Revamp US politics

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by retirednow, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. retirednow

    retirednow I'll be back sometimes to check in :) Donator

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    congrats, you've managed to perform a hard reset on the us political climate and you can make any change to it that you want

    i know the way this is worded makes it sound like it pertains to americans only but anyone can feel free to chime in

    In my perfect (or as close to perfect as can be) political system:
    • No one spends more than total 8 years in office: I realize each office has different term limits but this would be a general rule of thumb to make sure the old hags get cycled out for new blood
    • Eliminate political parties, elections are based on the individual and not the party
    • Anyone can run for president as individuals, primaries narrow the options down to 5 based on popular vote
    • We have 5 options for president based on who they are individually rather than party affiliation
    • The electoral college continues to be used (let's face it, the NYC and LA liberal majority are not thinking about the interests of a farmer in Kansas; I believe two drastically different environments and circumstances should be equally represented even if the population of those two environments are unequal) however the popular vote would break any ties
    • A politician's privacy when it comes to their financials and business interests is over as they know it: i couldnt honestly give a fuck about criminal records or other stuff having to do with their personal life (unless it overlaps with their business life). I believe having the ability to examine a candidates financial and business dealings is key to evaluating their fitness for office because how they would conduct themselves in that sector of their life is probably how they'd do it in a political setting. i dont care if you sext a (consenting) secretary or cheat on your wife or smoked weed in college, none of that is my concern but if you are my president your literal business becomes my business
    • all politicians are subject to the same laws and legal standards randos like us are (ik this is already a thing on paper, but not in practice)
    • politicians do not receive retirement benefits
    • politicians do not receive healthcare that no one else who do not have health benefits through their job wouldn't have
    • politicians must take a 75% pay cut, only to ever be raised based on inflation and/or raised the same percentage minimum wage is if it ever gets raised
    • if the budget deficit exceeds 3% of the GDP, all politicians immediately have their pay cut by 50% and are ineligible for re-election until it is under 1% (i do not fuck around when it comes to money in the government)
    • politics should be seen as a civic duty, not a career path; we should approach is as someone stepping up to donate some years of their life towards running the country for very modest compensation
    Always remember that talented people do not work for government. Ever. Talented people go to the private sector where more money is to be made. The government takes private sector rejects, with few exceptions in like teaching or military. Always remember when voting that talented people do not work for or in government.
  2. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks String.format("%d %s", 404, "Title not found") Donator

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    This is going to come from a very Westminster-style approach, as someone who lives in a reasonably healthy democracy with that system, so it's a bit biased towards that.

    For me the first four are the most important ones, as those are the fundamental issues I think face the states (although I'm pretty biased in that I do not like Presidental systems at all, as I think it places way too much power into the hands of one individual, who is virtually unaccountable for a couple of years).
    • Introduce MMP or some form of proportional representation to the House of Representatives (MMP is best because it retains local representation and STV/Ranked Choice isn't *actually* proportional).
    • Abolish the presidency and replace it with a Westminster style Parliamentary system, so ministers are legislators and one is picked to be PM, not directly elected. Instead of a monarch, have a president appointed by 2/3 of the House. President has no power, instead acts on the binding advice of cabinet.
    • With proportional representation coalition governments are almost always the outcome, so a check on power isn't as necessary, so the Senate could either be abolished, or changed to a more advisory, appointed role, where it could delay and amend legislation, but be overruled by the House of Representatives if necessary (think House of Lords in the UK).
    • Introduce an impartial civil service, so that 99% of government jobs aren't political appointees. Change to independent commission (like most Westminster system countries)
    • Remove the confirmation process for the Senate for all executive branch nominees and change judicial nominees to be nominated by an independant commission and then confirmed by 2/3 of the house.
    • Stop televising committee meetings, so real scrutiny can be done, not just political grandstanding.
    • Strict caps on donations to parties, no donations from companies. No PACs or SuperPACs either.
    • Remove the ability for states to conduct elections, re-assign this, along with the drawing of electoral districts, to an independent commission (again Westminster style)
    • Break up all large news companies to encourage media plurarlity and require opinion and news to be clearly differentiated.
    • Nationalise most healthcare, leaving private insurance for non-essential medical work.
    • Make the Speaker of the House nonpartisan
    • Reduce military spending and look to responsibly managing the deficit
    • Do similar reforms as above to all states (e.g. proportional representation, abolish governorships, etc)
    • Introduce constitutional amendments to protect rights that have been guarenteed for decades, but based on (imo) precarious interpretations of some amendments (e.g. Roe v Wade, gay marriage, etc.)
    • Prevent judicial activism by having a functional legislative process
    • Introduce mandatory retirement at 75 for all judges, also must be appointed based on merit and seniority.
    • Ensure there is enough polling places, same day voter registration, end voter supression, etc. (Most of this could be achieved by a truly nonpartisan electoral commission)
    retirednow likes this.