New Profile Posts

  1. TheBlockyInkling
    holy shit today I went on and there literally wasn't anyone online the server is officially actually dead
  2. Bit
    TRUST NO BITCH #realshit
  3. grotesque
    internship speedrun inbound :)
  4. Evence
    Evence Davey
    i wonder who came up with the username dadvey...

    hope you're doing well homie <3
    1. Davey likes this.
    2. View previous comments...
    3. Davey
      also like four people claim to have come up with dadvey you're gonna have to fight them LOL
      May 16, 2024
    4. Trevor
      it was me xD
      May 16, 2024
    5. Davey
      jokerben also claims it was him
      May 29, 2024
  5. Trevor
    Trevor Davey
    what is your favorite
    1. Davey likes this.
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    3. Trevor
      what you're movie
      May 10, 2024
      Davey likes this.
    4. Trevor
      you're a movie?
      May 10, 2024
      Davey likes this.
    5. Trevor
      May 10, 2024
      Davey likes this.
  6. Katy_
    Katy_ SSAce
    that you bro?
    1. SSAce likes this.
    2. SSAce
      yo bro
      May 19, 2024
  7. Soso
    I was a retarded kid tf
  8. Xad
    Xad ItsHarry
    no one likes you guys anymore
    1. t3mptr3s
      I like them.
      Apr 19, 2024
    2. ItsHarry
      Apr 20, 2024
  9. t3mptr3s
    t3mptr3s Soap
    I see you!! <3
    1. Soap likes this.
  10. noahnoobfax
    noahnoobfax Heatdude Da Waffle
    I popped on here and saw your name and just randomly remembered Minnosh lol. How long ago do you think that was at this point? Has to have been at least a decade. Hope you're doing well brother.
    1. Heatdude Da Waffle likes this.
    2. Heatdude Da Waffle
      Heatdude Da Waffle
      When I saw you commented I nearly had a heart attack. Man I was 13 so 11 years now? Damn. I'm doing alright, graduated college and making music all the time. Working, living, ya know. Finding myself. Wonder what Minnosh is up to these days, lol. Hope you have been doing well too man.
      Apr 4, 2024
      noahnoobfax likes this.
    3. noahnoobfax
      Love to hear it. Glad youre doing good. What genre of music?
      Apr 5, 2024
      Heatdude Da Waffle likes this.
    4. Heatdude Da Waffle
      Heatdude Da Waffle
      Working on a lot of classical style stuff, like choral music, orchestral, string quartets, etc. I want to write for movies or videogames!
      What are you up to these days?
      Apr 5, 2024
  11. Yupac
    Promotion after 3 years, hahahaha long live JnH
    1. Trevor
      well deserved
      Apr 4, 2024
      Yupac likes this.
  12. Davey
    Davey sool
    i love you so much man
    1. sool likes this.
    2. sool
      smoochie smooch slörpi slärpi mmwah mwah lalallalala mwwah.
      you are loved as well
      May 9, 2024
      Davey likes this.
  13. sool
    sool Davey
    Davey, I love you man but why semetary.
    1. Davey likes this.
    2. Davey
      shit's fire
      Mar 30, 2024
      sool likes this.
    3. sool
      nuh uhh. Some are that good good shaize but damn. Does cemetary give off school shooter vibes xd
      Mar 30, 2024
      Davey likes this.
  14. sool
    sool Heatdude Da Waffle
    i love you
    1. Heatdude Da Waffle likes this.
    2. Heatdude Da Waffle
      Heatdude Da Waffle
      Love you too man. How is life? How's the soul?
      Mar 31, 2024
  15. sool
    sool Dest
    How’s my favorite dutchie doin? Clompin around on ur wooden shoes? :D
    1. Dest likes this.
    2. Dest
      Heya! I'm doing good (for what is possible)! Nah, not clomping around. Yet. :P
      How are you?
      Apr 1, 2024
      sool likes this.
    3. sool
      Late response as always but I'm just crankin my last studies until i get to move abroad, Workin and stuff but yeah.
      Whats new to you? :D
      ᶜᵃⁿ ᶦ ᵇᵒʳʳᵒʷ ᵘʳ ʷᵒᵒᵈᵉⁿ ˢʰᵒᵉˢ ᵖᵉʳʰᵃᵖˢ
      May 9, 2024
      Dest likes this.
    4. Dest
      Great to hear! :)
      And not much new to me haha. The same as always
      And sure xD
      May 10, 2024
  16. sool
    all grown up now, sup yall?
    1. sool
      honestly it’s been so long last time i visited i forgot everyone.
      i decided to visit to see if this place is still up and to my suprise it still is
      Mar 30, 2024
    2. Trevor
      whoa why are you here?
      Mar 30, 2024
      sool likes this.
    3. sool
      to show my absolute dominance over this server
      May 9, 2024
      Trevor likes this.
  17. sool
    sool ZakMuir
    Damn Zak, didn’t expect you to still be active!
    1. ZakMuir likes this.
    2. ZakMuir
      i just lurk, snap me <3
      Apr 4, 2024
      sool likes this.
    3. sool
      missing those booty calls ngl
      May 9, 2024
  18. Snowwyy
    Snowwyy safoya299
    Came back for nostalgia, saw all your comments on my profile haha hope you've been doing well ^^
    1. safoya299 likes this.
    2. safoya299
      aww man, hope all has been well with you too!
      Jun 3, 2024
  19. Snowwyy
    For my annual it's J&H forums, hey ya'll much love thanks for a great childhood together take care <3
    1. Snowwyy
      My Twitter is @snowwyfgc and my Discord is therealsnowwy in case anyone wants to hmu ^^
      Mar 25, 2024
  20. sunflower36002