Dare to be Different

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Jit, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. Jit


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    woa look Jit posted a thread

    I've got a burning question that I need answered.

    Why is being different such a bad thing?

    I generally don't log in here much anymore, but when I do, it is all the same. Talk about the same bands. Make the same threads about staff being bad/good. Honestly, I was someone just like this before.

    Really, what I was acting like wasn't me. I was trying to be in with a group of people I just wasn't like. It was awkward and uncomfortable, and the people I was with clearly did not like me. We all know the feeling of being the friend no one cares about in the group.. I am acting more like myself, the fun-loving person I am, not the stuck up, depressed person I was acting like. I DONT suffer from depression. I DONT need to be like these people. They will like me for who I am or they won't. To get to the point - why would you pretend to be someone you are not just to impress someone else?
    People do it for crushes all the time. Act cool in front of them. But on something as silly as this? I make fun of stuff like "rawr XDD" all the time, but really, I applaud them too. They are made fun of every day, and yet don't care what people think about. If they can go through that, why do you have to pretend to like a band or say you have problems just to get someone to like you?

    The entire point of this rant/thread was to get a message out there - be different. Don't be like everyone else. Everyone has the same music taste. The same interests. The same automated replies. Changing for those around you. Be unique. Like who you WANT to like. You want to be happy, be happy.

    I hate to call it out, but faking something like depression or homosexuality is never okay either. This is for attention or to get friends. We all see those messages from kids when you kill them in SG or something. "Why would you kill me?? My mom is dead!! I bet you feel bad now!!!" And we all know they are lying. It is no different if you lie about depression or anxiety.

    Maybe someone will take this thread to heart and realize they are trying to blend into their surroundings, maybe they will simply reply "well it's truly me so I don't see
    a problem????????????????????? Or maybe it will simply be locked, but no matter what happens, the message is the same:

    Don't be influenced by those surrounding you. Be unique and stand out.

    shoutout to @Nesmito for having such a unique music taste and not caring what people think
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2017
    sool, Sofie, Sakujo and 20 others like this.
  2. Rivenze

    Rivenze Donator

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    Well said. Nice thread.
    MemeDreamTeam and Jit like this.
  3. Pianobonds


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    Acting like others to look cool is just the same as torturing yourself.
    There's barely anyone who likes a game-freak-girl like me. I only have around 10-20 friends in school, and I'm happy with them.
    Don't pretend to be someone just to make other people happy, it's useless.
    tence3000, Jit and Syrian like this.
  4. Markend

    Markend Donator

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    Why be someone you're not? As much as people say it, we're all different. Yeah people have similarities, the same likes, passions, goals, ideas, thoughts, feelings, experiences etc, that's normal. What's not seen as the right thing is saying and doing things that isn't you, the real you. Some people like to express themselves more than others, some like to hide themselves, others don't know who they are or who they want themselves to be. I think people get lost in themselves so they look to other inspirations and people of meaning and therefore would like to become them or be like them. Being yourself around other people can be hard sometimes because the first thing people will do is judge you and your actions, whether they're positive or negative. We all judge things, some are more positive while others are negative. In this world we live in, nothing is perfect. It's as easy to lie as it is to be honest.

    Feelings are something within us that can provoke changes in us emotionally, mentally and physically. I'm pretty sure many of us are not entirely satisfied with who we are, whether it's looking in the mirror, looking at your past self, comparing yourself to others because you believe they're better than you but no, that's not true. If there's one thing you are good at, it's being yourself. There's no one in the world like you, you're unique. People will love you for who you are, not all will but we have to face the fact that not everyone will like us, but that's fine. You like what you like. You don't have to like what your friends like, nor do they have to like what you like.

    Yeah I use the words "us", "you", "we", because this is a community where we see each other grow and change together, no ones alone.

    Why be the faint little star in the sky when you can be the bright shining star that is different from the rest. Something that stands out from the crowd. Even then, if you don't want to stand out, then don't. As long as you're yourself, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what people think negatively about you because there will always be someone who can look at you and tell you that you're a beautiful person inside and out. Stay true to yourself.

    You can pretend to be happy all you like, but nothing will change if everyone sees you as a happy little cookie. Faking a smile is just as bad as not smiling at all. If you're hurting to the point where you have to fake your every move and word, how can anyone help you? Don't be afraid to speak out. The people who want to support you, they will.

    I certainly have changed. I'm not the same person I was years ago, or even months ago. I have accepted who I really am because I can't change that. I'm stuck in this body and mindset until the clock stops ticking. Why live an unhappy life when you have the will power to make yourself happy and do things that make you happy. The teenage bracket seems to be the hardest for people because they have a whole life ahead of them and it's when the most change happens. Surround yourself in the things that make you happy, not the things that don't. If you like a certain taste in music, go ahead and listen to it, don't care what others think about it. True people accept you for who you are.

    Anyway this was just a rant? I don't know. I could go on but this is enough lmao.
    Mookey, Jit and KokichiOma like this.
  5. Syrian

    Syrian Former Mod x2 Donator

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    I hate to admit it, but I've fallen under this trap too.

    I'm not going to give a lengthy explanation as the others have pretty much said all that I would.

    Nice thread, Jit!
  6. Pugnata

    Pugnata Pug the Pug Donator

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    I just want to point out, you don't know if someone is lying about their sexuality or mental state, some really like to express themselfes on the internet because they can't in real life. You should never react with "I'm gay" "oh another attention seeker".

    I really lile the rest of the thread though. When I got older, I discovered all kind of things about myself and accept it. Also on this forum, I was always that angel who tried to be the nicest so I could become staff, but now I just say the truth when I want and express my opinions, even if they are negatve. How I am now feels better then pretending.
    Jit likes this.
  7. Jit


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    Of course not. I know that not everyone is lying about it, but they do exist. That is never my immediate reaction though.
    Pugnata likes this.
  8. dreamvlle

    dreamvlle resigned Donator

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    say it louder for the people in the back
    safoya299 and Jit like this.
  9. Job_

    Job_ Banana Donator

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    To be honest. I love myself because I am different then others. I laugh at people because they always try to be the same.

    Could you imagine a world where everyone is the same? That would be so boring. Being different makes us humans special. So please be yourself and don't change yourself for 1 person.
    Jit and dreamvlle like this.
  10. Contemptible

    Contemptible | Former Mοd | Donator

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    @Nesmito has an amazing taste of music, I agree.
    Sofie and teitan like this.
  11. stempunk

    stempunk #1 Premium Donator

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    I get made fun of everyday. The insults that mostly hurt are when people insult Christianity(I'm Christian). I do not act different on this server. I am the way I am, us humans were given an advanced brain, yet, we don't use it we just worry about what other people think about us. We are to afraid to act like ourselves, we want to be liked. I agree stop acting like other people and be yourself.
    Jit likes this.
  12. Sofie

    Sofie Ex m.o.d+ Donator

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    Praise @Nesmito
    ur the best darling ;)<3

    also nice thread
    Jit and teitan like this.
  13. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    Long story short. Be what you want to be as long as you're happy and safe. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
    Jit likes this.
  14. sool

    sool ‎ ‎ Donator

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    Nice thread.