Thorough guide on how 2 skyblock

Discussion in 'SkyBlock' started by GlowInTheDark, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. GlowInTheDark

    GlowInTheDark Thought I was an atheist, til I realized I'm a god Donator

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    How 2 Skyblock

    Stage 1 (Straight Away)

    -First thing you need to do is chop down your tree, use 4 planks to make a crafting table and then make a wooden pickaxe

    -Create a cobblestone generator, these are simple to build using water and lava and allow you to get infinite cobblestone. Use the first 3 cobblestone you get to make a stone pickaxe

    -Plant the saplings from the tree back down

    Stage 2 (15 minutes or so in)

    -You need to use the cobblestone generator to bridge out (24 blocks or more!), then make a platform, preferably about 10x10 blocks. This will start spawning you mobs at night time, if you have the blocks, put a roof on it 3 blocks high, so that you can get mobs at both daytime and at night time.

    -You need to start creating a farm using the farmables that you have got, make carrots first as they are good for food

    Stage 3 (Around an hour in)

    -You need to start making a more advanced mob grinder, here is a guide on how to make one

    -You need to start doing your challenges, this allows you to get keys eventually

    -You need to sell cobblestone and mob drops to get money

    Stage 4 (2 hours in)

    -You need to start getting more money, and the best way is to start building a cacti farm. Cacti is automatic and sells for a decent price, you can now afk and make money. Try and make it VERY BIG. Follow this guide

    -You need to keep killing mobs from your grinder for their loot, sell it and just keep making money

    Stage 5 (8 hours in roughly)
    -You need to keep expanding your cactus farm for money, by this point you should be at about 50000$ or so. You can probably buy a chicken, rabbit or maybe pig spawner on the market by now. I suggest not buying a chicken or rabbit spawner, however if you have enough money to make a grinder, I would suggest buying a pig spawner (or if possible, sheep or cow) here is how . You can afk it, just put an alt there or just stay there while you do other things like going out, school or work.

    -You likely have the resources to do the first 3 pages of challenges by now, this will give you 6 keys which is enough to hopefully try and get spawners. At the end will be a guide on how to utilise each spawner!

    -You can afford to get enchanted gear by now, try and get looting and fortune as they will help you with mob drops and mining (as minerals such as iron, redstone and diamonds can show up from mining)

    Stage 6 (Roughly a day in)
    -Keep expanding cactus, cactus is extremely important

    -You might want to start making a better cobble generator, such as this This is quicker and you can mine a lot more.

    -Try and complete the next page of challenges, which should be possible, you should get another 4 keys, giving you a total of 10 by now

    -Try and make a simple dropper grinder, and buy zombie/skeleton/zombie pigman/spider spawners to buy in right now.

    Stage 7 (Couple days in most likely)
    -You should have a pretty decent balance by now (especially if you got spawners from the keys). Try and buy spawners such as creeper, endermen and blaze by now as these are good for money.

    -Keep expanding cactus

    -Most of your money should be coming from automatic sources by now, make sure you have alts afking your grinders.

    Stage 8 (Probably between 4-7 days in)

    -You should either keep buying more spawners such as creeper, endermen and blaze) or try and buy an iron golem spawner. These make good money so you should try and get them

    -You should be able to complete the last page of challenges by now, buy discs at people's island shops and complete it.

    Stage 9 (Whenever after)
    -By now you will have a good island. Keep grinding and buying spawners, keep the grind going

    -Start buying diamond blocks to place, this helps you get up your is level. However it is a complete pain to place tons of diamond blocks, so get friends to help you

    -Give GlowInTheDark all your money since he is a beast

    What to do with each spawner (+ harvester hoe)

    Chicken, rabbit, pig, cow, sheep - Follow this guide

    Zombie, skeleton, spider, creeper, endermen, zombie pigman. Buy them high in the sky in a box like this with a hopper floor

    Blaze -

    Iron Golem -


    Witch - Witches are annoying, some of what they drop doesnt sell. This makes them annoying to put in a dropper, so I reccomend putting witches into a seperate dropper where they are on their own

    -This concludes my guide @GlowInTheDark
    ItsJerry, Soap and Username like this.
  2. _Restrictionz_

    _Restrictionz_ Donator

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    _Restrictionz_ - cmnvb - Apex_Cmnvb
    1. The first two challenges gives no keys anymore
    2. Slimes only spawns in a swamp biome at y50-y70
    3. Sell some cobble or ores you get from the generated and buy a diamond pick rather than using a wooden pick, its only like $75