The 4 Problematic Sacrileges of This Server

Discussion in 'Server Discussion' started by dinoceros, Nov 5, 2019.

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  1. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Sorry, I badly phrased my argument, I did mean that in a past meaning.
    My whole point about solemnity was that some staff members whom I shall not name publicly still, to this day, give out this "vibe" that they tryhard to get as many punishments as possible, most of which being in the higher register of staff power (therefore having "over-serious" behavior seeing the current situation the server is facing). I did associate this complaint to way staff members are (or, were) evaluated during my time as staff, and I'm glad to read that the evaluations are no longer the cause of this issue.

    This, however, does not invalidate the original statement. Some staff members (therefore, the protocol) still enforce rules that are not adapted to the current small community and playerbase present on the server, and I am still convinced that this is why so many people (those who are familiar with said protocol) feel the wish to push said rules.
    Svijetlana and Bruhtrash like this.
  2. DannyGlop37


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    Giving my opinion is not expressing a desire to be an "obnoxious troll."

    I guess many people did want the Creative reset. But still, in one of your comments you referred to this. The post was about making only one Creative server and putting the old 3 Creative servers in the legacy section of the minigames. Few or no people suggested to remove the old servers completely from the server. And evidently, the creative reset didn't do much at all.

    It's not trolling to say that the owners are doing a bad job with the server. For the reasons that @hmj gave, Jerry and Harry clearly are just going for the cash grab and don't care about the server. There's additional proof to this: if you bought extra Creative plots in the old Creative servers, they will not be carried over to the new Creative server. This, in addition to selling "Plot Merges" on the store, just provided a greater incentive for Jerry and Harry to create a new Creative server. They're just thinking, Who cares about the quality of the server. I just want the money.
    Bruhtrash likes this.
  3. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    I guess I don't understand what this is. It appears to be a Wikipedia like fundraiser drive. IF that is the case then I don't see how that can be effective.
    Factions resets are used to motivate people to play. Even by your own observations, factions get progressively less players as the season goes on. So if were to never resest, then there is a good probability that Factions would die off too.
    This is a fair argument. The idea of relaxing the chat rules even more is interesting, and if you can be explicit in what you think should be relaxed then I think the admin team would consider it (I know I would). However, I will always draw the line when people are becoming uncomfortable, and are becoming uncomfortable in such a way that a reasonable person would be uncomfortable.
    If you don't appeal or report then it's much more difficult hold a staff member accountable. T3 will (probably) even tell you that I scrutinize every appeal like that on both sides . I give a best effort approach to make sure that when someone appeals, they are being treated fairly and reasonably. You know from past experiences that I defend players that I feel are being mistreated, even if they are "trolling". Point is, appeal it. Now that does not guarantee you get your way? No. But I will give you a fair shake on the appeal.
    I was getting the implication that you were based on how you worded the initial post.
    Sentence one: You claim that we act high and mighty.
    Sentence two: You then say that Jerome made "some hella good points" and we "of course had to disagree with most of it." The "of course" would imply, that it was a forgone conclusion that we were going to disagree with Jerome. This goes to the first implication that you thought we were high and mighty, hence why I asked you for clarification.
    I still don't understand how us disagreeing is a problem.
    Yes, it's a game. A game that other teens, pre-teens, adults, children, kids, homo-sapiens, people, whatever, play. Every person on the server is another person. Every person has feelings and emotions and different life circumstances that result in them reacting differently then how I would react or you would react. As a staff team it is our job to ensure that what is said in chat would not create discomfort for a reasonable person. People that are uncomfortable are likely to leave. Now, we don't want to be overbearing otherwise it makes it less fun, so where do we draw the line?
    The point is that "It's a block game" is a line used over and over again, but it's almost entirely a moot point.
    I've been applying for a lot of internships lately. No where on my resume have I ever put "Moderates a Minecraft server." Never have. Probably never will. I don't brag about it. I do it because I enjoy it. I've used the job analogy in the past because there are mechanics on the staff team that are similar in nature to how a real job would function.

    On a good day we actually push for 300+. We hit around 150 about every day from my observations. And again, the word dead implies that server does not exist. That's not true.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
    Aiqw and t3mptr3s like this.
  4. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    Only post I'm making in this thread.... But this is a huge understatement.
    MC_Scout likes this.
  5. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    I didn't call you a troll, I said you have your own version of events that ignores what actually happened.

    I refer to that thread because it was the one that finally pushed a creative reset through. It wasn't the only one.

    SMG referred to the creative worlds being accessible from inside the new creative server. Specifically, he referenced what we did when we reset Survival where the old survival world was accessible from the new one. The old survival world ended up getting shut down because in a 3 month window of time, no one even logged onto it. Even after it was taken offline, it was over another month before anyone even noticed. Why would we have done the same for creative? It's a waste of money to keep hosting things that obtain no use.

    Like it or not, the server costs money to host and needs to be self-sustainable to remain online. If it wasn't breaking even and/or making money, you wouldn't have a server to complain about.
    Aiqw and MC_Scout like this.
  6. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks String.format("%d %s", 404, "Title not found") Donator

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    this was originally some massive speil about a fairly inconsequential point in this whole thread, but I decided to just leave that out.

    however, while some of your grandiose wording is true, I think the decline of the server is frankly down to the decline of multiplayer ('modded') Minecraft. Did some decisions hasten the demise of the server? Possibly. Do the owners being frankly apathetic help matters? No, almost certainly not. But this would've happened anyway. The server you mentioned is an anomaly, it's not representative of the truth - and the truth is the new and returning players of the game aren't playing the archetypical minigames server. They're playing vanilla with a few friends, or they're playing the bedrock version (the irony is, my suggestion that Ezz linked earlier would actually allow MCPE support very soon). Sure, we can pick apart individual decisions that led to this, but here's the gist of it. The server was popular with way more Pay2Win mechanics, the server was popular with much stricter rules (as much as Dao may be lauded by some, his approach was hella strict) and the server was popular with a much more self-important staff team. These things have all gotten better, but the server has declined - I don't see the correlation there.

    Saying that I do miss the nostalgia of it. There's a reason I've got working versions of AgarPVP, Spleef, BuildIt, CraftRoulette and Temple Run sitting on my computer (i was bored for a few weeks back when I had a bit more spare time), I love the memories associated with it. However the majority of the playerbase that left will never come back. If the server was to grow, it would be through new players, who don't give a toss about the history of the server.

    It's sad, but unfortunately, that's the reality we live in.
    ItsHarry, MC_Scout and Ezzerland like this.
  7. Aiqw

    Aiqw Staff Member Mod+

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    Quite cute for someone writing essays on the forums of a minecraft server, but hey.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Pugnata, antibullyranger and t3mptr3s like this.
  8. Bruhtrash

    Bruhtrash 100% FC!!! Donator

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    Quite cute for someone who spends 15 hours on a dead minecraft server, but hey.. \_(ツ)_/
    Svijetlana and dinoceros like this.
  9. ThiccTurtles

    ThiccTurtles Builder Donator

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    I'm gonna spit straight up fax here on my side, mainly with the staff side of things and such.

    It's impossible to pinpoint exactly why the server is dead. There are dozens of potential factors that could have gone into it.
    We could say it's because new minecraft players are being funneled into hypixel
    Could be lack of interest from the owners, the lack of new content, minecraft multiplayer as a whole becoming less popular, pvp servers ruling, and so on.
    It's completely impossible to save the server at this point; It's practically an achievement to get 100 players nowadays even on weekends, and it's only going to get smaller as people continue to lose interest due to the lack of a playerbase and keep leaving.
    The only thing keeping this place alive are pretty much the open world servers (Skyblock and Factions) which have unlimited playability (Factions due to the fact it has multiple resets in the span of a few months)
    The current minigames have run their course, even with the updates. OITC, KitPvP, HC etc. Have all pretty much run their course of "being fun" and have died out. The only thing I can see getting around this system is if we started pushing out minigames like hypixel (which is pretty much impossible since they have a shit ton of developers)

    The reason 0 suggestions being accepted is simple: None of them will work. Even if a big youtuber comes on and brings hundreds of players, it isn't like the old days where they like to stick around. They'll simply join when the youtuber is there and move on as soon as they leave.

    Thus, comes in my point about the toxic communities growing. The playerbase and fun is getting smaller and smaller, but you know what never stopped being a hoot? Trolling.
    There are only two main things that really keep people on the server nowadays: Being staff, And pissing off staff; There's barely any inbetween except for players who want to be staff.
    I was at the top, and I admit, it was pretty fun. I had my issues and eventually resigned for a few reasons, one of them just.. being bored of it. Especially since not much happened. Then I rejoined the server a few months later and it was just as boring as I remembered.
    The only fun thing I found was pissing off staff members, especially since their reactions generally were pretty steamed.
    I know what most staff will think: "How is that fun?!" "So mocking us is how you get your kicks?" "That's really fucked up"
    And to that I say: Yes. It's all of those above things. Even back when I was admin I got a big kick out of making people upset (obviously).

    I don't think at this point, an effort should be made to save the server. The forums are barely active, the server doesn't have much left to it, and overall it isn't worth the effort. The best change J&H could probably make is shrinking it down to just the servers with any players at all in them and are actually worth working on (Parkour, Skyblock and Factions).
    If only 3 servers remain more of an effort can be put out updating them with no worries of older minigames being dead and wasting server space.

    Arguing on this thread and calling each other out, trying to "roast" each other is literally doing nothing lol.

    TL'DR, This suggestion, and all the other suggestions, are not going to be accepted. It's pointless to make roasts and arguments when that's just the cold facts.
    ItsHarry, Username, MC_Scout and 3 others like this.
  10. Bruhtrash

    Bruhtrash 100% FC!!! Donator

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    bro what? first of all, half the shit i get punished for isn't even worth the punishment, and how the fuck is this off-topic?? it's adding onto what's wrong with the server with staff giving out bullshit punishments because they're in a bad mood or just feel like they're being constantly targeted for no reason (which makes them a hypocrite because they target me and watch my every move so they can give me a punishment if i fart the wrong way)
    and besides, we both know we got a bunch of time to waste.
    that's rich coming from you considering you closed like half of my appeals/reports...
    ok but the reason why it's "used over and over again" is because it's fucking true. and if you don't want to be overbearing because you worry that it makes it less fun, then stop being overbearing!!!
    don't make me laugh! you're seriously telling me that you get over 300 players on a "good day"?? Bruh last weekend I checked out how many players were on and there weren't even 100 so don't even start with that. if you prove that there were over 300 players online in the last few weeks, i'll give you that. but stop using that excuse "if it were dead then it wouldn't exist!!", it makes your argument look weak.
    Svijetlana, samloop123 and momand like this.
  11. hologramable

    hologramable /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ Donator

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    ooga booga! me not know how moderate server!!
    dinoceros, Svijetlana, momand and 2 others like this.
  12. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    "I get targeted with bullshit warnings"
    "I find it fun to piss off and target the staff team"


    Well, with that conversation out of the way, maybe we can focus on points like what Cheezi made.

    Personally, I like the idea of condensing. But obviously, we have people in this very thread that would flip their lids if we dropped creative as a server, or hc or oitc (unique/original game modes). Session based games like hc, oitc, parkour, etc that don't actually need to be their own game mode shouldn't be, imo. Why can't these games share a lobby? Wouldn't this also make it more likely for these games to be played if they had a shared community?
    Smg likes this.
  13. ThiccTurtles

    ThiccTurtles Builder Donator

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    Wouldn't the HC/OITC/Parkour plugins cause conflictions with each other if placed in the same server
  14. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    You still have yet to answer me about whether or not you would be interested in playing on here as a new player with the current system. This was just an idea thrown out in the blue and I can see why it wouldn't work well. My whole idea is to find a system which will be more appealing to newer players. It's obvious, to me, that the current system is not friendly for players who wish to play, and I believe that it would be healthier in the long run to appeal to new players than to get the easy cash grabs from Factions resets.
    I do agree that this is a fair point. I just believe resetting it this often is an exaggeration.
    I'm going to say what I would do if I were in charge of the rules. I wish to mention that I am typically very libertarian when it comes to moderating communities.

    Firstly, I believe the rules on "harassment" are very harsh and should be relaxed a lot. You will disagree with me on this, but telling someone who I find annoying to "fuck off" or insulting them should not count as harassment. This is a video game server and in every other video game server (except those constipated ass minecraft servers), this stuff is tolerated and seen as normal. I think that when harassment punishments should come into play when it starts being either repeating offenses or obvious attacking towards one's insecurities or character (see the difference between "you suck tryhard" vs. "you're a fat virgin loser who will never get a girlfriend"). The adaptation of this rule (and the next one I'm going to mention) would promote common sense towards players and staff rather than following a complex rulebook.

    Secondly, if words like "faggot", "chink", "retard", "beaner" or any other discriminatory word aren't auto-warnable, then n!gger shouldn't be. In fact, I believe that no word should be auto-warnable and it all depends on context. I believe the N word should fall under the same category as the other words I mentioned. I think that people shouldn't be punished for using these words unless they're using it to actively discriminate someone (see the difference between "he said n!gger" vs. "you're such a n!gger"), and that only the words that are more socially unaccepted should warrant an automatic warn for insult (see the difference between "retarded kid" vs. "you fucking faggot"). If this rule was adapted, we would never see situations like when Aran would just pop in chat trying to say the N word in as many non-warnable possibilities possible just to tease staff.

    Thirdly, and I think, most importantly, rules about "inappropriate" or "profanity" should (almost) be removed. We all know what Jerry posted in random spam. We know there are sex jokes everywhere on the forums and in-game and that it happens very often that jokes relating to sex get warned and then unwarned when Jerry's thread is mentioned (ask @TreePreserverMan). Noone cares about those rules anymore. Noone feels uncomfortable by seeing "suck my dick" in chat. This type of behavior in chat hurts literally no-one and I think it's time we stop being constipated about inappropriate chats. I think the only exception would be stuff relating to rape (if severe and done in a purposely offensive manner) or stories relating to in-game players (omg! *player* sent me pictures of her tits!!!). Sex jokes or bad words are no big deal. Grow up and have common sense.

    Finally, I want to talk about an instance where I was in-game and pretty much everyone was breaking chat rules left-and-right and noone felt offended by it. Noone felt or was insulted, it was just people being idiots in the game chat being inappropriate and saying stupid shit. A (now former) staff member whom I shall not name was online too during this time, and since noone felt offended or was reported, they didn't do anything. I think this kind of behavior should be encouraged towards staff members. If something does not hurt anyone, if noone's security is in play, if noone feels offended, then it shouldn't be punished.

    TL;DR: Avoid objectivity and promote common sense, and that, towards staff members and normal players alike. Let the staff members use of their intelligence to tell whether a situation is problematic or not. The players can appeal if they deem what they did didn't hurt anyone. Objectivity in the protocol is the reason why rules are pushed.
  15. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    Nope. When you click a sign to join a game of HC, OITC or parkour, that is when the game mode coding is actually inflicted upon you. The lobby itself can easily be shared. The only difference is that OITC and HC lobbies would now gain the parkour compass and all games would be in 1 server instead of 3. Realistically, it'd be possible to add games like Agar, Craft Roulette, SG, Spleef, etc... into the same lobby as well, also without conflict.

    If it helps understand how -- think of each of those game modes like duels in kitpvp. Wether it's pot, gapple, or combo, the kitpvp world itself is unaffected.

    Now, I'm sure we'll never see past games come back, but rather than take more games away, I think condensing is better.

    Noting that most of our reports are chat based, I don't think it's fair to say no one cares. You use the argument that the people reporting are trying to be staff, but realistically, almost none of the people reporting have ever put in a staff application.

    Relaxing the rules is one thing, abolishing a chunk of them is another. Would it be easier to relax to what's reported for warnings and instead of warning people who are obviously being problematic/picking fights, just temp mutes (no longer based on warnable content, but on unhealthy conflict in chat)? Reduce the idea of "virtual points" as you put it, and have very short-duration instant actions?
  16. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    Did you even bother reading those threads? Ezzerland denied one of them, Ezzerland ACCEPTED one of them, I denied one, and partially denied another one.
    You were on the server beforehand and didn't cause problems. If you did, you woldn't have gotten staff. You were staff for good run and didn't get yourself demoted. Now, since resignation, you seem to be complaining that you're getting (unfair) warnings for misbehavior. To my knowledge, the rules, standards in which we enforce the rules, and the rate of which we issue warnings hasn't really changed sine you resigned. If then, why is it difficult for you a very select group of people to abide by the rules that most other people get? If you are being treated unfairly, and you have some evidence outside of narrative, please provide it. You seem to be pretty upset about apparent mistreatment, and frankly if I felt I was being mistreated I would too. But the difference between you and me is that I, instead of posting on a thread complaining about it, would compile a case and present it in a way that would give a good chance that action would be taken in my favor.

    This is circular reasoning. You're argument is "The reason why you're overbearing is because you're overbearing, therefore stop being overbearing." I can't do anything with that. If you want to see something I can work on take notice to how I respond to Jerome's post.

    When Factions comes out or during no school times this server can push over 300. Does it happen often? No. But that's what "On a good day" means.
    So using facts and the literal definition of the word dead in the English language is a weak argument? I don't get it.
    The point I'm trying to make is that is all sounds great, but I don't think it's viable. I would also say that if we got the right new people to join our server then they would probably be willing to buy the "p2w stuff." And you don't have to pay to win, you can find other ways to play factions. Maybe it's harder but is possible.
    Ok. Now we're getting somewhere. These are tangible changes that we could make or debate on. Some of them are interesting. I don't hate the idea of relaxing the rules more.
    There are still some problems I think need to be addressed.
    The opposite of objective based rules is subjective based rules, which are really tricky. Again, what one person finds offensive would not offend someone else. This makes subjective moderation hard, and usually ineffective. Trying to make things as objective as possible. and then using logic to justify the objectivity of the rules, is the best way to write rules. This is largely how the legal system works.
    I would also like caution you on conformation bias. If people in chat are saying offensive stuff, of course none of them are going to be offended. What we don't know is how did that conversation effects people who were forced to listen to it.
    Ezzerland likes this.
  17. samloop123

    samloop123 . Donator

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    Nobody has any way to prove this except for the staff members right now who are too suck up to go against admins.
    Svijetlana and Bruhtrash like this.
  18. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks String.format("%d %s", 404, "Title not found") Donator

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    What Ezz said is definitely true. Or at least it was when I was staff, and I can't see why the situation would change that dramatically between then and now.

    inb4 'wow you're just a suck up as well' - I should clarify I have no intention of applying or anything like that again, so I don't have any motivation to 'suck up' to the admins
    Ezzerland and t3mptr3s like this.
  19. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    thats p2w in a nutshell
    My point is we don't need a system that is reminiscent of real law when we have like 80 players to moderate.
    Your argument is flawed because noone is forced to look at chat, and even less to read it. There's literally an option to disable chat altogether in minecraft. Our players are people who spend time on the internet, which is filled to the brim with this kind of behavior and humor. A very small (negligible per se) percentage of players will be offended by sex jokes in chat. I'm thinking in a very utilitarianist mindset when writing this and it all depends on each person's values and what philosophy they deem "good" for chat moderation. But, anyways, this shit keeps on happening with a vast majority of players in every chat when staff are not there, so why bother moderating it? It's no big deal man. Just inappropriate jokes over the internet. I would like to take this occasion to remind you of Jerry's best-selling masterpiece, "shit motherfucker ass tits", which is a work that is very useful in appeals to show that chat rules about inappropriate content are laughed at by everyone.
    I'm having a hard time decrypting the point that you're trying to get across with this paragraph, but what I'm getting is you're proposing to strive away from warnings and limit the punishable content to what actually bothers the players (e.g. what would warrant a temp mute nowadays) as seen through the reports. If that's the case, I see this as a good start to finding a compromise. I am personally not convinced of the efficiency of the warning point system as a moderation tool. It's very hard to end up accumulating enough points to warrant a 'real' punishments, and said punishments are simply small and ineffective. Regardless, the behavior that actually ends up getting people warned are trivialities. I think warnings, as they are seen now, could be completely abolished. I think the next logical step to that would be a certain mute or punishment, perhaps the current tempmute system we have for disruptive players right now, but only if the behavior was really disruptive to chat. If you're comfortable with letting someone go with a virtual point that does practically nothing for behavior that is against the rules, should this behavior really be against the rules?
  20. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    Proof is possible, but not necessary. Talk as much shit as you want but I've always been logical and honest. The majority of people in this thread are also former staff and if they paid attention to who was doing the reporting, they would also know this themselves.
    This argument is flawed because no one is forced to play here | because no one is forced to break the rules | because no one is forced to act like a douche | etc.. See how silly this sounds? Different people react to things in different ways but everyone should have a chance to enjoy the game. If your only method of enjoyment is ruining the enjoyment of others, then this is the real flaw.
    Let me rephrase my initial suggestion:
    • Staff issue temp mutes in cases of obvious unhealthy conversation (how temp mutes should currently be used, more or less).
    • Staff issue warnings ONLY when content that breaks the rules is reported (kind of like how we treat DM's right now).
    This would mean that the warning system offers lasting punishments when players have offended other players, but staff only directly intervene when it's clearly necessary/people are asking for it. It probably also means that verbals would need to be removed from the warning system so that 5 warnings actually hurts.
    dinoceros likes this.
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