
Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Trevor, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. Trevor

    Trevor Donator

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    I am creating this thread because I have a lot of people in my family who were diagnosed with some kind of illness. ALS, Cancer, and Chrons disease my family has suffered. My uncle, who lived in Georgia for most of his life, had ALS. A year or so after, their kids came to my house to spend the week and visit. As they were here, their father passed away. They had to go home early, which I was sad about because we never had company. My aunt, on the other hand, had breast cancer. She was one of my favorite people. She always cheered me up. She passed away 3 years ago, and I miss her a lot. My dad has Chrons disease. It sucks when your favorite person in your life is going through a really tough time. He has had this since he was 30, so 26 years. He is a super nice guy. He needs to take TPN(a method of feeding that bypasses the gastrointestinal tract), which helps him live. If he doesn't take that stuff for a week, he would be close to dying. Luckily, the hospital pays for it, and my dad is able to get his own things and wants with his money. There are 4 other people in my family that died because of an illness, but I'll save those for later.

    Do you guys have any family members that you miss dearly? Tell me if you do.
    NoThisIsAmanda likes this.
  2. FuegoeZ

    FuegoeZ :) Donator

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    Hard times, get past. My family is healthy and well organized.
    witchchick128 likes this.
  3. NoThisIsAmanda

    NoThisIsAmanda manda Donator

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    I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Breast cancer runs in my family and my great grandmother passed from it (I never met her, though). My aunt and grandmother both had tumors on their uteruses and had to get hysterectomies a few years back. I believe some type of heart problem runs in the family too, my uncle recently had a tear in his aorta and had to be rushed into surgery a couple of months ago.
  4. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    My great-grandma died way before I was born, so I don't have any idea on who she is.
    However, my cat Charlie ran away when I was little so I don't remember much, my cat Suzie died, and my other cat Smokey died from a spot that popped on her tongue. My dog passed away two years ago, I miss them so much.
  5. Trevor

    Trevor Donator

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    I love cats! I was almost in tears when you said they ran away. It sucks that you have lost all those.
  6. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    Yeah, the saddest part is that I don't have too much memory of them.
  7. trin

    trin all the kids are depressed Donator

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    My grandpa passed on September 11th 2016. My grandma was driving to the hospital to see him when it happened. Only 20% of his heart work, and he has fluids on his lungs.
    One of my aunts passed due to cancer. It happened out of nowhere. I never met her but I was supposed to the summer she passed.
    My other aunt died because her lungs stopped working in the middle of her sleep. She’s always had breathing problems, she was on an oxygen tank for as long as I can remember. They let her off if it 2-3 years ago and one day she went to sleep, and never woke back up.
    Then my uncle. I don’t know how he passed and I never knew him, but it still hurts me to see everyone who knew him hurting.

    SLVSHPANDA Custom Title Donator

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    I had a cousin who didn't pass away by illness but actually got stabbed in the neck and upper body while he was getting robbed. He was around 16 I believe and this happened 8 years ago. He was walking home and was only a couple blocks away when this happened. Needless to say, my family members don't allow anyone to walk home during the night anymore, even if it's a street away.

    I didn't know him that well but it was really sad because we hung out a few months earlier and we didn't see each other often. Also need to point out the fact that this was in another country and that's why I didn't see him like at all. I still remember having to catch a flight the next day and the funeral and everything. Still as clear as day.

    I have also never met any of my grandparents, except my grandma on my mum's side because the rest died before I was even born. I sometimes wish I could meet them at least once but it doesn't bother me too much because well, I didn't really know them at all so there's less emotional connection to them.
  9. ApricotPrince

    ApricotPrince mason (he/they)

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    I’m so sorry for your losses :(

    My grandma was diagnosed with ALS, and eventually liver cancer. She passed away in 2010 when I was 8
  10. NonMala


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    Pretty sure my father is/was a paranoid schizophrenic. Though he has improved over the past 2-3 years. And even though divorced, he still wants attention every now and then to be up to date.

    My mother told me he was always abnormal in his behavior, well obviously because he had a severe mental illness. Yet I still feel bad for other people with this illness and don't like stigmas about it. Just because people have it, doesn't mean they're "evil" or "violent" etc., they just need support and guidance. And it ain't easy. I'm not justifying it or anything, but everything has its own story.

    It's really hard for some people to deal with this world considering they're sensitive and have been proven wrong by people and the world, and got hurt way too many times. Mistreatment can cause serious consequences to sensitive people.

    About myself, pretty sure I had a span of many mental illness (I'm not gonna list them all, but most of them common ones) growing as an even before preteen to a bit after teen years. But I think I had residual schizophrenia and/or schizoaffective, and possibly mild Asperger's (Was Diagnosed with mild Asperger's and some depressive symptoms).

    Though it doesn't exist for me anymore, because I was always logical, noticed symptoms and helped myself deal with them all. I'm a happy and pretty realistic person. :) And to say the least, all the illnesses I had helped me channel it into positivity, purpose and meaning.
  11. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    I miss my Nan. It'll be 13 years that she's been gone. She got sick suddenly, died suddenly. She was always the person that was there for me no matter how many times I screwed up. She loved me unconditionally.

    @NonMala I have a grocery list of mental health issues. It's hard to live with. It's hard for others around me to live with. The older I get the better it seems to be.
  12. NonMala


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    Sorry for your loss. There's always something 'cozy' for me about grandmothers, they're nurturing, caring, wise and hardworking. And talking to them and get their advice is the best feeling ever, even before they're unfortunately gone from this world. Time worth spent. Maybe you'll be an amazing grandmother yourself for your future grandkids one day. I'd love to think so. :)

    I know it is hard, considering some illnesses can be very disabling and very beating down the person. I still believe people can fight it, overcome it and move more towards change and positivity, if that's their will. There isn't something you can't get through. And I know, I sometimes feel the same about the last sentence, as you grow older things do get harder, but if you'll stay positive and optimistic about everything and convince yourself so, reason upon it and follow your heart eventually it'll all connect.

    Best wishes and regards, hope you'll be able to go through your mental issues and resolve them accordingly.
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