Minecraft Player types

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by Andes_Vermon, May 24, 2018.

  1. Andes_Vermon


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    Hi I'm andes, i don't play in minecraft pc and i play only in minecraft pe, and when I was playing in a server, i saw many players with different personalities. Now I'm giving you types of players... Also there are more types of players which i don't know existed..


    Noobs are the most common types of players in minecraft and you have 99 percent chance to meet one of them, or maybe you are one of them. These are the players in minecraft who are new to the game or to the server, just like me who doesn't know how to play Minecraft, or doesn't know how to play TNTRUN.

    to all players in minecraft: please don't underestimate these players or boost about your skills, these players tends to be jeleous and angry sometimes.

    Serious weakness: pvp


    These are the players of minecraft who are now expert in playing minecraft, they are good at pvps and some other minigames, they're also experts in singleplayer.

    But i tell you something: becoming Pro is like becoming more rude, aggressive, unfriendly, and boostful to others. Said my Friend Nesrine993 who grief two house in a realm after her items were stolen and her house become a courthouse with lots of random blocks inside. I experienced These abuses from pros as they tend to be boastful towards noobs, Stole a female player's stuffs, and beating up a kinder who just wants to give diamonds.


    Kinders are the rarest players you will see in the game and you have only 10 percent chance to see one of them, they tend to be kind towards others like giving a diamond to a player who is upset to see he's chest empty, comforting someone who is very upset after picking a fight with a hacker or a grinder, and stopping a fight, few of them are totally friendly that they dont care what pros boost.

    They mostly respected by server staffs as they don't break rules.


    The most irritating types of players to see in the game, they play in an unfair way like flying while players die in skywars, x-ray hacking in murder mystery, or even a invicible player in Hunger games. But before you pick a fight with them think what the server staffs will going to do.. they will kick some of them out of the server, or even ban them from the server, don't pick a fight with them.


    Do you ever left your base (where you grief a previous house where your base stands) to mine diamonds and come back to see your base griefed with a sign infront of the entrance saying “you grief my house, now I will not stop griefing yours” well these are the vengefuls. They are among the Noobs, kinders, pros, and hackers, they tend to take revenge to their victims who was do something rude towards them, griefing is the common way to take revenge if the victim has a very beautiful house which they will turn it into a house with lavas.

    I done this in 12:45am but will edit this everyday
  2. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    Only one problem with this, everyone is a noob to someone.
    RulerofMobs likes this.