Nice to see you applying! Because of your inactivity however, you are going to have to be tested. Add Raxenuk on skype (his skype is Raxenuk) and he will test you and give me feedback. I normally would also test, but too busy with school. Good Luck.
@teamminer denied. You may reapply in a week. Also another guy was denied but I forgot who . . . IF YOU ARE STILL WAITING FOR A TRYOUT PLEASE REMIND ME! I was busy and forgot who is waiting
1v1ed @JitTheOITCNoob Denied. Sorry bud. Reapply in a week if you wish. Sorry bud xD I had to go. You are next though, don't worry :D
IGN: ItzDessyy K/D: 1.60 EDIT: I use to play on this server a ton but I was absolutely terrible. But now I have a better PC and PC setup also I have a much better mouse, and configuration :D
1v1ed SS_PvPKiller (yes he is not in SS) and he was denied. Reapply in a week. Just PM me when you see me ingame, or add Raxenuk on Skype. My Skype isn't working right now :/
PROMOTIONS! @Raxenuk and I have talked and decided to promote three members to officer. As an officer they are now allowed to hold 1v1 tryouts. Congratulations to @Zanq, @JustxAran, and @Descisions ! You guys are awesome.
I'm like Always on. My previous name was TheSkyIsTheLimit, and now it's SS_EliminatorZ. My new IGN is gonna be SS_Sauce. 1v1 me for fun if you want. (Or maybe as a try out) :)
Please, stop arguing in this thread. This thread is all about the clan itself, not about the arguments about the clan.
Wow when I told you to 1 v 1 you didn't want 2 you said i am not warmed up then I wait 2 hours and then you just leave the server....
Another member is being kicked from SS. SS_whataJag, who was banned for hacking and DDoS threat, is now kicked from SS. We are however allowing him to reapply in a weeks time. @whataJag Next time, think before you hack. We don't allow hackers in our clan sorry. Also HilariousPvP was denied.