'The server is getting better'

Discussion in 'Off-Topic / Spam / Memes' started by KokichiOma, Mar 10, 2014.

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  1. KokichiOma

    KokichiOma Ultimate Supreme Leader Donator

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    Unprepossessing (MappyTurtle)
    Alright, so we have heard this come up before, in threads, in game, pretty much everywhere. This is pretty much wrong, as we are heading backwards.
    However, it isn't entirely the owners faults.
    It's partly the community and other faults.
    Let's start with one thing...
    I've talked to a few friends recently, and all of them say this:
    It's hard to talk to people now & I feel as if all my friends hate me, etc etc.
    I'm here, talking to my friends, who feel as they cannot talk to their closest friends, cause of things that have happened.
    I can say an example right here:
    Before Lila got Helper, she used to be so fun to talk to. Now, all she says is Hi, bai & wb. And she isn't the only one... But let's not go into big detail.
    I usually find it so easy to talk to people, and I cannot even talk to one of my closest friends.
    Alright, now to the helper system.
    It's wayyyyy to op.
    It should be just ./warn & ./kick. I've asked, and not only do they get their own chat, but they get SOCIALSPY. I mean, I can understand mods and up having that, they have earned that via being good at helper.
    Helper's getting social? That's really a poor decision made there.
    Yes, it's good that the mods are coming through, and they are looking at the apps, but, this is what pisses me off.
    I've heard from not one, not two, but LOTS of people, some staff are helping with the choosing. Which comes up as FAVOURITISM.
    It may be good if you friends with all the mods, but for people like me who are friends with only a few, your chances slither down.
    I've asked multiple people, and all of them agree. The first batch of helpers, are chosen via favouritism. Not to be rude or anything, but Marco's app was really short and lacking in info, yet it was accepted. Take apps like mine for example: Mine has enough info to be considered a decent app.
    But, since I am friends with very few staff, there's less chance of me getting considered. It doesn't mean I won't get considered, but less chance. I was in a group with dmuds, and he did some maths:
    Staff apps are getting accepted at a rate of 1/90 apps. You have a one in ninety chance of being accepted, and that's just a guide. For all we know, it could be 1/150.
    And for this, I am going to bash the owners. We have had basically NO INFO told to us about the positions. We weren't told if it was helper or not, we weren't told the commands, nothing. It's nice to have some info, and it clears up a lot of things. Oh, and 50 new staff? I've said this before, I am saying it again. I call bs. 15-20 is enough. We aren't mineplex. We have 100-1000 people on. That's 1 mod for every 20-40 people. Considering a lot of people don't go to mods, rather the forums, they need to deal with 3-6 people each. The current mods are doing fine as it is, so 50 helpers isn't going to do anything helpful, rather it provides people a chance to abuse the rank. Socialspy, ofc if you get helper you are going to use that. But people would abuse it so badly.

    Ok, moving on.
    Earlier today, I was talking in a group with dmuds, kklm, jultar for a while, and treepid.
    If you guys have been paying attention, Jerry, Harry, Saul & Treepid went on ts, and talked it out.
    Yes, they did so in front of 30 people, but nevertheless did that.
    Yes, they did have a reason for not letting him be mod again and yes, but geez. I get the owners were annoyed, but their reactions were like....:/
    And even worse, after Jerry let everyone have talkpower back, only me and 3-5 others didn't cheer for the owners. We sat there, as Treepid left after feeling like everyone hated him.
    I'm not on either side. I'm half half. Treepid because they didn't give a full on legitimate reason, and Owners, because from what I know, Treepid kept asking for mod back, blaming the depression and stuff.
    I could actually state every word that they said, as I started record 3 hours before it occurred and recorded another 4 hours after.
    Alright, my opinions on both sides:
    Treepid: Alright, they know now your side of the story. Time to give up and just chill with the people you feel most comfortable with. There's no point bringing this further then it currently is.
    Owners: Yes, you were annoyed and crap, but you should explain better why exactly. Not saying that Treepid was blaming it on stuff. Saul was pretty much the better one there, explaining how he felt after Treepid called him a dick.
    Harry was pretty much ignored as people typed in the chat pushing his messages out of sight.
    Jerry was just saying Treepid was a troll. That's all I got from it. Nothing actually useful ;-;

    Now, to the title.
    People have only seen the good stuff. The bad stuff usually was everywhere. Everyone knew if a flame thread was up or not. Now, you see people not flaming.
    But, if you were to dig like I've done, you can uncover a LOT of stuff.
    I've been told a lot of stuff that probably, I would of never of learnt. The reason I learn it, is that my friends get told this by mods. I get all that info, it's like, well then....
    Basically for the whole time before Treepid and the owners talked, dmuds, kklm, & I talked mainly about the server. Mods, minigames and all.
    We said a lot of stuff that should be said to everyone, but I am only mentioning a few.
    Favouritism. That word, I've said it before. Some mods are notorious for favouritism. Mods that are, will help their friends first. Talk to them, rather then the grey chat. Some mods won't even help, and that's like.....just wow.
    Staff rank and the maturity. Aha, yes. A fun subject to talk about. If you plan to act so mature when you get a staff rank, don't bother applying. Mature might make you look better for the job, but it makes you treat your friends like crap. Ever since Lila got Helper she's changed so much. It's like it's not Lila any more. And I'm not the only one who says that.
    Yes, you should act mature as a staff, but not to the extent that it changes you. I would rather be demoted then lose friends over something as stupid as a staff rank.
    The good staff, are usually not on enough, or are leaving. There's a few on currently, but the number has fallen.
    Minigames. This server has quite the nice selection of minigames. You have the 2 main necessities, otherwise known as Creative & Skyblock. Spleef & Sg are normal server minigames. However, the rest, are all originals.
    Then, why, do people say IJAH copied other server's minigames?
    I've seen people say 'There's oitc here too? That's copied' & 'Build it was on Sky's server first'.
    All minigames are original. Oitc is cod based, and as far as I know, it's the only game like that, that was made as original content. I mean, a server literally copied off oitc, to the extent of even copying the name....
    Build it, that was good when Sky played it. Then, after they saw how popular it was, they copy it and use it for their server.
    Herobrine's chamber. This one, was more or less a good point. I've heard it was copied, but I've heard it was copied as revenge.
    The server itself. This one, isn't bashing the server as much. We basically compared. Hypixel->IJAH. Hypixel is bigger, but imo, more laggier, and more boring.
    Sky & Brotato->IJAH. Sky & Brotato don't even own and help their servers. They play on it and that's it. Apparently they get free hosting from mcpro hosting.
    IJAH->IJAH. Server is owned by two high-schoolers (year 12 or something) who make sure the server runs smoothly in their free time. Unlike Sky & Brotato, the donations go to the server.
    However, it has a lot of faults, as the staff & survival have only progressed slowly.

    That's all I can think of for now. I tried not to make it a negative thread, but sadly it looks that way.
    I'm not attacking anyone, I'm providing my views on the server. The server can only improve if there is opinions being shared.
    So many people have really good opinions on the server, and all you need to do is talk to them.

    So, to end this off.
    Normal people:
    What is your opinion on the current staff and their maturity?
    Higher staff:
    Why is Helper so op? Why not make it two commands only?
    Why not just tell Treepid everything? Get him in a private channel, and explain everything. It may make you guys look bad, but it gets him out the way. If he's annoying you as much as you put it out to be, that is.
  2. Auxilium

    Auxilium Former Mod+ Donator

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    I actually think the server is better? I mean sure there are a few issues but it's not that bad >.>
  3. _Magical

    _Magical Pokémon trainer

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    Well back in the day, we didnt care about what was really wrong. We just enjoyed what we had with the server. Then new generation of players entered the community who were all picky and dramatic, etc. I do think now the server is getting better. It's important to move on from the past and try to make everyone feel good, including staff and owners for what they have made. You guys should be grateful for what the owners have done. All the work, time and trouble they have gone into to make a fabulous server. Here is a toast to Jerry and Harry :D . All I can say is, you arent going to move on in life and use your time wisely if you are sitting here being jealous, offended, scared, etc etc. Take your time on this server to gain skills and make a great community for everyone. If I wasnt helped by the staff and my friends I made on the server, I wouldnt have such great confidence and good social skills. In saying this, I have been on this server for just over a year and one month and havent stopped liking it.

    Thank ya guys :D
    Deleted, DWG and RocWolfe like this.
  4. ItsMira


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    Call me when this drama is finally over. Seems to me that its just being brought up again (and again) when we can just move on. We have gotten all the answeres we need to understand what happened.

    I'm done bye ._.
  5. MisfittedCow

    MisfittedCow X

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    So where do I begin..
    Beginning with the depression fest. It's the internet for god's sakes. You don't even know these people in real like. Come back when you actually know them irl, thanks.

    Yes, I will agree when someone becomes staff they change. A lot.
    It's normal. Why? People who change when they become staff are more likely to do a better job. Take me for example. I've been told multiple times that before I became staff, I was more fun. I talked more with my friends. After I became staff, I became serious, not fun and I began ignoring people. Now some of this may be personality issues but it's also the fact that I took on a very serious task on the server. How do you expect people to take us seriously if all we do is joke around? Lila may have changed but it may have been because she has good intentions for the server.

    The helper system before was too boring. Basically, all you did was answer questions all day like a walking/talking info board. If you did anything other than that, you were demoted. You couldn't even tell people to stop spamming. So /warn gives them a little bit of lenient power. They don't even have /kick seeing as /warn does the same but in a better way. They get their own chat so WE can communicate with them without scolding them in front of the entire server yet keeping then seperate from higher staff. Getting socialspy? People tend to spam and advertise in /msg so that's not really op..

    Now the favouritism bit. Jerry and Harry trust their staff members to make the right choice in choosing staff. It may seem biased but so far we only have 4 helpers. There will be more chosen. If you want a number, it's about 20 more helpers that will be chosen, not 50. That's waaay too much for all of us to handle and we definitely don't need that many.

    Now onto Treepid. SO MUCH has been going on with Treepid. Yes, he's done his fair share of spreading his problems onto the server and I feel like Jerry and Harry did the right thing to ban him. Why? He's much better off not worrying about this. He can't come back even if he wanted to. They tried telling him nicely, they really did, but he kept pushing it. I can assure you he's perfectly fine right now. So please stop stressing about Treepid. He doesn't need this and you guys definitely don't need him.

    Now most of what you said here (A.K.A. "the good stuff" I assume) is pretty true.
    I'll mostly just mention the favouritism and staff stuff.

    Now favouritism.. *sigh*
    I myself tend to lean myself away from favouriting a side. I don't know how well I'm doing (if anyone could tell me that'd be great so I could fix it if I'm doing anyting wrong _-_), but I have seen staff choose favourites before and It's not allowed. No matter who it is, you treat one person the same as you would another in a situation.

    Being staff and mature.
    If you do end up being staff, you don't have to turn into a boring stick in the mud, yeah. Some of us staff are still young, we like to have fun.. but to a certain extent. I myself try to stay proffesional yet still try to have fun with my friends. If someone needs my help, I may leave friends to go tend to moderator duties but I'll always try to come back. Remember, mod duties usually come first so of course it changes. You can't just frolic around in the field with friends and do whatever your heart desires anymore really. I guess it's something people can only understand once they're put in the position.

    Uhh.. I think that's all I have to say.
    Right. Final answer to your ending off question.

    Q: Why is Helper so op?
    A: It really isn't those are really just the necessities.
    Codythekid, FlamingIce, Kimme and 6 others like this.
  6. Audrey_Is_Here

    Audrey_Is_Here o7 ❤︎

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    Idk...this makes me think.
    First of all, Thank you Map, for making this thread,
    and Thank you xMisfit, for giving that reply.
    I don't really have much to say, just that I kinda like the fact that this is being discussed (again, I know).
    Like I just said, It has been discussed before, yes, but I feel as if this thread, and the reply, has made it much more clear.
    Just, thank you, both.
    RocWolfe and KokichiOma like this.
  7. RocWolfe

    RocWolfe Roc | A Shot in the Dark Donator

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    PoisonedShadows | LivingOnAPrayer
    thanks for saying this and thank goodness those 3 mods agree! :D in this whole drama i have been doing my best to stay neutral, and its getting tougher and tougher these days, but someone needed to say this! thanks mappeh! :D
    KokichiOma likes this.
  8. RocWolfe

    RocWolfe Roc | A Shot in the Dark Donator

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    PoisonedShadows | LivingOnAPrayer
    thank you misfit, by writing this reply, everything is more clear and easier to understand!
    Mira, Im starting to get to this point myself

    Magical, i agree with what ya said here, ive been on the server since nearly the beginning and ive watched the server grow, so what you said is true. :D


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    Thanks for giving me a much clearer understanding and now I know what has been going on. Although I find the title misleading as 95% is fairly negative but that is just my point of view.
  10. KokichiOma

    KokichiOma Ultimate Supreme Leader Donator

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    Unprepossessing (MappyTurtle)
    There was another thread called The server is getting better.
    Note that mine has ' ' , therefore rendering it sarcastic.
  11. Fluttershy's Assassin

    Fluttershy's Assassin

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    Guys, let me tell you this: Being a staff member is not as fun as people think. I know that from experience. That's why I don't understand why ppl want it so bad.

    Being staff gives you authority, not respect. Having authority makes it harder to gain respect.

    And in the end, isn't that what we all want? To be respected, popular, honored, right? I mean, popular, I can understand, but respected and honored, who wouldn't want to be respected? That's what this community is based on!

    And now to the Treepid situation, this should sum it up:

    Remember, they are Juniors and Seniors of Highschool, doing things many of us can't at that age.
  12. Yomc

    Yomc ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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    I think it's hilarious how I was actually just talking about this with three people the other day, one of which replied to this thread :3
    I'm not going to go into detail about it here, because there is so much to discuss that I can't say it all in a single post.
    You want to discuss it with me, then my Skype is yomc02, contact me there.
    Other than that I'll admit that you brought up a few relatively good points (though I myself don't know much about the Treepid thing in general).
  13. KokichiOma

    KokichiOma Ultimate Supreme Leader Donator

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    Unprepossessing (MappyTurtle)
    As it is late for me, I shall Skype tomorrow.
    It'll be interesting, as you are one of the few people I would love to discuss this with.


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    ohohohoh i see... This is the first time I have not understood some form of sarcasm omg
    KokichiOma likes this.
  15. ItsMira


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    Popularity is something u can earn your way up to. The staff rank doesnt give you any, honestly. Just think about it :p
    Fluttershy's Assassin likes this.

    LANSONK Harem King

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    Hypixel is probably 100 times better and more organised than J&H, IMO.

    Sadly they don't have common mini games such as skyblock.
  17. ItsMira


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    You cant compare j&h server with Hypixel.... Why would you do that? This is a youtuber server, where fans play. It just grew and became a minigame server also.

    Hypixel get around 11k people online 24/7, and is WAY to different from J&h.. why would you even compare them/bring the server name up?
    Codythekid and FlamingIce like this.

    LANSONK Harem King

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    Hmm did you read the whole thread? The guy who posted this compared this server to hypixel first. And hypixel is a YouTuber as well :)

    I did play survival for a bit on MVP+ land. It lacks commands and have have no general shop or things like that. Kind of like mindcrack or single play with griefers....but all other mini games on hypixel are awesome.
  19. LaurentYuri

    LaurentYuri Please check information for contact details

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    What is your opinion on the current staff and their maturity?

    The current staff, including Helper, is already ok for me. The helpers are still in that phase of adjustment. Those who fail to adjust in a fixed amount of time do not get to stay very long. About their maturity, they’re trusted. They are sufficient.
    If they cannot be trusted, a simple type and click can demote them. If they really are mature, they WILL understand the reason of demotion and get on with life, have some quality time with friends. No one ever said that being demoted is a very disgraceful act. However, if they do not have any problems about it, that they are shameless about it, they are mature enough.
    The maturity of a staff member is measured by how he truly sees the world and how he thinks. Their maturity can get better once trained, since they know what to properly do on a certain situation. Maturity is also the willingness to guide immature people.

    My thoughts, I feel the need to share. You say that opinions need to be shared, so, here it is. I do not have Skype, nor plan on having one until I graduate college.

    Lila may have been not the previous Lila because, first of all, being a staff member is extremely demanding. You have to stay in the right state of mind and have the right judgment. In your example, she only says “hi”, “wb”, and “bai”, it may be because of her staff rank. At first, a person is overjoyed for it, but soon, they’ll realize how burdened they are with an obligation and responsibility. All leaders and service people will go through that phase, and soon they’ll figure out how to do it J

    Staff getting to have their say on choosing… if there was even favoritism, the promoted person would either do badly on duty; therefore, they will resort to being sycophant. There would only be two possibilities after that, either the higher ranking person will have the person demoted, or the high ranking person will actually fall for it. If he does fall for it, someday, it will be noticed by members, or even other people of the same rank. Either way, someone is going to get demoted if they exhibit favoritism. I’m not worrying over it. There are observant people in the forums. Some are quick to analyze what’s actually happening. A handful is brave enough to post.

    About the state of the server minigames getting ripped off. JH may have been hurt that their minigames were ripped off by Sky, but what can they do? They only have almost 1M subs and Sky has 9M. There is a 8M+ difference. A force of large numbers can defeat a force of smaller ones. There would be 9M fanboys telling us off, just a meager 900k, that Sky made the original. But a group of brains can defeat an entire army of idiots (I am sorry for the word). However, we can’t have that. So the only way to get through is stick to it and wait for the right time to strike, don’t use 100% of your power.

    The server does have a lot of faults, but I try to focus on the bright side of things instead of the bad one, because it will only make me angry. If some still believe that Survival is not coming soon, I’m one of those guys who just think “oh it’s going to come anytime, I’m going to stay until I see it open”. I do admit it had been pretty slow, but I expended my patience on it. I have put almost all of my string on it, and it’s pretty long, actually. I’ve still had a lot left. I’m not going to cut the string very short and let the spark ignite the bomb, now wouldn’t I? I wouldn’t just throw my effort into waste. Just a recycle bin.

  20. Radii

    Radii Donator

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    Please try not to double post, just edit your first message.
    Yes, I get that you agree with them, but a simple like to their comment can mean the same thing.

    Anyways, I have my opinions about what you just posted also, Map, but I think it'd be better if I didn't share as many people who commented above me have the same opinion as I do.

    EDIT: If you really want me to tell you what I felt about this, Map, Skype me later.
    RocWolfe and Animoes like this.
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