to push the carts when theres snow and ice and shit but youre by yourself and you can go at your own pace (while being in danger of literally being killed by those dangerous ass LUNATIC drivers, but thats just a detail :D). i get to listen to music and do some kind of worthy physical exercice. anyway its also super boring during the last hour or so especially because of the COVID curfew we have right now where i live, we have like an hour where we DONT DO SHIT and i get to talk with my braindead (albeit friendly) coworkers about whatever their braindead asses want to talk about. i lose brain cells man its such a dumb job where we literally have nothing to learn and i cant tolerate more than 8 hours a week of this shit. the main reason why i stay is because it's not too hard, its mostly tolerable, and because customers often give you tip so you end up having a pretty decent wage.
    xKofteliEkmek and Trevor like this.
  8. Trevor

    Trevor Donator

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    I help my dad with his marijuana plants like 3 times a week, I hate how much your arms smell after. at least my cat likes it
    Davey, Yupac, dinoceros and 2 others like this.
  9. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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    Davey, Smogg, Netherr and 6 others like this.
  10. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    Tbh, there actually isn't anything I really dislike about my job. I work in the back of a grocery store, it's kind of confusing to describe but basically the store has the function of processing orders given virtually (online) and my job is as one of the people who shop those orders and pack them up into little boxes/crates. It's kind of cool, there's like a small version of the main store in the back that we use, so for the most part I don't ever have to go out on the main floor and deal with the everyday customer. Plus, they're kind of lenient with what we're allowed to do, such as keeping our phones with us and being able to listen to music, only as long as we stay productive. I've been here for a good few years now, and it's my first job, plus it pays above minimum wage... so for starting out, I think it's pretty solid. There are obvs things that are annoying at times, when an order isn't going that well, someone gets on my back to move faster, but overall, for something I only do twice a week, I'm pretty much satisfied with it.
    Davey likes this.
  11. KrisKrikken


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    *all this is regarding dance/pop music*

    I’m in artist management & also manage my own music and the most annoying thing is that there are a few very specific gatekeepers with A LOT of influence who 1) work together to promote music they have a direct royalty share in (smart, but it forces you to exchange royalties for traffic on your song) and 2) are being contacted by hundreds of people everyday which makes networking properly with them nearly impossible.

    I am not necessarily against an industry where some people built such an empire that they have complete control over which songs are listened to and which are not, but for clueless creatives who deserve to be heard it can be very hard.

    Luckily, I have personally done a pretty good job networking with these gatekeepers, so I’m in a position that I like. I just think that the quality of your music should play a bigger part in determining your success and not how well you can get along with a specific group of people with influence in the industry.

    (Of course, part of the reason why I think it’s annoying is also because these gatekeepers made some perfect business decisions and jumped onto some bandwagons a lot earlier than others which makes me think: ‘I could have just done what they did and then I would be in a much better position.’, but these are all if’s and when’s.

    As for the rest I love working in music next to my studies
  12. Saul1337


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    If you're the guy that can influence music that plays on the Radio stations like 538, please fix
    538 is my favorite station because of the morning and afternoon show they have, but the music they play is trash.
    They milk the hot new release by playing it at least 15 times per hour, unbearable. I hate using spotify in my car because it's too distracting from driving but all the good radio stations are forcing me to do so.
    Pugnata likes this.
  13. KrisKrikken


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    This is exactly what happens because these few gatekeepers I’m talking about are only pitching the songs they have direct shares in to the radio stations, leaving a whole lot of talented people who are just not big enough to be unheard.

    The only Dutch radio station that gives small talent the opportunity to get their music played is Slam! with the mix marathons, but all the other stations are just causing the pop music industry to be very one sided with the same songs over & over
  14. Saul1337


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    Yup, in my opinion only two radio stations have enjoyable programs but my favorite one is only playing the latest pop hits.
    It's unbearable for long journeys, I drive to work for a max of 20 mins (let's pretend traffic jams don't exist) so it's do-able. But for work I sometimes drive over a hour, and you just hear the same and same songs. Fuck those gatekeeper guys and the hivemind that still enjoys those trash ass songs.
    KrisKrikken and xKofteliEkmek like this.
  15. Magical

    Magical . Donator

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    I don’t think there is ever the perfect workplace. Although I may enjoy my job, there is also the workplace culture involved that can shadow that and change my answer.

    I work in a government department. Their expectations are high but there are not enough people to reach those expectations. They lack resource management skills. For example, they approved leave at the same time for way too many people. As a result, we did not have enough team members to handle client enquires during that time period as most of the team was on leave.

    Communication. People that I work closely with that are at my (low) level in the department tend to come to me for help and advice when that should really be escalated to someone at a higher level. I appreciate that they believe that I have the knowledge to help them out, however, whether it’s in my jurisdiction to give them advice on the matter or not is the line I am always careful of. It seems like people double my age are scared to speak up and talk to people their own age.

    This isn’t really a negative, it just stuns me. People that are so interested in what I have to say...holy shit. Like yesterday I was chilling having my lunch. We’ve got some new people that started this week. One sat down with me and then the rest of the new people quickly followed and it quickly escalated to me holding like a fucking seminar or some shit. They were so keen on hearing about my life and work experience and what the job (that they’re going into) is like. It was scary at first with everyone being interested and listening but it was also empowering. That said I did what I typically do and kind of downplayed my role and tried to be as brief as possible. I don’t want them to take what I say like that will be their experience 100%...but damn. Telling someone in their 50s what their job will entail when you’re 21 is a strange concept. I made sure I was respectful and asked about their experiences too. I wanted to get to know them as well because I’ve been working with the same people for a while so it’s nice to have fresh meat lol
    ItsJerry likes this.
  16. samm

    samm saint Donator

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    I work at the meat department in a large local grocery store. The Store Manager (top guy here) is an absolute dick. He is a very unpleasant person to be around, very rude and demanding, giving little gratitude and appreciation back in return.

    He knows very little about how each department is actually supposed to work, and will attack based on how he thinks it's supposed to. For example, I'm supposed to finish my sanitization log by 7PM, he will come in at 6PM and yell at me for not having it finished, when he finishes his little big guy speech, I inform him I have until 7PM to do it, he grunts and leaves.

    He's been known to come to work during hours he isn't supposed to, and then marks them down as overtime and pays himself extra. He also takes credit for all the work Department Managers do when the regional guy comes in for his checkups on the store.

    This is the worst part. During COVID, he has disregarded nearly every restriction while informing the Health Department that they are following them exactly. He was recently fined multiple times, after being reported to the officials. Even after this, he refuses to follow certain restrictions. As workers, we do our very best to follow the real COVID restrictions, and keep a safe environment, but when there's pressure from management to do the opposite, this creates a problem.

    Overall he's just a terrible human being and I want to put him through the meat cutter <3
    xKofteliEkmek and Yupac like this.