Religion and Faith

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Muffin_Mobber, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. Muffin_Mobber

    Muffin_Mobber Reality Surfer Donator

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    Hey yall. So a few years ago I became atheist, after the lifetime of being raised Christian nondenominational. I was really into it at some point, and I distinctly recall memorizing the entirety of Mark, chapter 1, to impress my pastors (I think it was like 45 verses). Anyway, as of now, my parents aren't aware that I'm atheist, so I went to church the other day. I go to a great church and our pastor is, in my estimation, an intelligent guy and makes arguments/points that appeal to all types of people. So even though I don't believe in God it is still always useful to attend (This last week two points that stood out were that "God's anger is restorative" and "the right side of history is ultimately the side that has surrendered to God"). Anyway, at one point, a woman was so moved by the singing that she came up to the front, that is-right before the stage where the entirety of our large church could see her. This of course, it somewhat jarring, and it made me tense up. It's the kind of thing where I'm not sure if cringing is fair, or if I should act like it's normal. Eventually the feelings subsided, and after one of the lead singers held her hand for a bit she returned to her seat. I ended up thinking that it was likely that at this moment in her life a lot was going on and she really felt like she couldn't help but get closer to what she felt was God's presence.
    My main question is this:

    Do any of you have this similar kind of spiritual attachment? Can you be moved to tears by what you might call the holy spirit? I feel like I used to have this feeling and no longer do, and I'm not sure if that's something I should spend a lot of time thinking about. Can someone explain what is that they're experiencing and what they're feeling?

    I would also like this thread to be a general discussion of faith and what we believe in. I don't want it to be an argument, and it goes without saying that if anyone attempts to ridicule someone else's faith, also interchangeable with that which they believe to await them after death, or their purpose for living, their comments will be removed.

    Do you believe in a God? If yes, why? If not, why? Or is there something else you believe?

    If you would take the time to answer and help me understand you better I would really appreciate it. And again, please be civil and realize that to a lot of people this is a sensitive subject. But also, please be unafraid to look at someone else's perspective with an open mind.

    thank you for reading
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  2. witchchick128

    witchchick128 Amity Blight Donator

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    This is a topic I have very hard trouble with answering as I believe in self-reliance. I believe that you are your own God, you carve your own path. I've believed this pretty much my whole life and, though my parents are Christian, encouraged me to follow what I felt was right.

    However, recently I've been having "thoughts" as I'll call them and I've been having really spiritual dreams / visions, usually in the night while I'm asleep. It has made me re-question my religion, and I'm currently trying to find meaning and purpose in a God. Though I have held hope in a higher power and I do believe there is some kind of God/energy that connects us all and rules over us, I don't have a pinpoint on which God it is, or if it even has a name.

    Basically, I believe there's something but I don't know what

    Maybe it's because my parents are really accepting and always have been, but when I told them I didn't believe in a God, they were okay with it. If you feel need, tell them that you don't believe in a God anymore. I thought my parents would be angry and they didn't give a half of a fuck lol
    Muffin_Mobber likes this.
  3. Muffin_Mobber

    Muffin_Mobber Reality Surfer Donator

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    Well unfortunately, my father has remarked multiple times that the single most important goal in his life is that his children follow the path of God. I fear telling him I am an atheist would have serious consequences for his health.
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  4. witchchick128

    witchchick128 Amity Blight Donator

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    I can't take a walk in your shoes, as your feet are probably much bigger than mine. However, I can say that telling people how you feel usually does work. Maybe it's because I grew up in a non-religious, accepting family, but I can say again that my parents didn't care when I told them I didn't believe in God. They just cared about my happiness.

    Idk just a thought, taking advice from a twelve year old over the internet isn't the smartest way to go omegalul
    Muffin_Mobber likes this.
  5. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    I'm an Atheist, but I do believe in God.
    I believe that he created you for a reason, and he doesn't make mistakes. He creates a path for you, and you need to work hard to find it. He has prepared everything before you came into this world. That's what I believe in.
  6. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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    that's literally the opposite of atheist
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  7. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    I believe in God, but I don't consider myself to be a Christian.
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  8. CyborgMarioMCTV

    CyborgMarioMCTV Donator

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    you see i aint a christian nor an athiest, i'm considered a medium as im very intune and connected to the spiritual world/realm. I dont see it as there's a heaven and a hell, i see it in the fact that we as humans once we pass away go into the spiritual realm known as the void or middle ground awaiting our faith to be chosen by the keeper of the spiritual world. You'll either go to heaven or hell depending on what the keeper decides BUT you do have a choice to stay in the middle ground to roam the earth as a spirit to keep an eye on the once you love.

    Thats my belief/pov

    critisim welcome :)
    Muffin_Mobber likes this.
  9. witchchick128

    witchchick128 Amity Blight Donator

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    Gonna make another post on my Mom's behalf because her beliefs interest me, a person who gives 0 fucks about religion.

    She believes that there isn't a humanized God as seen in Christianity or other religions, but rather, God is an energy that connects all being into one core. All living beings are connected, and the lines that connect those beings is the energy that is God. God is always with us, and God quite literally is within us.

    Thought this was interesting, thoughts?
  10. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    You're agnostic, not atheist.

    ^ Same story here by the way. I'm not overly religious but do believe that there is some form of God or afterlife out there because I find that thought comforting. I'm not too fussed about religion, but if people are here to give their opinions I feel as entitled as the next guy to say what I think.
  11. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    Being agnostic is believing that there is something but you don't know what. I'm agnostic. I feel there is something out there but I don't know what, I don't try to put it into a box.

    Believing in god just not of a specific denomination, doesn't make one agnostic. I've spent 30ish years of my life researching religion.
  12. Soap

    Soap Donator

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    I’m a strong atheist. I don’t understand why people could believe fake stories that have zero proof of actually happening.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2019
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  13. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks String.format("%d %s", 404, "Title not found") Donator

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    I'm Atheist. One of the big reasons for me was the inconsistent teaching around religion - we were taught (in a state school mind you) that the Christian God was real and that everything in the Bible is the truth (not all of it literal, but that's a debate for another day), but the Greek/Roman/Maori/Other 'Dead' Religions aren't real, they are just myths and legends. For me, that's always seemed inconsistant. What makes the Ancient Greek religion any less valid than modern religions? Like, I don't have a problem with religion, but it seems weird to me to be portraying one religion as fact, while another one is portrayed as a myth (saying that it was typically normal teachers who talked about the Greek/Roman/Maori religions and volunteers from the local Church who did a thing called Bible in Schools). I could get into a whole other thing about how religion doesn't belong in state schools, but that would just be getting ranty at that point.

    Saying that, religion can be a force for good for some - allowing them to have hope in their darkest times, and I think anything that helps people like that is good, so long as people have a legimate choice about wanting to be religious or not (e.g. no pressure from society, family, etc.) and so long as it doesn't hurt others (e.g. religious based wars, obstruction of scientific research / education, etc.).
    niaarchangel likes this.
  14. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    I believe that even religious people take their own versions of the story and choose what they believe in for what makes the most sense to them.

    Personally, I believe in my own set of values and that as long as I am satisfied with the outcome of my life, I need not be concerned with the judgement of others.

    You take in what makes you better, stronger, and helps you understand and improve upon your weakness. You grow.
    t3mptr3s likes this.
  15. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    Everyone has their own journey to make through life. What works for them and their needs is fine with me as long as they don't push it on others. I love discussing faith and belief with people.
    Turrtles likes this.

    SLVSHPANDA Custom Title Donator

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    Yes and yes. For the most part, feelings should only be a wake-up call. You live by faith, not feelings. Although you don't feel it anymore, it's fine. While I'm not really a practising Christian by any means, I can pretty much tell you through experience that you should think about whether what you're doing is for God or for yourself. Another thing is familiarity. Once you're familiar with something, you tend to lose focus on the smaller details and treat it as a routine instead of something special. A relationship with God is special and should never be an afterthought or seen as something that you're 'forced' to do; it's why free will was given to us in the first place (how I see it as anyways).

    Also, I do believe in God and still keep most of the teachings in mind, etc, but I don't really practise it or anything. That being said, I go through life based off what I want to do, which isn't the best way to live according to scripture.
  17. vipa

    vipa the hornace of death Donator

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  18. Xcel

    Xcel Donator

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    at the end of the day we’ll all see the truth
  19. Soupbased

    Soupbased Donator

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    I am a Catholic, born, baptized, and raised. I've been in the church for 15 years so far and I have no plans of leaving. My faith was never the strongest, considering that every first Saturday my father meets with his friends/relatives to pray 2,000 Hail Marys before a wooden statue of the Prince of Peace, but I do enjoy attending mass every Sunday.

    What do I feel when I think about my faith? I guess I feel a sense of comfort, believing there's a beginning after an end, believing that I'm not fully alone in my struggles, believing that there's always someone I can turn to when the world just says no.

    I've never been moved to tears by faith in my life. I don't believe there's a need to.

    Catholicism makes sense to me. It's a religion rooted in rich theology and a colorful history of tradition. Catholicism has the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" type of vibe, and I think that's whats most appealing to me. Our masses aren't as energetic as the services I've attended in different denominations, but we settle for a solemnity in our adoration for God. I feel much closer to God in quiet masses compared to nondenominational services, but I'm pretty biased so

    Seeing as I'm one of the few people in this thread so far that regularly practices religion, I'm open to questions if anyone has any.
    witchchick128 likes this.
  20. Saul1337


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    My day ended and it's still unclear, any other instructions?
    witchchick128, Smogg and Yellow_Pants like this.