An Open Letter to ItsJerryAndHarry of 2017

Discussion in 'Server Discussion' started by MC_Scout, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    Dear ItsJerryAndHarry community of 2017:

    It’s been another year on this server, and so many things have changed. I would've never thought one year ago that I would be a mod+ on this server. One year ago I would've thought a lot of things would not happen, but they did. This year has been very good to me, and last year, it has taught me some very valuable lessons. Like the letter before this one, I have a few things I would like to say, all things I believe that will benefit this community.

    Let us start by looking back on 2015. For me 2015 was a year that I missed a lot of things I had told myself I would do. For one thing I missed making the staff team. I had discussed in length why that might of been the case in my last letter, but I also missed multiple opportunities in real life.

    To briefly summarize I quit Boy Scouts in 2015 after realizing that I would never make Eagle, due to my laziness, and disenchantment with boy scouts as an etitrity. My lazyness also showed when I was removed from Silver Cord, a school group that volunteers in the community in exchange for being able to wear a Silver cord when you graduate, and it looks REALLY good on scholarships. I also was denied entry into National Honor Society. And lastly I missed a 4.0 GPA my second semester as a sophomore because of a few missed points that I thought were not that big of a deal. On top of that College was slowly approaching and I was clueless on what to do. All of this was frustrating because I still had good grades, and I worked hard in school. However I saw very little return on my work,

    With 2016 approaching I knew I needed to work harder, and be more disciplined. I was told that opportunities would present themselves, but I would have to work hard. This was true form the beginning. Shortly after 2016 started second semester in school began, and I took my first AP class, AP Computer Science A. This class, statistically, is one of the hardest classes that the College Board offers. The class was unbelievably challenging. Not only was I learning how to code, but the theory behind it. The quizzes were brutal, the tests were brutal, and the Exam was brutal. My 4 week benchmark had me failing the class with a low 50%. However I worked hard. I did every project our instructor gave us. I studied the text book, and traced through a lot of code. I also had to teach myself an entire new language as the final project. After all the hard work I was able to finish that class with a 80% which goes in as 90% for my highschool because it was a college course.

    In that same semester I was able to make it to a 4.0 GPA, despite having hands down my hardest semester of college, including both semesters I have this year. I also was inducted into national honor society.

    But the best thing that came out of my hard work was the internship I got. Our school as a class where you get high school and college credit. It involves a bit of classroom work, and a large amount of time spent at a job, in which you work as an intern like job. I was able to get a job at a financial firm, and added to the Java team. In addition I am making double what I made at McDonalds, which allowed me to quit there.

    That internship has been an amazing experience, the people I work with are fantastic, and the experience and knowledge I am gaining will put me way ahead when I head off to college next year.

    “But Scout, what does this have to do with us? It seems that you are just telling us how great you are.” Settle down. The point I’m trying to make is that I was able to get a lot going for me with a lot of hard work. None of this would of been possible if it was not for my hardwork and motivation.

    And one year ago I would've never thought this was going to happen. I never thought I would get a great internship, I never thought I would have a college picked out, and I doubted ever making the staff team. All of this happened because of my hard work, my motivation, and my resiliency.

    See the point is this: I was able to take my disappointment from 2015 and light a fire under my ass. I worked harder, pushed myself further, and it does pay off.

    Many of you can act like you are down and out on yourself, that you are not meeting your standards of what you want yourself to be. You might even get frustrated. For some you shut down, And that’s your error. You get disappointed, but don’t rebound.

    There is nothing wrong with being harsh on yourself, as long as it is in moderation. There is an issue with not doing something about it. You see a problem with your self address it. Work at, give it time and you will see results. Don’t make excuses.

    That brings me to my other point: Excuses.

    I remember constantly trying to pin my problems on other issues. I think I see that here too. Lots of people in this world find someone else to blame for their situation. We try to give ourselves a pass on something. When is reality we know we could've done something to make the situation better. Yes in some situations maybe something is out of your control. Something like a death is almost never something you can take responsibility for. But in a lot of cases involving you being frustrated at how life it going, you probably could've of done something better. The moment you realize what this is when you can rebound and work towards changing your tune.

    One of the things that I learned is that you can’t control anything but yourself. You can’t control how people think of you, though you can influence that. You can’t control what life throws at you, you can only control your actions.

    One example I can give you is that I have both a disability that affects my vision, and a disability that makes it hard to socialize normally, and harder to focus in school. For a long time I let that be my crutch. “I can’t do it because of what I have”. Then I eventually learned that I can beat this disability, I can be better then it. I can be stronger and more resilient because of what I have to do. Somethings come easier to other people my age, I have had to work harder. While it was hard at first the payoff became very apparent when it came down to classes that required a high level of motivation.

    The point is that a disability can be seen as an obstacle, something that if you can learn how to overcome makes you much stronger than other people who did not have to go through that.

    That is my challenge to you:

    When things don’t go your way, or you find yourself disapointed, recover from it. Take responsibility. Take control of your life. Don’t make excuses. Imagine yourself a year from now thing “Wow, that was one hell of a year”.

    Maybe 2016 was a terrible year for some of you. But that year is over. Take the lessons you learned and make yourself better then you have ever been before. Don’t give yourself a pass on things. People don't have an excuse for success, only failure. Don’t give up in what you want. Work harder, put in the effort. Even if you fail you still gain experience.

    Will it be easy? No. A challenge is not meant to be easy, it is going to put you out of your comfort zone. If you never leave your comfort zone, you will never challenge yourself.

    2016 was an overall a great year for me. However it could not of been done without the frustrations of the year before, or the hard work I have put in.

    2017 Will be a big year. I graduate highschool, then head off to college. Lot’s of things will change, but with what I have learned over the past two years, I look forward to this challenge.

    Thank you to everyone that read through this, and I wish you the best of luck in 2017.


    Joeyy, Jit, Witha and 38 others like this.
  2. rosellavio

    rosellavio Donator

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    Good luck!
    Aiqw and tence3000 like this.
  3. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    Thanks. I'm looking forward to what comes ahead.
    Aiqw and tence3000 like this.
  4. xNixemityX

    xNixemityX Nixemity

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    uhh yea gl
  5. Supahhhhh

    Supahhhhh Just a Savage Bro Donator

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  6. xNixemityX

    xNixemityX Nixemity

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  7. Supahhhhh

    Supahhhhh Just a Savage Bro Donator

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    Good luck MC_Scout! I wish good luck to you and if you mess up in life don't just sit their and pout, pick your self up and try again. Good luck bro!
  8. tobiyo254

    tobiyo254 Donator

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    I thought this was a resignation letter for a sec but good luck with your hopes and dreams scout i already gave up mine
  9. Job_

    Job_ Banana Donator

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    Goodluck, Let me tell you one thing: You can do anything with determination and hard work. Hopefully this will be a good year
  10. ShaunPoppy830

    ShaunPoppy830 Used To Be Poppy830 Donator

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    Hey Scout,

    It's been a pretty long year, I feel ya on that one as well. I took some time off (making a thread about that soon), but college is probably one of the hardest things anyone has to go through. I wish you the best of luck, and hope that you can stay somewhat active through your adventures of college :)
    MC_Scout likes this.