Forget you? That's pretty impossible dude, you were an amazing staff and are an amazing person. You help many, and you always put your friends before anything else. I hope to see you more, and get to play some mini games with you sometime (Murderrr). See ya around Joel :)
hey , im always here for you . i think youre a gr88 person . it was your choice , so idk why people are giving you shit for it . but dww , irrelevant people will be irrelevant . ( not saying it's anyone that posted on your profile about it )
You made a choice. Don't know why you are complaining.... You had to know what was going to happen. You're not the only one, so get your head out of your ass. :) I know you're better than this.
A resignation doesn't affect your friendship to others, you're not completely forgotten. Everyone knows you resigned for a reason, so you shouldn't be worried about it. If people don't understand why you resigned, who cares? If your resignation actually is affecting your friendships, then the friendship never was real, and then it'll be worth to let go with.
But I'd like you to remember being a staff member indeed includes popularity, but that's not the part of the job that matters. Popularity dosen't matter. Anyways you know I'm here for you if you need anything, and believe me, the community just don't forget a member like that. I won't forget you just like that, stay strong. :)
this is what J&H does Joel, some people choose fame over self respect, I wouldn't let it get to your head though. I remember your name very well and see a very good friend still in you
You go get her Joel. Though I haven't seen you much in game, you still seemed like one of the best staff members there were. Not that many people would give up something like this for someone they love, I respect you for doing this, and I hope you and her get back together.