Post-M.A.D Civilization.

Discussion in 'Creation Showcase' started by KaiserVenom, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. KaiserVenom

    KaiserVenom Veteran Donator

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    Remember when I said this?
    It is here gentlemen! The story none of you have been waiting for!
    This will be the introduction to the story, and I will start by posting the picture to where the world is currently in this alternate timeline!

    I could not fit the image on the thread, so this link will do for now until I find a better way to do it.
    Keep in mind some countries were not included due to the fact that I could hardly take it seriously, and for those I have decided not to include, I will have options later for you to be in the story also, I will personally PM you when the story progresses enough, if you still wish to be in it. Don't worry, I have thought this out!

    So, without further ado, let's do this, starting with an introduction to what the current state of the world is in and the countries in it!
    Starting with some information about the countries:

    The Western Russo-Siberan Empire.

    Population: 85,810,120.
    People's Ideologies: Reactionary-Conservative.
    Economic System: Fully Capitalist/Free Trade.
    Religion: Christian/Orthrodox.
    Ruling/Government Party: Absolute Monarchy.
    Literacy: 81%.

    Current State of the Russo-Siberan Empire:
    After years of isolation from any outside sources, the W.R.S is finally able to be a power player in the New World as a superpower due to the amount of destruction in years past, only losing few major cities while the rest of the nation stayed untouched.
    The W.R.S has seen better days, but isolationism and a free market has made them have a stable economy, military growth, and military professionalism.
    However, for the W.R.S, accouncing to the surviving world that a new reformed superpower has come back into play, the entire world is in a new frenzy for better military, stronger economy's, and much more, regardless if the W.R.S means any harm or not.
    Obviously this was not the W.R.S's intentions to cause a worldwide expansion for re-colonization, but it is now pushing for steps to do the same as everyone else, re-colonization of our beloved Planet Earth!
    The W.R.S is worried though, because of its new superpower status, that the world is afraid of a new dominant superpower, mainly for two things..
    1. Unwanted demonization of their country.
    2. Unwanted economic and military expansion of the New World, and for a possible WW4.

    As the W.R.S has unintentionally sparked fear into the hearts of the New World, it seeks to re-establish unity and prosperity for the world to clear its name, and for its people, and to reclaim and re-colonize the Earth, or at least their former land.

    Unity of the Icelandic Republic.

    Population: 300,000
    People's Ideologies: Socialist.
    Religion: Atheist.
    Ruling/Government Policy: Democracy.
    Literacy: 90%.

    Current State of the Unity of the Icelandic Republic:
    With the rise of the W.R.S, the people of the U.I.R have been experiencing fear by the new world power.
    Before this, the U.I.R has been independent and isolated for slightly less time the the W.R.S, and has just barely been able to stabilize their economy, feed their people, and has re-established connection with the surviving New World just a year before the global announcement by the W.R.S.

    The government of this nation is struggling to maintain national unity because of the conflicting beliefs of the people, and the government. The government has prevented several attempted coups, and has declared state of emergency for the U.I.R.
    However, the government is slowing shifting away from a true democracy and into a more socialist path, either by force or over time. The people of the U.I.R are in questionable condition, as taxes are increasing and reforms are being demanded, but the overall state of the people is mediocre, as the government is trying to make the people happy by giving them basic life needs. At the cost of a flourishing economy.

    With the fears of the W.R.S increase, calls for expansion reach the head of state for the U.I.R, and the country is now getting larger, regardless of their political state, but their expansion is preventing any further possible coups, as if a coup were to happen successfully, the expansion would be halted.
    Their interests are uncertain, but most of them are focused at home, and this makes expansion for the U.I.R slower, but not impossible.

    New Democratic Yugoslavia.

    People's Ideologies:
    Economic System:
    Industrial economy.
    Ruling/Government Party:

    Current State of Yugoslavia:
    With the rise of the W.R.S on Yugoslavia's borders, the government of this new nation seek a diplomatic union between the two countries, whether or not their people agree politically. The W.R.S also seeks to establish the same thing, for a economic union between the two states would benefit both, for expansion outside of their orginal borders and to improve both states economic status.
    While the establishment of the union is being created by both countries, the people of Yugoslavia are in dire need for political reform because the economy was only able to recover slightly from the previous events that left the world in ruins, and needs help from bigger nations like the W.R.S.
    Militarily however, Yugoslavia has two-sixths of that of the W.R.S's military strength, albeit less trained, but still is player in the New World and is able to protect itself from any of the new nations.

    Their own interests are conflicted, because bordering the largest nation in the world makes them rely on them for some things, but for certain they hold three keen interests for their nation:
    1. To grow.
    2. To have a stable economy.
    3. Improving the living conditions of the people.
    These three things are their top piority to Yugoslavia, and will eventually succeed in their efforts.
    Yugoslavia's has been known to be best for its major surplus of food, as they produce major amounts of wheat and potatoes which they trade the goods to all the other nations of the world.
    However this still does not solve their economic state, because of the major infrastructure damages and lack of capitalism in the nation.

    Melbourn-Oceanic Australia

    Please change the flag or something, as I am writing this is, it is very difficult for me to take it seriously :p


    People's Ideologies:
    Split (Liberal or Labour)
    Economic System:
    Ruling/Government Party:
    In the more civilised areas (70%-99.5%)
    Elsewhere (15-35%)
    Native (11.5%)
    English (74%)
    Foreign (14.5%)

    Current State of Australia:
    Australia, the only nation left in the surviving Oceania region, the country has been left largely untouched by the former world powers, as Australia was a neutral country in the war. The nation has a flourishing economy and a decently-sized military for its small amount of population, but is nowhere close to W.R.S's military strength.
    The nation itself is fearful of its neighbor to the Far North and the superpower, the W.R.S.
    The politics of this region are split into two party's, however one is a bit more radical than the other.
    Australia's national interests are more focused at home than expansion, because Australia seeks to improve their literacy rating for their people, and to maintain isolation of the country.
    Expansion is almost not possible due to Australia's past involvement in WW3 with their former small navy they sent to help the former West fight their aggressors.
    Now, with the 'threat' of the W.R.S, they are working on building a navy to transport troops to nearby islands for colonization.
    Other than this, Australia is still in contact with the world, but still holds its isolationist policy to stay out of other countries national interests.



    Current State of Stifflep:

    (But it exists though)

    New State of Labradorian Democracy:
    Population: 34,243,100
    People's Ideologies: Libertarian
    Economic System:Laissez-Faire
    Religion: Atheist
    Ruling/Government Party: Parliamentary
    Literacy: 100%

    Current State of the New State of Labradorian Democracy:
    Sprouted from the former Afghanistan, the N.S.L.D was created from people from the West that participated in WW3.

    The country was created when the United States had its last breath in 2020, they saw that the citizens of their country were doomed if they did not act immediately, even knowing that the government would not survive the upcoming events. They sent the remaining thirty four million people over to the former Middle East to garuntee their survival of WW3, and with a new government, the N.S.L.D was formed.

    Now, the country has been living in isolation since the war, like most countries, and is only now started to rebuild the infrastructure due to war damages and the fact that the former Afghanistan already had bad infrastructure to begin with before the war.
    The economy is doing horrible, due to the lack of farmland and the lack of business, and the population can hardly sustain themselves because of all of this.
    Their economy is very slowing recovering due to their economic system however.
    Lucky for them, the W.R.S has subsidized the country, giving them food and water, even before they announced they were ditching the isolationist policy. The N.S.L.D was the only country to have contact to the former Russian Federation post-war, and they single-handedly guaranteed the independence and the survival of the nation.
    Other than this though, the nation struggles economically, but militarily, however, they are a third of the W.R.S's military strength, due to their population and lesser training for the army.
    The people however, are fully educated because of the predecessor's education, and was passed down to them, which is why the nation has not crumbled to oblivion.

    The nation itself in present time has close ties with the W.R.S, but is started to fear them because they are afraid they might invade them to take their land, but ultimately still relies on them for trade.
    Other than this, they are still completely isolated from the rest of the world and show no signs of abandoning this policy either, leaving no chance for expansion.

    The Communist Superstate of China.


    Population: 87,000,000.
    People's Ideologies: Communist.
    Economic System: Industrial.
    Religion: Buddhist, Christian.
    Ruling/Government Party: Dictatorship.
    Literacy: 67%.

    Current State of the C.S.C:
    Being the only communist state in the New World, the C.S.C is direct enemies with the W.R.S, because the nation seeks to expand its territory far beyond its orginal borders and seeks to take over its neighbors and overcome the W.R.S.
    The C.S.C struggles economically because of their communist system. Without any trade partners, except for Yugoslavia, the economic growth is nearly impossible, therefore they do not care for money, putting them in major debt to private banks and foreign countries.
    The C.S.C was the first to renounce their isolationist policy, only lasting five years, and seeks to expand its borders far past what anyone can dream of, the only thing that stopped them is the fact of other nations would declare a containment war, and their terrible economy.
    But in recent years, it has been slowly recovering due to oil they found beneath their nation and is slowly rising to a superpower status.
    Militarily, the C.S.C has two-thirds of the military might the W.R.S has, however less trained and lesser technology.
    They are a force to be reckoned with in the New World.

    At home, their problems do not end because the people are becoming very unhappy with their current government because of the problems with the economy and the current living conditions.
    The people strive to be educated also, and tension within the nation is rising, putting the communist dictatorship at risk. However, the people demanding reforms are a minority because of the constant suppression of anything threatening the dictatorship, but they are slowing gaining traction.
    The future for the C.S.C is unknown, but everyone knows for certain that they are going to expand and nothing will stop them.

    So guys! I hope you all have enjoyed reading the introduction to this new story I plan on making, and for those of you who have been included, or at least honorably mentioned, I hope you liked by backstory to all of this, and how I wish to continue this story! Stay tuned for more stuff I plan to write! Some input from you guys on this would be great!
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  2. KaiserVenom

    KaiserVenom Veteran Donator

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    Staff, I would like to double-post here because nobody has responded to this thread in about a month, and I am eager to write more and get feedback!
    Hopefully you guys understand why.

    Alright comrades! Here is the first part, hopefully I am able to keep up with myself, and let's get started shall we?

    I will be doing the entire story mostly in third-person view, except for certain parts which I believe should be otherwise.


    September 23rd, 2048.
    "Freedom from Isolation."

    "Сегодня, в день, когда мы заявляем о своей реинтеграции в общество Нового Света, один ранее разрушен ядерной войной, мы здесь в этот день объявили, что мы отказываемся нашу изоляцию от мира, и мы тем самым войти в статус, было неслыханно в течение многих лет!
    Сегодня мы теперь миры доминирующей сверхдержавой, и любого, кто посмеет помешать прогрессирует, сделанные восстановить народы наших павших братьев и процветание нашего народа, должен быть раздавлен!
    Мир будет свободен, или мы будем пытаться умереть!"
    Today, is the day we declare our reintegration to the society of the New World, one previously destroyed by nuclear war, we are here on this day to announce that we are abandoning our isolation from the world and that we hereby enter into a status that was unheard of for many years!
    Today, we are now the worlds dominant superpower, and to anyone who dares to hinder the progresses made to re-establish our fallen brothers' nations and the prosperity of our people, shall be crushed!
    The world will be free, or we will die trying!
    ~Monarch of the Russo-Siberian Empire.

    Now, with the rise of a global superpower, the world is shaken to the bone with memories of the previous superpowers' actions, everyone in every nation is questioning whether or not the W.R.S is the aggressor in the New World. This has yet to proven, as future actions by the country will dictate whether or not they can be trusted.

    September 24th, 2048.
    Policies to increase literacy in the Russo-Siberan Empire.

    After the nation of the reformed Russian Federation declared its superpower status, a new Constitution was written and new policies to increase national literacy have been taken.
    The Duma has asked private businesses and companies to construct new infrastructure to support a public education system and the building of new schools.
    Citizens of the W.R.S pay to enroll their children into these schools.
    The money goes to the private institution that constructed the school, and some of it is taken out as taxes that goes to the government, however the tax rate is only a single percent.
    It is used to supply basic and advanced needs for education, such as books and computers, and courses for students to take. The rest goes into maintaining the schools infrastructure and keeping the students fed while on school grounds.
    The school the government wishes the businesses to build around the country itself is a relatively medium-sized building that is used to support a few hundred students, making it cheaper to build due to the small amount of resources needed to construct the building in the first place.
    The fee for entering is about 300$ a month when you convert it to the current U.S dollar.
    Here is a run down on what the money is used for:

    • 50% goes to equipping the students with the necessary supplies for education.
    – This consists of books, pencils, and pens. The books themselves are giant, and one book is able to fit two -months worth of work for the students to do. This decreases the cost of going to the school by about a hundred dollars the next month because the books themselves support the student for two months.
    The books are cheap to produce, and printed with cheap paper.

    •30% goes to feeding the students while they are at school.
    —The food itself is cheap because of the surplus the W.R.S is getting from farmers in their nation, as the economy of the nation agriculturally has been capped to a minimum of 25%.
    This means that 25% of the nation is producing food at any given time, making food cheaper for everyone due to the high amount of goods that's produced. The only nation that has a better economy agriculturally is Yugoslavia with a nation that relies agriculture.

    •20% goes to supporting the schools infrastructure.

    Over time, the literacy of the Western Russo-Siberan Empire will increase by 2% each year.

    This was the start of it all, and now the new nations of the world are making progress to further progress as countries to stand up to the C.S.C and the W.R.S.
    Some might choose to ally themselves to the W.R.S, some might choose to join the union with the C.S.C, however the decisions have yet to be made from all parties who they are aligned to...
    September 28th, 2048.
    "Forging of New Unions"

    The government of Yugoslavia has announced a new economic alliance with the Russians, and the superpower was quick to accept.
    The alliance is similar to how we have the E.U in present time, except much less complicated and more on point and effective. The alliance is something that other nations are afraid of, increasing national tensions between all countries.
    Upon hearing this, the C.S.C decided to reform a long and forgotten faction, the Comintern, however no nations were willing to join at this current time due to the negatives of being aligned to a Communist State.
    However, in the end, no actions were taken to oppose this alliance between the two strong nations.

    The Union of Freedom and Prosperity.

    October 23rd, 2048 - April 4th. 2049.
    "Communist Influence in the Unity of Icelandic Republic."

    Almost a month after the events of Freedom of Isolation speech, the U.I.R has been heavily influenced by the Communist Superstate of China, (C.S.C) and the Workers of the Icelandic Republic party has been formed in the nation by the communists.
    The government saw this a bit too late, and support for the movement is getting more and more support day by day, but they did manage to stop the C.S.C from influencing them. The risks for a possible coup, and even a bloody civil war are increasing in the nation. The foreign influence has stopped, but internal support for the Communist Party is slowly gaining traction in the country, since a majority of the socialists in the nation were not hard to convince. The government is trying to expand, but it might have to halt further expansion progress due to this sudden event.


    October 25th, 2048.
    "Calls for Expansion by the Icelandic Government."

    The government of the U.I.R is calling to private institutions to send expeditionary and military forces to former Scandinavia for expansion, the government promised full financial aid in return that the temporary military power given to the institutions and land that is acquired be given to the state.
    This decision was made because the government is focused on problems at home, and is unable to fund and supply an expedition to colonize land in Europe.

    Land that the Icelandic Republic plans to occupy by April of 2049.

    November 2nd, 2048 - December 1st, 2049.
    "Superstate Expansion."

    Hello our brothers! The Communist Party greets you for another opportunity for expansion. As we speak, we are currently expanding into the Asian mainland! Together we will retake our former lands and counter the pigs to the north! Rest assured, citizens, the will of the Party will be done under one banner, the Sickle and Star!
    After the events that took place two months prior, the Communist Superstate of China has started expanding into the Korean Peninsula, and everything surrounding the nation.
    How the world does respond to this?
    The W.R.S and Yugoslavia have started to move forces south, and plan to halt any further expansion for the Communists.
    Everything that is taking place is yet to be concluded, and the future for everyone involved is unclear, but one wrong mistake could end up in a war!

    This is the land that the C.S.C plans to colonize before the 'Thin Blue Line' is established by the F.P.

    Conclusion of "Chapter" One:

    Aye comrades! This is what I came up with for the first chapter of this developing story!
    Most of this is off the top of my head, but some of it was of course planned out.
    I want to write more of this, and some feedback would be great from everyone!
    I apologize for going a bit too quickly, but I promise the next chapter will focus on this one main event, and things then slow down after that until something develops between the nations.
    So, in closing today, I do believe I have made something interesting for everyone to read and to give feedback on, and I expect it to be soon!

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
    ZeusV, Darkstorm77 and TreeKillerMan like this.