Kono, your story is awesome too o.o I think our stories are equal ^-^ Just keep writing more chapters Kono, your story is awesome as well :D
Konohito hello, can I please be introduced in your story. In the story can my name be Pavlo , not PavlovaPrince please. Can u do that?
Alright! I'll assume you want to assume a hero role, unless you want to be added to the villain roster
I'll add you in the next chapter. I think I'll take a new direction in the next chapters for the rest of this story because it's just too predictable at this point. Returning characters: @SerenadeOfStorms, @LouiseXminerX, @TwageTomato, @Kungfu241, @nala, @RealTDITyler Chapter 14: TransmissionI had the same dream. I flew through the sky, but something felt different. Louise’s laptop was a giant beast again and it grabbed me and put it in its mouth. Then I heard voices in the darkness: “But why won’t you play with me Dad?” “I’m busy, son. I have to take care of 30,000 people, including you.” Footsteps resounded off of the sides of the walls as it felt like the Daddy left. “Ugggh! He never has time for me! Never has and never will! Hmm, maybe I can use that one thing we obtained to get his attention. It’s the only way.” From there, the dream changed. The darkness turned to light as I heard something from above. “Kono, do you read me? Uggh this is all my fault!” “Kono! Wake up! Today’s the day!” I felt an earthquake, but it was just Louise trying to wake me up. “Come on! Get your suit and grab an apple or something.” Kungom piped in. “Serenade’s already in your pocket protector, Kono,” nala said, “We’ll be waiting outside for you.” I grabbed nala’s arm as Louise and Kungom took the exit route. “Hey, nala can I talk to you for a sec?” I asked her, “I don’t think I’m comfortable with killing Twage anymore. He’s a jerk, but I think I can do the same thing I did to him that I did to you.” “Are you sure?” nala asked, “I remember the events that occurred before I joined your squad. I can say that it was an entire accident. How do we know that Twage won’t feel any effects?” “I just feel it will. It’s probably a gut feeling, but I trust it. I’m not sure how the others would react though.” “They’d hate us.” we heard from my shirt, “I’ll be with you two. I saw it myself; that journal of yours has some mysterious power. What you want to do, Kono, is all up to you. Whether you want to change your plan or not, let’s just hold him down.” The three of us walked outside to and greeted Louise and Kungom. Nala led us to the car that lead directly to Twage’s castle on the top of the mountain. We took care of the guards who recognized us from the prison raid. The five of us walked into the car and took it to the top of the mountain. Midway through the ride, however, a transmission took place on the screen in the car. “Hello? Is this thing on?” the sound system played as Twage’s face came into focus, “Ahh, you rebel scum! You’ll regret crossing me! Thanks to you, Louise, I can mass-produce your weapons and make Bashon the best country on the planet. Now, all I need to do is cover up my tracks, and I think I’ll start right now!” Suddenly, the car shook, like there was an earthquake. “What’re those?!” Serenade yelped. We could hear sounds, like plasma shooting out of a cannon or a whirring sound. “Oh no, they produced the CADs, and the boomafans.” Louise yelled. “So that’s what they’re called! You’re truly a genius, Louise. I should’ve been more like you when choosing soldiers to go after you.” “Oh put a sock in it!” Louise said as she spat blood onto the circuits of the car, keeping it stable. “We’re getting out of here another way,” she said as she morphed out of her blood suit. It was too late for her to say or do anything. The cable snapped as we plummeted to the bottom of the mountain. As the car thrust open, revealing the sun of the Zero level, I heard footsteps. "Alright," I heard, "let's get these ones to their destination. Just a different room." As always, thank you so much for reading and giving your support. This would be the last chapter where you can sign up to be in the set, and anything after will be set aside for the next story. If you want to leave something down below, please do! I'm open to all suggestions as usual.
Make him a villanous cat who ends up working against me and ends up helping the heroes while annoying them xD
Hello there. Welcome Sven and Pavlo to the story! Returning characters: @SerenadeOfStorms, @LouiseXminerX, @TwageTomato, @Kungfu241, @nala, @RealTDITyler New characters: @PavlovaPrince, @Sven007 Chapter 15: PrisonBreakIt was a dark grey room. Outside I could see the clouds that spread above the mountain. I could barely see anything besides what I could see from the light. It was like this when I woke up and I was hanging from the ceiling by my arms in chains. I couldn’t do anything about them; I wasn’t strong enough. “Kono?” “Who’s there?” I said solemnly. “Don’t worry I’ll get you out of there. Just stay still.” From then I heard whirring and I fell onto the ground below me within seconds. “Thanks for the save, Serenade.” “Who’s Serenade? I’m Pavlo. I’ve been prisoner here for so long, but when I woke up, you were in my place up there and I was on the ground. I don’t know why you were up there, but I just felt that you shouldn’t endure what I needed to” the figure said. “Oh alright,” I said, “let me check something first." I still had my jacket on me, and Serenade was sleeping in my shirt pocket. My journal was tucked away in my jacket as well. “What were you doing to get in here?” Pavlo asked. “Well, I rebelled against Twage’s actions. My friends and I rebelled against his tyranny and I don’t know where they are.” I replied. “That’s quite a pickle you’re in. This is the only medieval dungeon Twage has, so I don’t know where your friends are.” Something clicked in my mind and I immediately grabbed Pavlo to the door. “Rats! Serenade, wake up!” I yelled as I shook my shirt. “Huh, Kono? Are we there yet?” “No, we need you to open this door for us.” “Oh alright,” he yawned, “put me in the lock.” I took him out of my pocket protector and put him through the prison bars and into the lock. Instantly the prison gate bust open as Serenade jumped out of the lock. “Kay, sir, let’s get out of here.” Pavlo said to me. “Uhh, sure, yah.” We ran through the hall of the prison. I figured this was the castle dungeon because of how archaic it was and due to the lack of technology. “Are you thinking of them?” Pavlo asked me. “Yah, I am. Wait, how do you know what I’-“ “Shh, we’ll find them, ju-“ “Kono Hito! Where have you been?!” I heard Louise’s voice at the end of the hall. She and a man dressed in a tuxedo came running towards Pavlo and me. “You! What are you doing here!?” the fashionably-dressed man said, while pointing to Pavlo. “H- how do you know Sven? Who are you? Who is this Kono?” “This. This i-“ “Ugh! This is why Twage took over! You’re too soft-spoken, Pavlo. No wonder you’re second-in-line. I finally found you, and that’s all that matters.” “Whoa, you’re part of the royal family? Wait, who is this man, Louise?” I asked. “This is Sven. I don’t know why and I don’t know how, but I knew him once, and he’s a really good friend. My memories are a bit foggy. I don’t know what happened. Anyway, have you seen Kungom, nala, or Serenade?” “I’m right here Louise.” Serenade peeped out of my pocket. “Hmm okay. If I remember, this is Twage’s castle. I think if we’re sneaky enough, we can kill Twage! Let’s go!” Louise yelled. Louise led us to the end of the corridor where we “Whoa,” I stopped, “I’ve been contemplating this for a while now, but why do you want to kill Twage again? I have a better way of getting him on our si-” “We don’t have time for this Kono. We need to get to the throne room quick. You can try to discuss it with me later.” After running around the castle for a few minutes, we finally found a room cloaked with red carpets and gilded walls. “This must be the throne room.” Louise sneered. “And so you are right,” a dark voice said as the doors slammed shut and darkness enveloped the room, “now if that wasn’t expected enough, you should’ve expected this as well.” Out of the darkness appeared nala and Kungom and in the middle, a third figure. The third figure turned out to be Twage, sporting his crown, and he spoke in the same voice, “Enter! Kungom 2.0 and nala 2.0!” At the mention of each name, each opened their eyes and ran towards us. Kungom pulled out his bamboo sword while nala charged at us with her old whip in hand. “Watch out!” Serenade said. He quickly morphed to shield us from the incoming attacks. “You guys better thing of something. I don’t know how much of this I can handle.” Thanks for reading! I appreciate the support this has been getting. I know she told me not to, but please go check out @LouiseXminerX's story. I'm being modest in that her stories are way better than mine, even though they really are. If you enjoyed, please leave something below. As of now, I'll start character sign-ups for the fourth story in this series: Depression. It's almost time for me to go to bed so bye!
I know who should join this story of grief @05ocram05 He should be a scientist that's really bad at math *cough* double up *cough*
I'm debating if I should start breaking the fourth wall here. Maybe not :P Returning characters: @SerenadeOfStorms, @LouiseXminerX, @TwageTomato, @Kungfu241, @nala, @RealTDITyler, @PavlovaPrince, @Sven007 Chapter 16: Viruses“Did you guys get it figured out yet? I don’t feel too well.” Serenade yelled. “Yah just a sec, Serenade. How’ll we get out of this mess?” Sven asked. “I don’t know.” Louise said, “Kono, got any ideas? You seemed eager to tell me about that idea you had.” “Okay, so,” I said while pulling out my journal. I explained what happened when nala read my journal and explained that the journal could possibly turn Twage to our side. “That sounds like a risky plan.” Pavlo said. “Guys!” Serenade yelled. “I suppose it’s all we have though,” Sven said, “well then, Serenade, you can remove your barrier now.” There was no reply. “Serenade? What’s wrong with him?” I asked. Suddenly, Serenade seemed no longer rigid like a piece of origami paper. What was once excess material of his body just rushed back into his body as he turned around. Serenade, nala, and Kungom flashed dark green eyes at us as they charged. “Alright! It works!” Twage yelled, “I can’t see you people. I probably should’ve thought of something better than what’s going on right now.” The four of us ran about the room like scared chickens while our three possessed friends launched attacks. None of us could see each other; only the green eyes could be seen. “How did Serenade turn evil?!” I yelled. “I don’t know!” Pavlo yelled, “I don’t think it’s possible to transfer a brainwashing mechanism by use of a virus.” “Oh but it is, brother!” Twage yelled as the lights flashed on in the room. We could now see each other, but Serenade took hold of Pavlo and Sven. Pavlo kicked his way out of the hold and Sven shot his pistol wildly, trying to get Pavlo out. At the same time, Louise morphed into her bloodsuit and squirted blood at Serenade’s extended flesh. Pavlo was able to get out, but Sven was infected. A very strong light came out of his mouth and eye sockets as he was brainwashed into serving Twage. “Oh no! We need to save them!” Pavlo yelled. “But brother you can’t! This is perfection right here.” Twage said, “I control them and they have enhanced abilities; what more could I ask for?” “Me.” I said. “Kono?! What are you doing?” Louise yelled. She was holding off Sven, Serenade, nala, and Kungom with flurries of kicks and punches, all while protecting Pavlo. “Haha,” Twage said in a sinister voice, “Yes, Kono, join me in conquest of this puny world!” I knew what I had to do to protect my friends. “Hey, can you call off their attacks for now so Louise gets a bit of rest at least?” “Oh yes of course.” Twage raised his hands and the four brainwashed members fell to the ground. He directed me up to his level, where the chairs were. “Hey Twage? Can you look at something for me before I make a decision?” I asked. I approached Twage’s position in the room. “Sure. What is it? Some schematics for a death ray?” Twage asked. “Uhh maybe. I’m not really sure what it is. I’m pretty sure you can read it, oh great and powerful one.” “Ooooh I like it when you call me that.” Twage said, “Let me at it.” I pulled out my journal and turned to a page I knew that Twage could remember. I glanced up at Twage a few times and noticed something strange. His eyes flashed with a certain symbol that I’ve seen before: “Alright, here you go. It’s in English, of course, but I just can’t recognize the vocabulary they use. It’s so ancient.” I said. “Ok, let’s take a loo-“ Twage laid his eyes upon the text and a white light enveloped him. When the light disappeared, he laid helpless on the ground like a dead fish. “Father!” I heard from the door, “Oh what did you delinquents do to him?!” Louise, Pavlo, and I faced the door to find a crying Tyler staring at the king. Another voice came out of nowhere, one that I’ve heard before yet can’t remember: “Oh boy, you changed, broke, and advanced the story further.” Thanks for reading! I hope to be able to finish this up and take a break for a month. School's been wearing me down haha. If you want to participate in the next story: Depression, then you can PM me or leave something down below saying that you want to. No need to be indirect with it, just be direct. I don't bite, hopefully. Here's a picture showcasing a sneak peek of Depression. Sorry it's a bit small. I don't know why it does that, oh well:
Kono, how did you know I watched Code Lyoko as a kid? You been stalking me? X.A.N.A.'s symbol used to be my lock screen for awhile actually xD Kono, would you mind if I gave a brief description of the TV series for those who don't know it, or were you intending to make inside jokes about it?
Kden. For those of you who want a *short* description here it is: Code Lyoko is a show from about a decade ago about a group of teens in high school who, after haphazardly meeting, stumble across an old factory. In its basement, they find a deactivated supercomputer. They reactivate it to see how it worked, and find it hosts an entire virtual reality with a human being named Aelita trapped inside. The group decides to help get her out by transporting themselves into the virtual world by using a set of scanners to insert their conscious into virtual bodies. They discover a malicious computer program bent on world domination via robotic minions, and spend the tv series trying to free Aelita and stop the malicious program, which Aelita calls X.A.N.A. For those who want a longer description of the show (which most people reading this thread are fine with, I assume), wall of text mode ENGAGE: Ulrich, Yumi, Jeremy, and Odd are students of Kadic Academy. All roughly the same age, they meet each other in school as any normal people would and form loose acquaintances with one another. One day, the school is attacked and in their escape the 4 of them run into an old abandoned robotics factory. They use an old industrial elevator to go deep underground to the computer control room. Jeremy, being the genius prodigy he is, finds the way to activate the monstrous contraption that is the Supercomputer. Upon activating it, a large holographic image appears next to the computer that looks like a map of a world split into 4 main sectors, with a large ball of energy in the center. Multiple windows open on the main screen depicting a virtual reality with various mobs inside of it, one whom stands out among the rest as acting almost human-like. As Jeremy tales a closer look at this mob, he soon realizes it not only looks and acts like a person, but it can speak with Jeremy through a special interface. Jeremy finds she is actually the virtual embodiment of a human being who was a part of the program when it was shut down. The virtual world from this girls point of view is a forest-like terrain with pathways floating over what is called "The Digital Sea." There are trees floating next to the paths, and at certain intervals, there are structures which the girl calls "Towers." The girl instructs Jeremy on how to get people into the virtual world with her. She explains to Jeremy and the group that there are 3 large tubes in the floor below that dematerialize human bodies and transfer their consciousness into a virtual body with special abilities based upon their personality. Yumi, Odd, and Ulrich enter these scanners to virtualize themselves into the virtual world with the girl and find themselves with various weapons. Yumi had a pair of Asian fans which, when thrown, acts like razor sharp saw blades which also boomerang back to her. She gained the appearance of a kimono girl. (forgot the real name ^-^, ) Ulrich had increased speed and a sword which he could use in close combat, and gained a samurai warrior appearance. Odd had a pair of small arrow guns built into the back of his hands which he could shoot, and gained a purple cat-like appearance. Once the three of them had sufficient time to play around with their new abilities and to meet up with the trapped girl, Jeremy, who stayed behind to monitor them from the computer, warns the group that a mob nearby which looks like a large metal ball had noticed their presence and had begun moving towards them. It stops nearby, splits in half revealing a large inner web of organic and technological material, the center of which has a yellow circle with the special eye insignia Kono posted above. It begins to charge up what seems to be a laser, which it then fires. It creates a large disc of energy that expands outward from the center of the tank-like ball and hits everything in the way of the disc. The girl narrowly dodges the blast, but one of the group members is hit and immediately us devirtualized by the impact, appearing back in the scanner. The girl begins to run towards one of the towers while the other two stay behind and block the ball. The girl is able to enter through a special side of the tower where she can walk through the side of the wall. Once inside, she finds herself on a circular platform with the same special eye pattern the monster had. She goes to an upper platform inside the tower, and an interface appears. Upon touching the interface with her hand, the interface recognizes her as "Aelita." She passes this name along to Jeremy, who had been monitoring her movements from the Supercomputer's screen displays. Jeremy and the others make a pact to try and free Aelita from the virtual world and bring her back to reality. The person who had attacked Kadic was still outside, though, and the 4 heroes couldn't escape the factory safely. Aelita then initiates a special program from the tower in the virtual world that causes the world to revert to the near past, undoing the damage. Later on, the monster-tank is found to be created by the same source as the attacker the heroes ran from: a malicious computer program named X.A.N.A. bent on world domination and/or destruction by whatever means possible. Almost every episode, X.A.N.A. causes some form of attack, natural disaster, or manmade disaster to occur in the real world. The only way the heroes have to stop these attacks is to have Aelita reach a tower to initiate the "Return to the Past" program, reverting any damage done by X.A.N.A. The program cannot revert people who die to X.A.N.A.'s attacks, however. Deaths in the real world are permanent. X.A.N.A simultaneously prevents the heroes from stopping him in the virtual world, named Lyoko, by sending monsters after them as he attacks the real world, however. The tank is also found to be only one of only an array of these monsters, which include Hornets, airborne monsters which often appear in swarms and can shoots single line-shaped laser blasts or lay down pools of acid; Kankrelots, which are weird spider like bugs with a laser blaster and often try to swarm the heroes; Bloks, which are cubes with 4 eyes, one on each side on the cube. Each side fires a different attack; Krabs, which fire laser like the two above, but are stronger in damage; and finally, the Mantas, which are stingrays that cam fly, swim in the digital sea, shoots lasers, and be ridden as mounts. Eventually, the team manages to free Aelita from the computer world at the end of season 1, but for unknown reasons, she is still permanently linked to that world. This means if the supercomputer is shut down, Aelita dies. This keeps X.A.N.A. from being deactivated. That's all I can remember, but yeah. Lemme know of I missed anything ^-^
Alright! First chapter like this. Let's hope I can continue finishing this. Yay! Returning characters: @SerenadeOfStorms, @LouiseXminerX, @TwageTomato, @Kungfu241, @nala, @RealTDITyler, @PavlovaPrince, @Sven007 Chapter 17: Relaxation“What’d you to my father?!” Tyler said as he stormed into the room, stepping over the sleeping nala, Kungom, Sven, and Serenade. “I don’t know what I did to him.” I replied. “Oh yah, cause I totally believe that.” Tyler pushed me away from Twage as he checked Twage’s vitals. “Oh you’re lucky that I don’t pulverize you; he’s still alive.” Twage woke up while coughing with a sour face. “Kono? I remember everything now! Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. Let me release those four.” He pointed his hand towards our possessed friends and a gray aura was forced out of them. “Oh daddy! I thought you were dead!” Tyler screamed while hugging him, “This hooligan infiltrated the castle and put you into a deep sleep! I think it’s time for these seven to be executed, don’t you think?” Twage picked himself off the ground and helped me up. “Why would I go against one of my best friends?” he asked Tyler, “If anything, I should be thanking him! I think you seven deserve a break.” “What?! I can’t believe this! After all these ruffians did to you?!” Tyler yelled, “I might as well mark you as a traitor to your country now!” “Listen young man. That is no way to talk to your father! After all I’ve tried to make you happy with everything I’ve given to you, this is how you reward me? Dare, I say, we must not treat my friends like thi-“ “But father! They almo-“ Tyler interrupted. “No buts. Go to your room. I’ll decide your punishment later. I have work to do.” Twage lashed. Tyler looked like he was going to yell but he stomped out of the throne room with tears in eyes. He showed no courtesy to the unconscious and stepped on them on the way out. “Uggh, that boy gives me trouble all the time. I don’t know what do with him. “ Twage said. Nala stirred awake as she mumbled, “Wha- what happened?” “Oh goo-“ “Stay away from me you fiend!” she yelled. “nala, it’s alright,” Louise said, “The journal worked. I’m not sure what’s gonna happen now though.” “Well, I have a country to run. I’m gonna do all in my power to make things right. I’m going to make sure people are treated fairly here. Hey nala? Wanna work as my secretary again? Why don’t you get these six to a room or something?” “Uhh yah sure, sir.” Nala replied, “I’ll take them to the second floor bunker.” “Yes. Good. Now, I’m going to try to impose new laws regarding the economic system. I believe it just has a few flaws when it comes to the Zero population at the base. Hey. Pavlo?” “Y- yes brother?” “I’m sorry. I know I was a bit rash and abusive towards you in the past. I’m going to be more open towards suggestions from now on with a council and all that. I just need to figure out who to elect. You seven should get to the room and settle down for now. There’s something I need to discuss with all of you. One of my attendants will alert you for dinner. I’m sorry about all of that by the way. I’m sorry you have to carry Serenade, Sven, and Kungom up the stairs.” Nala lead us up a flight of stairs to a fairly sized room with four bunk beds. The room was connected to two bathrooms. We laid the three unconscious on the bottom beds. “Alright, y’all stink. There’re showers in those bathrooms. It shouldn’t take more than a few hours for all of you to get a shower. I wish I could say the same to Twage though.” “Wait, nala, do you know where my laptop is?” Louise asked. “Not a clue. I have to take ca-“ nala was interrupted by a blaring sound. “My perception’s telling me you’re not relaxing nala. Now chill.” Twage said on a PA system. “Nevermind.” Nala sighed, “Alright. I’m gonna take a shower.” She went into one of the bathrooms. “Let’s have Pavlo take a shower. We don’t know how long he’s been down there.” Louise whispered to me. She looked at Pavlo and pointed to the bathroom door. “Alright, so I want to know now. What the heck happened with Twage. He seems so much more friendly and open now. Does this have to do with those other lives you had in that journal?” “Uhh I guess. I’m not too entirely sure myself. What I do know is that the journal worked on Twage and nala, so this could be the key against opposition that comes our way.” “Hmm, have you written that much in there?” she asked. “Not that much, but I found that I automatically write in here sometimes, without thinking. It doesn’t affect me that much though.” “Oh alright. Let’s just wait. I’m gonna take a nap” She said. “Alright I’ll do the same thing.” I replied. I took a top bunk, the one that Serenade was under and fell into a deep sleep. I couldn’t tell it was a dream because it felt so real. It was the same dream with the monster, but the dream was really short. Although, the monster made some sounds that I couldn’t understand. It sounded a bit like “Why’d you change it?” In the midst of the darkness I felt, the final thing I heard was, “I’ll destroy everything he’s worked for.” _ Thanks for reading this chapter! If you want to leave a suggestion, please do so. Now, of course, I closed sign-ups for this story, but you can ask to be in the fourth story of this series, Depression. Please don't hesitate, because I'm open to it. I already have two people signed up so I hope I can make it well. Again, thanks for all the support you've given so far. I hope to continue this series to the end.