Comments on Profile Post by tence3000

  1. tence3000
    First of all, 'expose', one of Smg's favourite words has 6 letters while the name Smg has only 3.
    Now 6 divided by 3 = 2 and 2 + 2 = 4 -1 that's 3 (Big Shaq reference) and how many corners to a triangle: 3!
    Jan 29, 2018
    dreamvlle and Evence like this.
  2. tence3000
    Now I'm not done there! Continuing the reference to Big Shaq which was proved above, he then says the words
    QUICK MATHS which has 10 letters but because everything is Americanised these days it should be Quick Math which
    has 9 letters. 9 divided by our original number of 3 is also 3!
    Jan 29, 2018
    RulerofMobs and Evence like this.
  3. tence3000
    Now we aren't done yet, here comes the biggest part of our method:
    We currently have 39 staff, if you then take away the three builders who are debatably not staff as well as
    Jerry and Harry because they are the almighty transcendant ones, we then end up with 34 staff.
    Jan 29, 2018
    Evence likes this.
  4. tence3000
    Now 34 again times our original number of 3 once more = 102. Now with that 102, we divide it by the amount of
    people who currently hold the Mod+ rank as that is the rank that Smg holds as well.
    Jan 29, 2018
    Evence likes this.
  5. tence3000
    As there are 10 Mod+'s we divide
    102 by 10 which gives us 10! Now you may be thinking where is this going but bear with me. Although we have an
    answer of 10 with a remainder, the remainder is the important part of this method as the remainder is 2.
    Jan 29, 2018
    Evence likes this.
  6. tence3000
    Now we get into the final parts of our method. Like we all used to say when we were younger that 1 + 1 = window
    we also could say 2 + 2 = fish. Now where do we all know the fish from?
    The famous Christian story of the feeding of the 5000.
    Jan 29, 2018
    Evence likes this.
  7. tence3000
    Now we have the number 5000 we divide it once again by our
    original number (AND THE ILLUMINATI NUMBER) which leaves us once again with a remainder of 2.
    Coincidence! I THINK NOT!
    And we all know what 2 means, and now I say as I link it back to the beginning.
    2 + 2 is 4 -1 that's 3! ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED! (Oh and QUICK MATHS, the loop is endless!)
    Jan 29, 2018
    Evence likes this.
  8. tence3000
    If you want me to do one for you, tag me on your profile ;)
    Jan 29, 2018
    Evence likes this.
  9. Smg
    wait wat
    Jan 29, 2018
    Evence and tence3000 like this.
  10. tence3000
    heh heh heh, have fun reading all that
    Jan 29, 2018
    RulerofMobs, Evence and Smg like this.