The Legend of the Server (The OITC season) Part 2.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic / Spam / Memes' started by minecraftbeast94, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. minecraftbeast94

    minecraftbeast94 Donator

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    "Grandpa, who is the hydra?" Grandfather said, "You will see in this next part."

    The Legend of the Server part 2

    H_Hyper- Hyper was walking home from the meeting when he noticed something. Alisa came out of the woods and asked Hyper, "Do you want to fight in the arena?" Hyper said, "Sure I will, I never pass up a chance to sharpen my skill." They traveled to the arena and on the way Alisa turned to him and asked, "Will we ever find someone to do this?" Hyper asked, "Do what?" "Well Beef said we need to find someone new but like YFIOTR said they would most likely die in seconds and I do......." Then she was interrupted by a hiss in the bushes behind them. Hyper said, "The Hydra?" Alisa said, "No, something worse than him." A person walked into the clearing. He introduced himself, "The name's Ramz, but don't bother remembering it." Hyper asked him, "What are you doing here I haven't seen you around at all." Ramz said, "Well Hypes if you must know i am here for something important, and I think you know what it is." Hyper asked, "I don't know you and I don't know why are you are now tell us," Ramz says, "Man you are hopeless, but ok I am looking for a person named Beef, Have you seen him?" Hyper says, "What possible business do you have with Chizzel?" Ramz says, "Its time for my revenge Hypes, and I don't want to kill you but you get in my way and I will drop you, fair enough warning?" Hyper exclaims, "Who do you think are you threatening me?" Alisa says, "Hyper, Don't let him get to you probably another loser who found his way here to start stuff." Hyper says, "You are right, Ramz, I don't know who you are but don't talk to me again." Alisa and Hyper walk in silence the rest of the way. Hyper thinks to himself though, "Something big is going to happen I can feel it I don't know that person but I have to keep my guard up." "Well to be honest, I couldn't drop my guard if I tried I keep my nerves too tied up." "Maybe I should relax Beef will handle this right?"

    To be continued in part 3.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016