Story: The Forgotten Lies

Discussion in 'Creation Showcase' started by OfficerDeadly, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. OfficerDeadly

    OfficerDeadly Donator

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    Thanks to @YuyeeseXPrompX for inspiring me to do this, much respect.

    Hope you guys enjoy this story that you will be reading for... um I actually do not know... I guess I'll decide on those kinda things later on.

    This story is like a side story of the formerly popular anime ''Bleach''.

    I am in need of more characters so if you want to be apart of this story, tell me that you want to join. (I can't add everyone so sorry if you don't get added)

    Now that I have talked about the formalities, lets get into the story. Also please give me some feedback since this is my first story :p

    The Forgotten Lies
    Chapter One

    Saruwatari Kazuki - @Electric_Demon
    Yamashita Kaito - @Xenon
    Shoken Sahashi - @Stellarite
    Yaeko Iwasaki - @Destination666

    Kazuki's POV

    It was a peaceful day in the Seireitei, everyone was handling their own problems... until an explosion was heard from the Third Division's barrack.
    The third seat of the Fifth Division, Saruwatari Kazuki, was in the perimeter as the explosion went off because he was inspecting the unusual stability in spiritual power levels around the barrack.

    Kazuki: What the hell!?

    Kazuki's yell was met with the Third Division's members lashing out of the barrack on fire. Kazuki in a swift movement drew his sword from it's cover but before he could move he felt a blade run through him. He looked down, at the freshly cut wound just below his chest. Kazuki stumbled, letting go of his sword and coughing up blood.

    ?: Humph, who could you be?

    Kazuki fell on his right knee and got support from the ground so he wouldn't be grinded anymore than he already was but before he can even open his mouth to talk, he fell uncouncious from his wound.

    Kaito's POV

    Kaito was inside the Fourth Division barrack as the explosion went off so he was not hurt from the explosion, at first he didn't even notice however the Vice-Captain of the Fifth Division, Yaeko Iwasaki, rushed into the room he was in.

    Vice Captain Kaito! There has been an explosion in the Third Division's barrack, I have alerted members of your Division to go to the scene however as the only proper fighter of the Fourth Division, your presence is requested!

    Kaito was shocked for a moment however then he responded: Cowards, they are in need of protection all the time... Very well, tell them to move. I'll be leaving too.

    Iwasaki, clearly frightened of the situation responded back: Y-Yes, Vice Captain!

    Iwasaki ran out of Kaito's room, Kaito grabbed his zanpaktou and also left his quarters. As he was running through the Seireitei he saw a lot of black figures but he thought they were all from the Stealth Corps, until...

    ?: Vice Captain Kaito.

    Kaito stopped however he did not turn around.

    Kaito: That is me, what do you want? I have places to be.

    ?: Sadly you won't be going anywhere.

    Kaito felt threatened however he was not feeling any spiritual pressure, he turned around to face the Captain of the Eleventh Division, Shoken Sahashi.

    Kaito: Ca-captain, wh-what are you doing?

    Sahashi: The control of the Central 46 and their corrupted authority is over...

    Kaito: Captain, are you okay? You don't seem normal...

    As Kaito spoke those words, he noticed that the division in charge of the protection of the Central 46 was the Third Division.

    Sahashi:At last the Central 46 will pay the consequences of their actions, they hid behind our power and used us like puppets.

    Kaito noticed that Sahashi was drawing his zanpaktou, he knew he was no match for a Captain that had mastered their bankai...
    In an attempt to defend himself Kaito drew his sword with a swift movement and instantly activated his shikai.

    Kaito: Surprise, Yoki senu!!

    Sahashi: Shift the Void, Sekaiokaeru !

    Kaito slowly disappeared because of his shikai abilities however Sahashi did not seem worried, she was rather focused.

    Kaito walked behind Sahashi and tried to attack Sahashi from behind. This negated Kaito's shikai abilities and made Kaito visible. Just as he appeared to attack, Sahashi jumped up into the air and threw her sword at Kaito. Kaito barely dodged the sword and lost a part of his Vice-Captain outfit. Kaito's shikai ability activated once again making Kaito invisible for Sahashi. Sahashi landed with a slight smirk on her face.

    Sahashi: It appears that you do not know my powers... Hmph such a waste...

    Just then Kaito jumps at Sahashi:

    Kaito: Traitor!

    Sahashi's blade started to glow purple and Kaito found himself unable to move.

    Sahashi: Truly a waste...

    Kaito starts to get sucked towards Sahashi's zanpaktou. He tries to resist it but the spirit pressure of the zanpaktou is too much for him to resist.Kaito looks towards Sahashi, he notices thats she has her palm aimed towards him.

    Kaito(thinks to himself): A kido?!

    Sahashi: Hadō #31, Shakkahō!!

    A red ball shaped object appears in Sahashi's palm, Kaito falls down on his knees trying to resist the pull from the sword. Sahashi swipes her palm towards Kaito, a laser leaves Sahashi's hand. A huge explosion!

    Sahashi:I thought you... Vice-Captains were stronger...

    As the smoke disappears someone can be seen through the smoke. Infront of Kaito stands the Fifth squad's Vice Captain, Yaeko Iwasaki, activating her shikai...

    Iwasaki: Incenerate, Yokubo no bito...

    A stream of fire leaves Iwasaki's zanpaktou to form a wolf next to her.

    Iwasaki: I thought you... Captains were more loyal..


    Some information on characters (will be changing as the characters progress):
    Kaito's known abilities:

    Release --> Surprise
    Zanpaktou name --> Yoki senu

    Shikai --> Achieved
    Bankai --> Not yet achieved

    Shikai Abilities -> As soon as Kaito activates his shikai by yelling the release command ''Surprise, Yoki senu'' , he goes invisible however the people that are seen as allies by the zanpaktou is able to see Kaito.

    Until Kaito attempts to attack his zanpaktou keeps him invisible, whilst attacking Kaito is revealed and is visible to everyone. After Kaito attacks he goes invisible again. This cycle continues until Kaito is either too wounded to use his abilities or Kaito's soul power is too low.
    Saruwatari's known abilities:

    Release --> Drown them,
    Zanpaktou --> Mizunoo

    Shikai --> Achieved
    Bankai --> Not Achieved

    Shikai Abilities ->

    1. Irukudaruga, Umi no kogeki -> Saruwatari points his sword towards his opponent and says this phrase. His blade turns into an immense amount of water that Saruwatari can manipulate

    2. Sondaruga, Umi no iyashi -> After being immensely wounded Saruwatari can use this ability to heal his own wounds.
    Sahashi's (Safa's) known abilities:

    Release --> Change the Void
    Sword name --> Sora no kami

    Shikai --> Achieved
    Bankai --> Achieved , Kyoryokuna Juryoku

    Shikai Abilities -> Sahashi is able to manipulate gravity with her sword. However only the sword is the center of gravity, she can activate this ability even if the sword is not in her hand or even close to her. This ability only affects people close by.

    Bankai Abilities -> Sahashi is able to summon purple ball shaped objects. Sahashi is able to use these objects to manipulate gravity, the center of gravity can be changed from object to object. Sahashi is not affected by her own abilities however her allies are.
    Iwasaki's (Dest's) Known Abilities:

    Release --> Incinerate
    Zanpaktou name --> Yokubo no bito

    Shikai --> Achieved
    Bankai --> Not Achieved

    Shikai Abilities -> Her sword transform into a scythe and as she releases her shikai form she sends out a ring of fire around her.
    She also summons a fire wolf with her shikai.

    Used kido spell(s) ->
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  2. Dest

    Dest Mod+ | Twitch Streamer | Perler Beads Artist Staff Member Mod+

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    I love it!
    Especially the last part.. ;)
    You made my character badass :D
  3. Rivenze

    Rivenze Donator

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    Great story! :D


    Likes Received:
    Dude this is amazing!

    Seriously though, it really makes me so happy how I am inspiring people to also spread their imagination. I'm proud of you!
    Keep up the great work pal! If you need some extra help or advice, pm me dude c:
    safoya299 and OfficerDeadly like this.
  5. OfficerDeadly

    OfficerDeadly Donator

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    Sahashi -> @Stellarite
    Iwasaki -> @Destination666

    The Battle of a Vice-Captain and a Captain: Chapter Two

    Iwasaki was standing infront of the former captain of the Eleventh Division, proctecting a fellow Vice-Captain. She was going to focus more on a defensive fend off instead of going all out and being defeated, whenever she got the chance she would attack. Out of all the Vice-Captains she had the best defence and Kaito had the best offence.

    Iwasaki: Vice Captain Kaito, would you mind fighting with me against this foe....

    No response was heard, Iwasaki turned around to see a wounded and uncouncious Kaito. He was impaled by the kido she thought she blocked.

    Sahashi: You thought you could be able to block a kido used by a kido master?.. I have not seen such arrogance before. However do not worry, your defeat's cause won't be your arrogance, it will simply be the power difference between us. You think a mere Vice Captain's defence could stand against... a captain that was purposely trained to break them.

    Just then Sahashi called her zanpaktou back at her hand. The zanpaktou flew like a bumerang until it got to it's master's hand, without hesitation these following words came out of Sahashi's mouth.

    Sahashi: Hmph, you will now face the fury of a battle hardened captain... BANKAI, Kyoryokuna Juryoku!!

    A purple stream of an unknown material appeared out of the ground and struck Sahashi's blade. A destructive amount of spirit pressure left Sahashi's body, pushing back Iwasaki...

    Sahashi opened her palm and pointed both her palm and the sword towards Iwasaki. A ball formed between the sword and her palm, it was as big as a basketball. She launched towards Iwasaki however Iwasaki was already ready for such and attack since she had already seen the captain fight in battle. Iwasaki launched herself at the ball instantly slicing it in two. Before she could recover her balance, she felt another object being thrown at her, she opened her palm and pointed it towards the whereabouts of Sahashi then used a kido.

    Iwasaki: Hadō Number One, Shō!

    One of the purple, ball shaped objects were sent back flying towards Sahashi. However since they were created by Sahashi, she could not be wounded by them. The former Captain caught the ball and pressed it towards the ground. With immense amount of power the ball got sucked down into the ground and appeared behind Iwasaki. Iwasaki was not expecting such an attack, she had never seen the captain using an attack like this one. Also this time Iwasaki was caught off guard, she was not able to react fast enough to dodge the attack or to defend against it but she knew she could not give up, she decided on using a defensive kido. Iwasaki swiftly placed her sword between the object and herself, then she proceeded with placing her hand on the side of the sword that was facing her.

    Iwasaki: Bakudō Number Thirty-Nine, Enkōsen!

    Sahashi: Explode and eliminate!

    As the ball shaped object exploded in a fiery manner Iwasaki noticed her wolf made out of fire jumping in between her and the object, blocking damage that would be most probably lethal to Iwasaki. The object exploded, scattering itself around the area. A huge smoke covered the area, just then Iwasaki appeared out of the smoke using the explosion's momentum to launch and attack the former Captain of the Eleventh Division. This did not escape Sahashi's gaze as she swiftly flash stepped behind Iwasaki and brought her sword down, lethally injuring Iwasaki.

    Iwasaki fell on the ground facefirst... the last thing she saw was Sahashi walking off towards the barrack of the Captain

    Commander... towards the barrack of the leader of the Shinigami..

    Information about this chapter:
    Used kido spells ->

    Dest, ZeusV and safoya299 like this.
  6. safoya299

    safoya299 Donator

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    Dang I'm slaying (--:
    ZeusV likes this.
  7. Dest

    Dest Mod+ | Twitch Streamer | Perler Beads Artist Staff Member Mod+

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    Same here ;)
    safoya299 and ZeusV like this.
  8. OfficerDeadly

    OfficerDeadly Donator

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    Tetsuo - @Wuffy_
    Kaito - @Xenon
    Sahashi - @Stellarite
    Iwasaki - @Destination666
    Yoshikuni - @Cheezipoofs
    Saruwatari - @Electric_Demon

    Chapter Three

    Tetsuo was guarding the entrance of the first division's barrack alongside a few low ranking shinigami. After the attack on the third division's barrack tensions were high and security measures were taken. Every Vice-Captain were ordered to report back to their respective Captains, Tetsuo was one of the Vice-Captains that was able to obey this order. He was put in charge of the defence around the first division's barrack.
    While walking around Tetsuo noticed a person who was looking like a Captain slowly approaching the first division's barrack. Tetsuo identified this person as the eleventh division's Captain, Shoken Sahashi.

    Tetsuo: Captain Sahashi, I am glad to see that you are okay. After all you are the best warrior of the Gotei.

    Just then Tetsuo sensed an aggresive aura flowing towards him from the Captain. He felt like drawing his sword but before he could, he was faced with a kido.

    Sahashi: Bakudō #62, Hyapporankan.

    A purple spear appeared in Sahashi's hand and without hesitation Sahashi sent it flying towards Tetsuo.
    Tetsuo was apart of the Shinigami's for a long time. Even longer than some Captains, he was the one Vice-Captain that had the highest potential of slaying a Captain. He knew the power of Hyapporankan, it was going to split into multiple spears that would rain upon him. He had to act fast, he jumped towards the spears and unleashed the power of his sword.

    Tetsuo: Deactivate, Dendo robotto!

    A circular and blade shaped lighting flew out from the handle of the sword and split Hyapporankan into bits before it could be activated and potentially kill him. The circular blade shaped lighting cut Hyapporankan but it continued on and caught Sahashi off guard, Sahashi barely managed to dodge it with half her haori getting cut in the process. However she was not able to dodge it fully so she still suffered the affects of the shikai. Sahashi was stunned unable to move. Tetsuo slowly walked towards Sahashi with disappontment clearly shown on his face.

    Tetsuo: Why.. Captain?

    Sahashi responded without stuttering: You are so blind that you are not willing to see that the justice we stand for is now corrupt. The Central 46 is using us for their advantage!

    Tetsuo looked Sahashi straight in the eyes: Who have you slain to get here.. to fight the Captain Commander?

    Sahashi: A few weakling and two Vice-Captains... you will be the third.

    Sahashi broke through the lock of the shikai ability but she was not able to dodge the blade of the Vice Captain, she was impaled by Tetsuo's blade.

    Tetsuo: If you blame the Central 46 for being corrupt, I will enforce justice right here right now. Starting with you...
    Tetsuo lifts his hand up and places it over Sahashi's chest: Hadō #63, Raikōhō...

    A yellow lighting ball generated in Tetsuo's hand and impaled Sahashi through the chest. A huge explosion went off as the kido spell landed.

    Sahashi fell however she was caught by Tetsuo and gently placed onto the ground.

    Tetsuo: I will do what is necesarry, Captain.

    -Back to Iwasaki and Kaito-

    Kaito woke up, feeling the wound on his stomach. He slowly got up, realising the mess around him. Just then he noticed Iwasaki lying on the ground with blood splattered everywhere. Kaito rushed at Iwasaki, she had a cut starting from her right shoulder leading all the way down to around her waist. Kaito quickly started to heal the wounds. Since Kaito was the Vice-Captain of the fourth division aka the healing division. He knew how to heal wounds.

    -Back to Saruwatari Kazuki-

    Saruwatari woke up, he was in some kind of an infirmary. His wound was healed and he was well rested, he slowly got out of the bed and stood up. When he looked around the room was filled with wounded Shinigamis. He noticed a someone standing next to him when he turned around he faced a Captain.

    Yoshikuni: Oh, I see! You are awake now, do you feel well rested?

    Saruwatari: Captain! Y-yes, I am well rested... I... What happened to me?

    Yoshikuni: I found you next to the third division's barrack. You were wounded and uncouncious. Do you remember anything?

    Saruwatari stood in confusion then responded.

    Saruwatari: I only remember someone running me through with a sword.

    Yoshikuni: Well then, that... unfortunate... We need help here in the infirmary, it would be great if you can handle a few wounded comrades. I sense a war that is approaching, we have to be ready.

    End of Chapter

    Kido Spells Used

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
    Krewlex and safoya299 like this.
  9. safoya299

    safoya299 Donator

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  10. Dest

    Dest Mod+ | Twitch Streamer | Perler Beads Artist Staff Member Mod+

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    That's what you get for trying to kill me :P
    safoya299 and OfficerDeadly like this.
  11. Phoenix

    Phoenix Donator

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    Hey hey hey it's never too late to include me (((((;
    OfficerDeadly likes this.
  12. OfficerDeadly

    OfficerDeadly Donator

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    Iwasaki - @Destination666
    Tetsuo - @Wuffy_
    Omori - @Phoenix
    Toichi - @SellZy
    Kaito - @Xenon
    Sahashi (as an illusion) - @Stellarite

    Chapter Four

    Iwasaki's eyes slowly opened up, seeing Kaito and Tetsuo talking to each other. Her eyes wondered around and noticed a body lying on the side with a huge hole through its chest. Iwasaki stood up, Kaito and Tetsuo noticed her.

    Kaito: You alright, Iwasaki?

    Iwasaki nodded and pointed at the body lying on the ground: Who is... that?

    Kaito: Traitorous scum, former Captain Sahashi. Tetsuo gave her one hell of a beat down.

    Tetsuo: She was babbling, talking about something that had to do with the Central 46...

    Kaito sighed: In my opinion, she lost it. We had not witnessed anymore betrayal have we?

    Tetsuo compelety ignoring Kaito's question responded: She... is right though. Central 46 have been suspicious lately especially with their decisions on Shinigamis. Sahashi tried to use the wrong method to get what she want.

    A laughing was heard from the side.

    Toichi: It is truly magnificient how dumbfounded you all are!

    Sahashi's lifeless body on the ground disappeared and instead revealed a boulder lying on the ground.

    Toichi: Hmph, you nearly managed to kill Sahashi... key word being ''nearly''... Now that Sahashi survived and she is resting. I will have to deal with all of you myself. Sahashi was weak, she couldn't even go bankai in your fight with her, Tetsuo. However I will only defeat you with my shikai. It is a thousand years too early for you to die by my bankai...

    Kaito Iwasaki and Tetsuo were frozen, they understood that this was more than a mere single-handed rebellion. This was a group trying to overthrow the leaders that have been here for generations... and now they were facing one of the strongest Captains of the army. Just then Toichi flash stepped in between Tetsuo and Kaito and opened his arms aiming one at Tetsuo and the other at Kaito.

    Toichi: Hado #1, Sho .

    Tetsuo and Kaito were caught off guard, with an intensely swift movement Tetsuo dodged the kido. However Kaito was hit right on his stomach with the impact of the kido, Kaito flew away and hit a building.

    Toichi: How pathetic, he might already be knocked uncouncious.

    Tetsuo swiftly drew his sword and pointed it at Toichi.

    Tetsuo: You are the one that is pathetic. Iwasaki back away, you are already wounded.

    Iwasaki got up, stumbling because of her wound.

    Iwasaki: I can't leave you alone to fend against one of the strongest Capta-

    Before Iwasaki could finish her sentence, Toichi flash stepped infront of her and grabbed her by the face.

    Toichi: I find it amazing that you care for one another this much...

    Toichi flinged Iwasaki away towards a building which enraged Tetsuo.

    Tetsuo: You have no sense of honour do you?.. Hurting someone who was already wounded...

    Toichi: You see... war does not exhibit honour. The side that is stronger and is willing to sacrifice more that the other side wins. Honour is only a factor that was founded by the weak to excuse their loss. I am truly disappointed that you even mentioned honour. I thought you were actually strong, i thought that this fight would be exciting at the least, i thought having fun fighting with you would be a great way to show off my powers... but no.. I have changed my mind. I will eradicate you by using a single kido.

    Toichi jumped away from Tetsuo and streched both of his hands out towards Tetsuo.

    Toichi: A level 88 Hado ... This will be the last kido you see. Truly equal to your power... Hado #88!! Hiryu ! Gekizoku ! Shinten ! RAIHOOO!!!!

    With an massive amount of spiritual power, a huge stream of blue lightning was fired out of Toichi's hands. Tetsuo was frozen barely understanding what was going on, this was the first time he had seen such a powerful kido but just then he felt a breeze from behind him. He looked behind him noticing a figure.. possibly... an ally?

    ?: Bakudo #81, Danku...

    A calm voice from behind Tetsuo emerged creating a shield before Tetsuo and herself, blocking the immensely powerful lightning strike.

    ?: Better be careful, Vice-Captain.

    Tetsuo nodded still not able to make out who was helping him, all he knew was his ally was strong enough to use an advanced kido such as Danku... He decided the only way of defeating Toichi was to go... bankai...


    A lightning dome appeared above Tetsuo, the smoke from the explosion of the high leveled hadou was disappearing, using this to his advantage Tetsuo started to strike his lighting into the smoke in order to try injuring Toichi. A zap after another zap was heard and finally the smoke evoparated.

    The smoke disappeared revealing a half wounded Toichi.

    Toichi:It seems that I had underestimated your bankai... Only if it was not for Captain Omori, you would be dead... and if I don't take this fight seriously, I might end up dead...

    The unknown ally was Captain Omori of the Fourth Division, the Queen of Healing!

    With the support from the strongest healer in all of Soul Society, Tetsuo could take on Toichi.

    End of Chapter Four

    Used Kido's

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
    SellZy, Krewlex and Dest like this.
  13. Phoenix

    Phoenix Donator

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    @alicee I feel like mercy now
    stanateez likes this.
  14. OfficerDeadly

    OfficerDeadly Donator

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    ''Heroes never die''
    stanateez and Phoenix like this.
  15. stanateez

    stanateez hongjoong enthusiast Donator

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  16. Phoenix

    Phoenix Donator

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    read the chapter (at the end)
    stanateez likes this.
  17. stanateez

    stanateez hongjoong enthusiast Donator

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  18. Yopie

    Yopie Evergreen

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    Well, that's my daily workout.