Staff team

Discussion in 'Server Discussion' started by _Tigeripac_, Aug 1, 2019.

  1. _Tigeripac_

    _Tigeripac_ Tigeripac

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    Hey, i have noticed a couple of things over the last days that i think should be discussed.

    First of all i would like to say that this is no hate on any of the staff members because i think they all do their job just fine.
    However, there are some problems regarding the team. To start of, it is a frequent occurrence that there are simply not enough staff members active on the server or even none at all.
    This makes it possible for hackers etc. to roam freely, terrorizing minigames like kitpvp with nothing the players can do but wait for a mod or higher to get on and finally ban him.
    I suggest to maybe expand the staff team significally and provide the server with a wide roster of staff members of different timezones so that there would always be someone online to help.
    Next i would suggest to make some changes to the helper role.
    Sometimes there may be a hacker online and only a helper to come to aid.
    All he would be able to do is to report the hacker just like the players and nothing would change.
    I feel like he should at least be able to kick players for a certain amount of time, so that the other players have some time to play without a hacker ruining the game, before a mod or higher gets online to look into the situation and ban the person.
    Lastly i would like to suggest that players that get banned should have there stats reset on minigames like kitpvp. I know that this has been suggested already but it think it is something important to implement.
    It is only fair that a person that was using hacks to get on the leaderboard should have their stats reset in my opinion. Otherwise they would just be able to buy unban and continue grinding and having a shot on the top prizes wich would make up for their money spend on unban and this is not fair in my eyes.

    This was just my personal opinion on the current state of the server staff team and some suggestions to improve it. I'm interested in what other people have to say on this.

    No hate! Only love!
    Averill, Alperen_, ZeusV and 12 others like this.
  2. Polseh

    Polseh Make j&h great again Donator

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  3. PvpEnabled

    PvpEnabled Donator

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    I agree on everything said here
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
    Spooky and _Tigeripac_ like this.
  4. vaping

    vaping Donator

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  5. Octavienne

    Octavienne King of DinoRaids

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    The timezone 5am EST-12pm EST is almost devoid of moderators and above.
  6. Trevor

    Trevor Donator

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    The only way that there can be more staff, is if the player count goes up. I think that the current staff are just fine, I know that @Aiqw is THE most active staff member, and I see him on all the time. If J&H can somehow reel in more players, I feel like there will be more people that would like to be staff and therefor more moderation. Otherwise if you see a hacker you can record them and report it on here, the forums :).
    PvpEnabled and _Tigeripac_ like this.
  7. antichill

    antichill Donator

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    I completely agree with everything said here.
    _Tigeripac_ and Trevor like this.
  8. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    Regarding the amount of staff, at-least during my tenure the only problem was lack of applications from applicants who could truly make to be good staff members. This comes with the dwindled player count and such. Maybe now that the server has a better count than before that some more worthy applicants could come up

    Perhaps a suggestion can be made to allow Helpers to temporary ban potential hackers they see, or a command they can use to kick them temporarily. This would have to be discussed though between the admins and based off my experience, I'm not sure the helper role is ever going to receive a power such as this (because the current role is basically a training role for mod)
    Embracive, Netherr, safoya299 and 8 others like this.
  9. samloop123

    samloop123 . Donator

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    Aiqw will be 100% be promoted very soon so we’ll have an active staff member with power to ban
    PvpEnabled, _Tigeripac_ and Trevor like this.
  10. _Tigeripac_

    _Tigeripac_ Tigeripac

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    Aiqw is the best, i hope he will! :P
    PvpEnabled and Trevor like this.
  11. Polseh

    Polseh Make j&h great again Donator

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    Nah, victoria was the best staff i’ve ever seen.
    Ryva, left4lag and PvpEnabled like this.
  12. Embracive

    Embracive Former Мod+ Donator

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    EU should be a focus, as some EU staff as which I've noticed are inactive. I've only seen AIQW on, where as people like Kxwe and Bugraaak haven't been on. No hate to them, but the EU cycle is repeating itself from when I was a Helper - Mod+.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    _Tigeripac_, Username and PvpEnabled like this.
  13. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    They're on. Just not when you are.
    Ahmeet, Trevor and PvpEnabled like this.
  14. LethalitiesButCool


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    I'm not suppose to give mah opinion bot

    Most staff / resigned staff members can relate that being the only staff member online in the server and as a helper is pretty weird. Asia/AU staff can pretty much relate to this, for an example when I staff'ed here before I couldn't be online everyday since I was previously only allowed to use the PC on the weekends and when Victoria got staff, she was literally the only one online in my timezone or maybe kimay the weirdo for some time not sure forgot a lot of staff times and I'm sure it was weird for her to only be able to report instead to be able to banned the hackers she reported to us. Technically helper is just a chat moderator who is also a tour guide in the server. Let's also add the fact that getting staff is a goddarn hard in this server, even for players who have played in this server for years since applications either take months to get a reply.

    In what I see right now, staff team is small, but the server is also small but yet there are specific times there are no staff that are on and that cycle will continue. There are some big servers that entrust helper roles with the ban command and I can't say they abuse it or not since I do not know, but maybe the staff team can rethink about it since how the server changed comparing the present and the past.

    With my cool google skills that I have learned for years and have mastered, apparently thats 5 pm - 12 am for Asia Timezone and that's the time most Asian staff are available. Pretty much the staff needs more AU / Asian timezone staff that can also handle real life and server work load. Can't give an opinion about EU Staff cause I don't know their timezone lol

    I'm not supposed to give my opinion but
    When I was staff, I've seen a decent amount of staff applications that were let's say qualified for the role, problem was it took a long ass time for them to be replied. Let's also add the fact some applications that were literally a year old was replied to and most of the applicants didn't get the role because they were already out of touch in their passion for staffing or the server. It felt weird having to see applications take a long ass time to be replied to lol. A good example to show was HCChicken which had his application for a year opened if I'm correct.

    The cycle continues, staff gets active at the start because ya boi gets new commands, then slowly activity decays due to dealing with real life, maybe resign or be inactive for a month, then come back with that reapplication dawg. Pretty sure most staff are like these lol.

    But hey I can't say how they promoted people was shit since we've gotten decent staff in previous years, but can't also say it was good.
    IMO this server just need more promoting dedicated members of community who are still active up to this day and not promote randoms who just joined the server a week ago. Hey can't give a negative opinion, staffing is fun.

    Best goddess staff ever.

    Here's a message for those who wants to apply for staff, think about it for the second time or third time. "Can I balance real life while having to handle a minecraft server?" "Will I be able to give my time to the team?" "Am I dedicated or do I just want to feel what its like to be staff?".

    wot! you never played tuber simulator?! hopefully this is not a dumb post i made lol
    _Tigeripac_, PvpEnabled and Polseh like this.
  15. Polseh

    Polseh Make j&h great again Donator

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    Did anyone even read this
    Witha, Trevor and PvpEnabled like this.
  16. Octavienne

    Octavienne King of DinoRaids

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    Yeah. Was a decent read lol. Insider stories offer a lot of insight.
    PvpEnabled likes this.
  17. _Tigeripac_

    _Tigeripac_ Tigeripac

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    This is most certainly not a dumb post. I'm glad to hear a little about your insight and your past experience! I feel like you made a lot of good points.
    Trevor likes this.
  18. FuegoeZ

    FuegoeZ :) Donator

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    Since there are not many players playing on the server, there are not many staff. When we look at it before, we see that all the personnel are at work.
    _Tigeripac_ likes this.
  19. Voltwave

    Voltwave Love Sosa Donator

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  20. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks Rank.MODERATOR.toString() Staff Member Moderator

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    The big problem is AU/EU staff right? Because this was the problem for me:

    Hardly any staff in timezone -> Person gets promoted -> Person is active for a while (perhaps gets mod) -> Person soon finds the server is pretty dead at those times, so doesn't get online (because no point wasting time sitting on a server doing nothing) -> Person becomes inactive -> Person is demoted / becomes frustrated with lack of promotion / feels bad about being inactive -> Person is no longer staff -> Hardly any staff in timezone

    That's not an easy problem to solve. Unfortunately, we can't just pump more staff members at this problem because frankly there aren't enough candidates and those that do get promoted will in all likehood leave in a relatively short timespan (especially if they see their peers get promoted, but not themselves, humans are competitive, jealous beasts deep down after all). Does this mean admin expectations for candidates in those zones need to adjust? Perhaps, but it's not really for me to say. Do we as players need to adjust our expectations in this area? I think so. The reality is, if the server is quiet, there isn't many staff from that area, and while it can be frustrating when a hacker doesn't get immediately banned, we might just have to accept that is how things are.