Poll: How often do you play on the server

Discussion in 'Server Discussion' started by ItsJerry, Jun 13, 2018.


How often do you play on the server

  1. Never

    60 vote(s)
  2. 1 - 2 times a week

    23 vote(s)
  3. 3 - 4 times a week

    16 vote(s)
  4. 5 - 6 times a week

    16 vote(s)
  5. Every day

    39 vote(s)
  1. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

    Likes Received:
    I want to know how many of you actually play on the server. And I do mean PLAY. Not just logging in for 5 seconds to see who's online and logging out again or being AFK

    If you'd like, also leave a reply with your reasoning for how often you play. What do you do on the server?
    Bruhtrash and dinoceros like this.
  2. PhantomStar

    PhantomStar Zzzzz... Donator

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    This is going to reflect very poorly on me as a staff member but, I haven’t been playing much at all.
    Why? Because the server is deserted and most of the games are boring. There’s hardly anyone on any game besides Skyblock or Kitpvp, and reports are too far and few in between. When I do come on there are only 1-4 other staff, and they always say reports are slow.
    I loved PrisonMMO to pieces at its peak, but now, once again, nobody plays it. Sure, I could run around on my own and max out my level without worrying of being killed, but what’s the fun in that? There’s no one to impress.
    At least recently I made a new Skyblock island to play on whenever the server gets quiet, so that’ll keep me playing for at least a while.

    Some of you might ask me why I haven’t resigned yet, and I have thought about it. I just can’t imagine not being staff for some reason, or I just don’t have the heart to.

    Edit from 2023 star: damn why was i so serious
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
    BleegBurg, Unarmed, Haruld and 7 others like this.
  3. ZeusV

    ZeusV Former Moderator Donator

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    I try to get on every day.

    I usually play in Creative, I kinda quit KitPVP but I go on it often using pvp for like 2 minutes or so.

    On Creative, I usually just build on my plot.
  4. Starixty

    Starixty Donator

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    when i get on i usually just see who’s on and hang around for a bit (about 30 mins or so)
    if a friend is on ill stay on and talk to them until they get off or we decide to do something else
    im usually in kitpvp and running around the map or in creative talking to the people there
  5. jessie

    jessie Donator

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    is this how you decide if you should finally close the server down?
  6. Soap

    Soap Donator

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    To be honest, none of my previous friends play anymore. I try to be online a lot but most of the time I find it boring.
    Username likes this.
  7. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    I rarely go on, the server for me is getting boring as no one really plays on it.
    I'm on the forums 24/7 and not really into Minecraft, the community is great to talk to.
  8. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    parkour is still fun for the speedrunning aspect tbh
  9. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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    No, I was just curious.

    Since every day 10 different people have to talk about how dead the server is, I was wondering if they actually play
  10. safoya299

    safoya299 Donator

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    I come on the server, and when I see that there's not a lot of people playing the minigames, I get bored. Nobody on my friends list is ever on, I have like 6 pages of inactive people that I haven't talked to since like, last summer. Kitpvp is fun to play sometimes, like yesterday, I played it for a good hour before I got annoyed and left. OITC is only fun when there's a lot of ppl, and I tried getting people to play SG but nobody came. It's just really discouraging to stay on when there's no one there. The 150 people that are online, half are AFK, and like 25% don't talk in chat or know what they're doing. It's just boring without old people.
    retirednow likes this.
  11. left4lag

    left4lag Moderator Plus Staff Member Mod+

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    I still come on almost every day, usually just to talk to people though. I sometimes play the games, but i don't enjoy them like I used to.

    When I was staff, obviously I came online to do that work, which I enjoyed so I tried to be pretty active then cause I see no point in being staff if you're not even gonna come online and do your part, no offense to any staff who's inactive though, I'm sure y'all have your reasons but if it becomes too much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I still enjoy sg, oitc, and hc but only hc has actual players and it gets boring after a little while.
  12. teknicolour

    teknicolour min Donator

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    I come on every day. Mostly I play creative, as it's always been my gamemode of choice, but I also play the other minigames often.
  13. jessie

    jessie Donator

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    respectable answer
    Haruld and ItsJerry like this.
  14. Netherr

    Netherr Administrator Staff Member Administrator

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    I go online every 5-6 days for roughly an hour and a half to two hours (not continuously).

    All of my friends who I used to play with are gone and you can't even really play any game by yourself anymore except for FarmKing and maybe KitPvP since the other games have too low of a player count to have a long and fun game. I was considering returning to Skyblock to redo my islands from scratch again but I can't actually play in peace there either because of the amount of Turks who message me and we can't easily communicate with each other making me spend all my time attempting to answer them. Not that I'm blaming them, they have every right to message me since part of my job is to check out on them and take care of their problems.

    If I were to resign or get demoted due to inactivity, I don't think I'd bother going online on the server, maybe like once every month just to check on things, see who's still here, etc. Actually, who knows, I might finally play Skyblock since Turks would no longer have a reason to message me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    My activity on the forums won't be as dead as it would be on the server but I definitely won't be posting a lot unless I feel the need to say something or there's a topic being discussed which interests me.

    As for Discord, I highly doubt I'd be active. In fact, I don't think I'd even bother reading the messages anymore. I don't really have a desire to make friends on the internet anymore because let's face it, years from now I doubt we'd remember each other unless we were like really close or have met in real-life. I also wouldn't bother joining any of the voice channels because I have no interest to talk to people I hardly know when I can easily call or go out with the friends I have in real-life.

    For those wondering why I haven't resigned yet even though it seems that I'm not enjoying my position that much is because just like Star, I just can't imagine myself not being one anymore. I've spent 3/4ths of my total stay here as a staff member so it'd be like culture shock for me to just resign. Aside from that, I'd more or less just leave, if I were to resign, which part of me doesn't feel like doing just yet. How contradicting right? lol I confuse myself

    Whether we like it or not, we're growing up. Our interests are changing whether it be for the better or for the worst. Minecraft simply isn't what we'd call "fun" anymore. As much as I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, this server is going to fade away sooner or later, and I don't think we can avoid that unless Minecraft somehow becomes hyped again.

    For the oblivious people out there who still don't know why we're losing members, that's because the amount of people leaving is greater than those who are joining. I don't know whether or not we can do something about that but just hope for the best. At one point I had this crazy idea of unbanning every single banned person but ehh, that idea of mine might just bring the server's lifeline even shorter lol.
    Evence, Negree, BleegBurg and 5 others like this.
  15. TreeKillerMan

    TreeKillerMan shamone Donator

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    i don't even have minecraft installed
  16. Bruhtrash

    Bruhtrash 100% FC!!! Donator

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    I'm trying to boost my activity so I'm playing on here about everyday, and I usually log off when I go afk because...staff.
    In all seriousness, I like playing on the server, I do find enjoyment on it and it's a really good way to pass time and whatnot :)
    dinoceros likes this.
  17. Haruld

    Haruld Prodigal Son Donator

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    Ever since I resigned, I've only come on to talk to people really. 1-2times a week mainly
    Negree likes this.
  18. momand

    momand ex-god Donator

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    My activity never really exceeds 2 hours every week on the server. I get on to talk to a few people and then get off.

    edit: well that's a lie lol
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
  19. unknown292929

    unknown292929 Member Donator

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    I try to find myself getting on , but overall, its hard..
    Most of the games are pretty hard to play, because most of the ones I liked, are dead.

    I do love Skyblock though, and I am getting into it, so that will give me probably 4-5 months of playtime.
  20. John_0696

    John_0696 Donator

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    I don't usually come on the server anymore, but it's once in a while to hang out with friends and sometimes to improve on my creative builds, but other than that I usually just mess around with MC on other small servers or singleplayer worlds. I've also started playing other games for fun such as Subnautica, TF2 and a few others. Another reason I don't come on the server much anymore is because of real life responsibilities. I really do like gaming with friends but Real life and family always come first for me.

    However I do check on the forums almost every day and still love drawing and posting my work on here.
    amanita likes this.