Avengers: Endgame discussion [VERY REAL SPOILER WARNING]

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Smg, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    You have been warned.

    I'm not going to write a huge paragraph about the movie but it was something I enjoyed so freaking much. There were parts I teared up, there were parts I gasped in shock. The movie was an excellent roller-coaster of emotions throughout the culmination of 3 hours. My favorite moments (even the sad ones)
    • Beginning scene with Hawkeye and his family
    • Survivors travelling to the Garden to kill Thanos (current day thanos, this is important to remember)
    • Scott Lang returning to see the devastation that had occurred.
    • Professor Hulk!
    • Each of the 3 adventures with the 3 teams into the past
    • The 2nd snap (bringing everyone back)
    • Epic final battle, including an all-time great re-entrance with everyone returning, Captain America wielding Uljonir, keep away with the gauntlet, thanos almost snapping again but tony stark having a poetic ending of being the one to snap thanos and his army away but dieing in the process. The story started with Tony and ended with Tony
    • The ending with the heartfelt funeral for stark, thor going with the guardians, hawkeye's family, and captain america going back in time to return the stones but actually staying back in the 40s with Peggy Carter to live out his life with her. Him being there on the bench also was really cool and it's awesome to see the captain america shield being passed onto Falcon.
    • And finally....the bang of the hammer at the end....the same noise that was heard when Iron Man was first constructing his suit.

    What did you think about the movie?
    sool and Soap like this.
  2. sool

    sool ‎ ‎ Donator

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    The movie was great! I haven't watched Infinity war since a lot of spoilers spoiled it for me so I did know what happened in Infinity wars but the movie was made really well and loved the Stan Lee cameo that appeared in it at least respecting the creator who created this awesome universe full of unique heroes. 10/10 great movie and did hit in the feelings in the end.
    Smg likes this.
  3. Magical

    Magical . Donator

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    The whole movie was my favourite scene.
    Specific bits/quotes:
    The time travel into the past was trippy and funny. Every time I see a butt I observe it more now and think of “America’s ass” aha
    “I can do this all day.” “yeAH I knOW”
    Thor in the whole movie was great. He totally demolished that fortnite bitch.
    So happy that Stark got to have a kid been waiting for it for ten years but really Peter is one of his kids too. Oh my god that hug when they reunite made me cry.
    Rip to those who sacrificed themselves for the world. The endings were as they should have been. They all had their happiness or wishes come true at some point in the movie.
    It was 10/10 I would’ve totally watched a 5hr version of the movie but Russo brothers be like mhmmm nah
    Smg and sool like this.
  4. witchchick128

    witchchick128 Amity Blight Donator

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    did ant man go up thanos's [redacted]?
    Smg, CaptainJackValdy and ItsJerry like this.
  5. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

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    asking the real questions here
    witchchick128 likes this.
  6. sool

    sool ‎ ‎ Donator

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  7. momand

    momand ex-god Donator

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    hulk dabs in endgame
  8. Soap

    Soap Donator

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    This is true believe it or not
  9. sebastiann

    sebastiann Donator

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    having seen every marvel film in theaters and being a huge fan of comics ever since i was a kid, i loved the film. sorry if this is a a lot
    i loved its blend of drama and comedy. it was a nice culmination of every movie up to this point. there's lots of easter eggs as well which as a dedicated fan i've had such fun seeing. it was good, a roller-coaster because i went in not expecting what to happen.
    but if i had to be honest there's a few details about the movie that have been on my mind since i've seen it twice and will probably will be seeing it a 3rd time. pls let me be bitter i'm very attached to certain characters ok. (aka bucky barnes, loki, and thor being my main 3)
    https://bamsmackpow.com/2019/04/30/avengers-endgame-lack-of-closure/ this article hits it right on the dot. i love steve rogers i always have but he was so out of character in the ending of this movie i don't get it. steve has never been a selfish person. he's never only had his interests in mind. but in this film he took a complete turn and for what reason? Peggy Carter had a whole ass life and was proud of what she had accomplished and the ending of this filmed boiled her down to "being steve's wife". not to mention, sharon. peggy's niece. steve kissed her in civil war and i cannot imagine how awkward that must have been. like i said that article i linked pretty much hit how i feel on the head but here's the main points,
    but this film decided to completely ignore any relationship(whether you think its romantic, platonic, brotherly or whatever) whatsoever.
    bucky being my one of my all time favourite characters even outside of this universe, the mcu has never been able to properly "handle" his character. you can tell at the end of the film that bucky knew what steve was going to do but did not have the energy to do stop. he did not emotionally feel up to it. as heart wrenching as their last moment was, which i loved, it felt so empty. not to mention in my honest opinion i think that bucky should've gotten the shield or at least had a moment with older steve. it would have been nice. i am very excited for the winter solider and falcon series, them being a very amazing dynamic duo...its gonna be awesome.
    steve's character development up to this point was shit on. it's sad.
    next thing, thor. again, one of my all time favourites. i'm sure we all seen thor ragnarok and the amazing character development that he went through in that movie. and the drive of that film was so so nice and i was so upset to see the russos kinda screw it up in endgame. in ragnarok,
    thor's hair was cut
    his hammer was taken away, signifying that thor was a powerful character beyond having a weapon/the hammer
    thor's eye was taken out which he was so beyond his physicality and ready to take on being king
    he was the underdog in this film, it to me reminded us that he's clever, intelligent and optimistic
    him meeting Valkyrie and he had to earn her loyalty. it showed him that as a leader he had to right the wrongs of Asgard's past and lead his people to a better future
    his relationship with loki was developed, it reminded the audience that they were still brothers most of all. and that thor was able to forgive but wasn't stupid to just blindly follow and trust.
    asgard was destroyed, which showed thor was ready to make big sacrifices to recover and do what it takes to take care of and protect his people.

    well, in the past 2 avengers movie most endgame,
    his eye was given back despite being proven a capable fighter without it (im not to mad about this just something i noticed)
    was given back a weapon despite that it was made clear that he was able to channel his power's without one (even tho i find stormbreaker really cool and all but u can what im at. im just petty leave me be)
    here is what gets me the most, in endgame,
    it was made a point that he completely neglected his people (despite the fact that thor destroyed his planet to keep them safe) yeah, he found a place for them to live but that was it.
    thor did not mention loki ONCE this entire film and his goal in infinity war was to kill thanos for killing loki??? and killing half of his people???? like hello you're just not gonna mention loki one bit. alright.
    Thor was made into a joke in endgame. His depression was played for laughs. He was not taken seriously at all. Making thor fat was a gag, a running fatshaming joke. It was so hard for me to watch. I could not laugh and don't understand how people could laugh at him. Maybe that's just me. Plus they edited it out of the trailers which??? for what. His amazing characterization and development was completely ignored in endgame and it really upset me because I love him dearly. And lastly, thor abandons his people and his crown in the end instead of leading them? like he did in the previous movie? like a major arc of his character has been to be king and lead his people somehow. and now he's just not gonna do that? alright i guess.
    "gay joe russo"
    this was a half assed bs attempt at representation. and they should not be praised for it. there was gayer moments in avengers endgayme. need i say more.

    other than those things i'm pretty satisfied with the movie. some of my favourite moments,
    sam going "on your left" when all of our dusted heros came back.
    captain marvel. ohhhh i love her so much.
    the fight scene was so fun.
    cap picking up the hammer was so cool. thor knew that steve would be worthy all the way back in ultron. steve became worthy by telling tony about his parents. and the fan reaction to that moment was pretty awesome.
    the moment between thor and frigga (his mother) was so nice. one that really got to me.
    any scene with morgan really, she's adorable. even though i am not and never have been the biggest fan of tony, i love her.
    anything that scott lang did. that's it.
    professor hulk :))))
    even though i am sad about thor leaving his people, i hope something cool comes of him working with the guardians.
    i don't like mcu clint(obvious reasons) that much but seeing him with his family was cute and referring to his daughter as hawkeye was :')
    korg's small role, taika just does him so good.
    america's ass lol and pretty much steve loosening up in this film. like i'm sure we all remember when he went "language" to tony in ultron
    even though it was a long time coming, the scene with all the mcu women whom i love dearly teaming up vs thanos' army. it was sad that the first woman avenger wasn't there to be with them ) :
    and so many other moments i can't pinpoint right now but you know
    lastly i made one of these cus i was bored
    i loved it and that's that on that
    Last edited: May 2, 2019
    cingle, Magical and Smg like this.
  10. Muffin_Mobber

    Muffin_Mobber Reality Surfer Donator

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    Shout out to the 4 year old who kept clapping at the climactic parts. Really took me out of the zone.
    Smg likes this.
  11. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    Hey noobmaster69 , it’s Thor again. You know the god of thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don’t log off this game immediately, I am going to fly over to your house, come down to that basement your hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt.

    Yeah that’s right. Go cry to your father, you little weasel.
  12. Muffin_Mobber

    Muffin_Mobber Reality Surfer Donator

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    Corg: "Thank you ([very much]?) Thor."
    cingle likes this.
  13. momand

    momand ex-god Donator

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    @JokerBen fortnite thor
  14. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    thor in fortnite 2019 360p leaked fortnite news daily 2019 avirginia end gay free vbucks
  15. Magical

    Magical . Donator

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    I forgot to mention the hype of the audience at major scenes. Of the whole movie, the credits/tribute had the biggest reaction. I’m guessing everyone was proud of how the movie surpassed their expectations and of what each actor had brought to the universe over the last decade. No wonder they broke office box records. I’d like to see how new movies from this universe will perform now provided the closure that was given in this film. It’s been over a week since I’ve seen the film and I still haven’t recovered. I think I can credit this to avoiding spoilers and going into the cinema not knowing what to expect. Ahhhh...I just can’t even. My geek heart doesn’t know whether to be happy or sad.
    Smg and sebastiann like this.
  16. Saul1337


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    The movie was a full 50/50 for me.

    The movie was certainly interesting to watch and for not a moment was I bored or distracted.

    I don't really like the way they decided to end it, in general I like the whole ''Time travel'' aspect in any movie.
    That was the BIGGEST down side for me, it's like you watch all of the movies to some dramatic point and suddenly you see someone open their eyes and hear Morgan freeman say ''It was just a dream''
    It just defeats the previous movies in my opinion.

    I thought there was some good humor in the movie as well, certainly made me laugh a bunch of times.
    I think the general look of the movie was nice too, some parts felt out of place and too ''comedy'' based.
    Fucking Fortnite reference made me cringe hard. ''Hey NOOBMASTER69''
    *Chain of kids start flossing in the movie theater*

    Some things that I disliked though, DON'T GET ME WRONG WOMAN AM I RIGHT GUYSE.
    Captain Marvel just looks like some stuck up bitch to me.
    ''Yes I am strong woman, what are you going to do about it''
    She doesn't really add a whole lot importance to end game other than bringing back the ship and doing some explode stuff.
    ''Oh ehehe we're in war but listen to my ''We are woman we are strong'' war cries before me and a group of other female characters which half of us actually added something to the movie walk into battle rREEEE''
    Would have much more preferred it like the airport scene.
    Some stare off with some big dangerous dudes and then just fearlessly walk up to them

    Captain America's end.
    Just didn't feel right, as earlier stated in the thread it's a complete turn around from everything he did.
    I understand man, being able to live a life with the woman you wanted from the start because hurdurtime travel is great. But it did seem very out of character. ESPECIALLY Since he was introduced as almost a new guy with thors hammer.

    >Swings hammer once
    >Fuck it imma settle down

    adding this will make the thread all over the place

    But seeing Iron man care so much for spidey was great, think that in his final moments it really gave us a reminder of that Iron man is also just a simple man. Sure man, he's arrogant, rich as fuck, arrogant and sassy but he cared for the safety spider man because he knew.

    BUT ANYWYAS PRETTY GOODER MOVIE BOYS, little disappointing that there was NOTHING after the credits and that Stan Lee wasn't honored big time. Felt like out of all the movies this was the one to do so.

    4 out of 5 stars
    sebastiann, Smg, Joeyy and 1 other person like this.