Many of you have put incorrect ages in your profiles due to being used to websites that dont allow under 13 (sometimes 15 or 17, depending where,) on, some due to parents who put their info in, etc. I have been discussing with harry a solution to this, however, a solid decision has not been reached, and will not be reached for a few weeks yet. Please be patient until this matter is resolved.
This website does not only allow people who are 13+. I am 11 and put my real birth date in, it said nothing about me being too young.
I have a different reason why I put my different age. (Trying to hide my Identity from Actual Stalkers in IRL)
You could just totally remove birthdays from the XenForo theme (as in the options to set it and stuff related) and database. Then, as I assume you already do, any time an age is required and posted (the only time I can think of is in a staff application), you look into this and find out if this age is true. Only idea I could think of. Also, try asking AJ if he's still there? He may have an idea :P
I recently emailed J&H about this and they fixed it for me, so I wonder how many emails or if they even get emails about this.
For security, you can always set the day/month to a fake time, but year to correct. This prevents them looking up anything about you. :)
So.. Your age is correct, Roby? Gotta go get my stalker app, new info!!! Luckily, harry put my correct age before this new considered decision.
@RobyNub1337 Looking through the XenForo code right now to see if there is a way to allow age changing. (That would involve changing the code and reinstalling the forum, but I could try and find an addon for it (or make my own.)
Dont worry about it, I plan to have this problem resolved once J&H have the time for it. Right now though this isn't as much of a problem as other things going on right now so this is pretty low on the priority change. Its just a few numbers in a profile. Not really breaking anything. I will work with them on a solution once they have time free.
I hope this issue is resolved shortly. my age says I am 15, currently I'm 14. But I do hope they change mine soon. I've already posted a thread about it.